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head out of the sand

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  1. Thanks Ripped off, makes us feel a whole lot better. Any chance you could give a bit of detail around your experience with the receiver as we have a private rented place, although from a family friend so a bit cheaper and not sure how this would look. Thanks for any time spent.
  2. Hi all, Have posted on a few of the other sections and had some helpful advice although could really do with some more here please. Situation is as follows : Had an unexpected baby in August 2008 (thought I could not have kids as per doctors advice previously) after partner left a well paid job in March through his own accord, but after irreconcilable differences with bosses. I stopped work and got made redundant whilst on maternity (Oct 09). Partner could not get any state benefits as he left his job voluntarily. We were refused working family tax credits as he earnt too much in the 08-09 tax year. We then missed lots of mortgage payments and run up unsecured credit robbing peter to pay Paul. We staved off repossession in December and January and rebalanced the agreements we owed the companies, although now we are on the bread line and never going to be clear. I am working around looking after the baby - £500 a month earnings max and partner is earning here and where he can as finiding a permanent job has been tough. Property worth - £180k Mortgage of £100k and secured loan of £100k so £20k secured shortfall. Unsecured debt of around £50k at varying stages of CCJ's etc. so credit is hugely impaired already. We are expected to leave our home one way or another and we have a potential place we could rent from a friend in the short term, privately this would save us thousands per month due to the credit charges... We are hugely embarrassed by the whole situation and would die if friends/family were to ever find out but are there any other considerations we have not thought of. We have no savings or luxurious assets. We realise that we cannot run our own company. Wages we receive will pretty much cover living expenses and that is it. Any advice is gratefully received.
  3. Sorry all, bit too poor to have a scanner at mo. Can I take a picture and download it in some sort of way ??
  4. Thanks so much for your time, on a Sunday no less. Getting this done now and will get sent out on Monday, just re-hacked my letter from the template so will include calculations at the actual APR for now. Thanks again.
  5. Sorry to re-submit, really wanted to nail this to start the new week afresh.. Any help would be great..
  6. Hi all, Just received my CCA request back from HSBC, still fairly new at all this but had some brilliant advice on other threads and I think I am a quick learner... Unsure how to scan on and withold personal information - any ideas ? have read another thread where I think they used photobucket ??? They have sent me loads of terms and conditions and a current statement and notice of variation. The important document appears to be the original credit agreement (?) which is a 2 page document. On the first page we have my signature and dated the 8.6.06 and only the repayment insurance details, direct debit details and balance transfer details. The signature on behalf of HSBC is not there, just scrawled in text half way up the page, dated 4 days later. The second page, although I only remember one page at the time has all of the interst repayments, charges, rates etc. Noticably the two items in differenty looking type font are the credit limit, randomly at the top of the page and the APR, randomly in the middle. Interstingly I know for a fact I had no idea of credit limit as I had an argument with them at the time. I pre filled my balance transfer at £1500 to another card and then when my limit was set at exactly this, they charged me for going over with ther balance transfer fee added. Would love some help dealing with this Thanks in advance..
  7. To be honest I was thinking the same. Would rather deal with it all together and if that means court, and I would rather it did not but so be it. In your opinion would you tell Sechari... that I am happy to go to court on the basis that under the off set precident I am owed ... also ?? I cannot start the unfair charges as have only received my loan information from the SAR. Only got this couple of days ago and tried to figure out the calculator so would be very interested in your letter if you have a template or link to your thread ?? - I can then get the letter out today. Thanks again..
  8. Hi all, Thought I would update you all. Unbelievably Lloyds have already sent the loan information from the SAR and my alledged PPI mis sales equate to £13k including the interest - I have had some great support from my PPI chain. Predictably I am on my 12 + 2 today and have received no signed agreement from my CCA - I am therefore going to put the credit card into dispute. On the bank account front, Sechari etc. etc. (Lloyds henchmen) have written another letter saying they are willing to re-negotiate before court now and have offered me a 6 month prove you are a good boy contract wanting £130 per month vs my 7.5k ish debt. Should I still brave it out and wait for the court to plead the off set case (as havingastella previous thread) or start to pay them ??? I have not received my account charges although would expect this to be in the £10k territory across all of my old Lloyds accounts. Thanks for your time.
  9. Many thanks for your straightforward advice, very helpful. Am still awaiting statements for a very old third account so prob going to stick with seperately from an ease point of view. Especially given the trouble I have had with the calculations so far. Sorry another question ... My loan started in May 02 and the lump sum PPI added was 3,249.72. Using a calc from here and yesterdays date gave me an amount owing of £4937.02, based on my APR of 10.43% per annum. Should I use 10.43% or 8% which is referred to a bit on here ? Also Should I send the standard templated letter to Lloyds explaining why I was mis sold policy and asking for it back ? I think this is the first step ?? Thanks again for all of your help - it is greatly appreciated.
  10. Hi all, Am getting some great help on this forum for my mortgage and credit card help so now going to attempt to start the PPI ball rolling. I took 3 loans with Lloyds over a 6 month period all with PPI back in 2001/02. I have today received the paperwork and am going to begin the process. Going to have a detailed look through other posts now and try and master the calculators. My question at the moment is should I do each 1 individually, or lump them in together ?? Many thanks
  11. Hi all, I know its a busy time here, I have posted the CCA to Virgin standard credit card address and will keep you all updated.
  12. Thanks Jogs, I fully understand everything, aside from whether I should put the credit card into dispute, until we resolve the CCA issue OR let them issue papers on that also - as I think they will issue seperately. Sorry to be a pain just want to have all of my information to hand. Thanks again
  13. JOgs - top effort, thanks so much.. To recap Lloyds probably owe me about £5-10k more than I owe them but I would happily off set and can talk this through and document when we get near court as have already done the SAR ? In opinions only would you suggest that I continue down the CCA route and put the credit card as in dispute ? If no reply my opinion is I probably will. Thanks for your time and support
  14. Sorry to bump but could really do with some quick help to get these additional letters out asap. Cheers
  15. Hi all, Have had some great help already from Ell-enn however really need some more quick support from those in the know. I have some great letters (Thanks again Ell) and now looking to send this budget planner to make them an offer I genuinely hope we all want to stop this going to court. I am very short of time as days are steaming past so hopefully you will be able to help with my quick questions. 1. What offer should I make to a) Abbey (mortgage) and b) First Plus (Charge) given what I will have left over at the end of Nov (first pay from new job) 2. Are my budgets for things like food, car expenses etc. reasonable from the creditors point of view? 3. Should I keep all of the information visible to each of the two creditors? I have attached as a PDF and old school Excel version(I think) so hope you can read and help. Thanks in advance Budget Sheetold.xls Budget Sheet pdf.pdf
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