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  1. apparently they sent a 21 day letter back in november for him to clear the arrears otherwise the were coming for the car. but for some reason they have never come for it nor have they got a return of goods order yet. its a hp agreement. if they get a return of goods order is it possible for me to apply to the courts to get this stopped do you think to request time to pay thanks
  2. hi i have finally managed to have a discussion with the finance company. basically, they finance agreement ends in 2 weeks time, which is when it all should have been paid up . there is currently £3305.23 outstanding. i am so tempted to put the car in storage until he gets his funds through which should be a matter of weeks .
  3. hi tft at the moment, he has nothing, but saying that in a matter of weeks he stands to get around £60,000 plus for an accident. i have tried to make an arrangement with the finance company however , the wont discuss anythinng with me
  4. hi the agreement is still in the other persons name. although now he wont answer the phone to me ever since he said he would pay it of and then didnt. i dont seem to be getting anywhere at all, as the bank cant speak to me due to confidentiality, he wont answer the phone to me . the only thing i have found out is that it is not at repossession stage yet. but they will be applying for a return of goods order shortly.
  5. hi all i have owned the car for the past 12 months , i am the registered keeper through dvla. a family friends of ours had a bad accident and was no longer able to afford the car, as he was a trusted friend we took over the payments for him took the car. this was in february last year. however over recent months we have found out that he had run up arrears on the account previous to us taking over the payments and the finance agreement has been passed to external debt collectors. i spoke with them earlier on in the week and they confirmed it was not at repossession stage as all the interest had been paid off and now it was just straightforward capital for the car. a few months ago the family friend confirmed he had received a payment from the solicitor and as a gesture of goodwill he was going to pay off the car. however now we find out that he has still not paid off the car. the debt collectors have basically said now they are going to get a return of goods order. unless i surrender it !! i was wondering if anyone had any advice on how i go about being able to keep this car, i no longer speak to the finance holder as he wont return any of my calls, however i spoke to his solicitor a few weeks ago and he stipulated that they had only ive him a payment as he had told them he was using it to pay off the car. so his solicitor also thinks he has paid it off i need this car for my job and dont have funds to buy another vehicle. any advice really apprecaited.
  6. hiya, i have pm you with the letter that went with the form, also yes we are hoping to have paid £1000 off by the time we get to court
  7. hiya,, gonna have to type it up for u on ere for some reason my computer having a fit !! also we got hearing date for 18th November i just heard from court today thanks will post shortly
  8. sorry no i didnt keep a copy very silly of me i was just in such a mess i wanted to get it sorted , i am in the middle of doing a income and expenditure, form to take with me. i have got to telephone the court tomorrow to find out when it has been listed for. i typed up a small statement which went in with the court forms for the judge to read before he decided whether it was worth a hearing. would u like me to post a copy on here for you
  9. hi ell-en many thanks basically i had put my reasons for falling behind with the payments as above, (which i was advised by the court) and i also stated that i had the receipts etc which i will be taking with me on the hearing day. hope this helps
  10. hi everyone i have had a reply from ell-en on a previous thread from a few months ago and would like her advice again, but please if anyone has any advice it would be much appreciated. i have a suspended possession order on my property, however over recent months problems have arrisen and i have breached the order arranged by the court and have fallen further into. my reasons for further arrears are we have had to fund private family court proceedings, to which we have now had to cancel our solicitor and are having to go it alone. my partner has been having problems with his wages from work, and also we have had to have repairs done on his work vehicle in order for him to carry on working. i have receipts and bills etc for all of these in order to prove that my reasons are genuine. i have now gone back to work myself in order to prove that should my partners wages be messed arund i can pay the moertgage with my own wages. i have lodged an application at court to chage the terms of the suspended possession under the norgan ruling , i have also sent in my working out to the court of how many months i have left on my mortgage and worked it out under the norgan ruling. however today my mortgage co have rang me stating that they are going to ask the judge to award an outright possession order unless i pay them 760 per month, which is just totally un-affordable i am really terrified now as to what is goin to happen. has anyone had any luck under the norgan ruling, any advice would be appreciated many thanks in advance
  11. ok thank you ell i was just really worried about it all i am due to make my payment weekly now !! so hopefully things should pick up soon.
  12. Hi ell-enn I have just spoke to my local court and was wondering if i could take you up on your offer of help for the N244 form please Basically i want my arrears adding to my loan term due to the fact that i am currently having to pay for private proceedings. then i can just pick up my normal monthly installment. also do you think there could be a possibility that the judge would remove the suspended possession order that i currently have!!
  13. hi everyone i have just had confirmation from stephensons solicitors that my mortgage is not regulated so what does this mean for me now?
  14. hi ellen thanks for the reply i ring ge money at least once a month just to make sure that that they haven't applied for an eviction date as i am that worried. i already have the suspended order which they have said in now enforceable so now i am extra worried hence my reason for keep ringing. i took a N244 ( applying for a time order) form to court the other week so that i could ask the judge to allow my arrears to be added to the learn term, but when i got there i was told by the lady whom i spoke to that my form could not be registered as mortgages were not registered under the CCA (strange i thought) so i got rid of the form and never thought about questioning this!! i asked GE Money to add my arreras to the loan term they said NO straight away without listening to my reasons why. i also asked for a payment break and again i was told NO. do you think i would be able to ask them to re-open the case and if so what are my chances.
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