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  1. Hi Ell, Have a good week-end, if you haven't left already! Thanks for all your help, you deserve a medal! Steve xx
  2. Hi Ell, Have a good week-end, if you haven't left already! Thanks for all your help, you deserve a medal! Steve xx
  3. Hi Ell-enn, Wow! How fast was I in and out of court yesterday! I think it was around 7 mins in all! Firstly, may i say a big huge thank you for your letter that we submitted to the court in-time for the hearing! Secondly, anyone out there that is going to court for the first repossession order. Don't panic! (Easier said than done i know, and my stomach was doing somersaults prior to going in). In our case, we were hoping that we would be able to spread the costs of 3 missed mortgage payments over a 60 month period and offer this to the judge. When we had turned up, there was a gentleman acting on behalf of the claimant and he had already been instructed to accept our offer. So when we confronted the judge, we basically had to say that both sides were accepting the offer and the judge agreed.! 7 minutes, it was that simple.! In our case, we are not happy regarding the help, support and advice we had received from out mortgage lenders (or should i say lack of) prior to it going to Litigations and to the court. Therefore, we spoke to the duty solicitor after the hearing who is very much in agree-ance with us to complain to the lenders complaints dept directly to try and remove the court costs and litigation fees that have been added onto the mortgage. I will keep you all posted, try not to panic, be calm and i'm sure from our own experience, you'll be fine. Ell-enn, your a star. A big huge, thank you to you and your team. Regards, Steve
  4. Hi Ell-enn, Wow! How fast was I in and out of court yesterday! I think it was around 7 mins in all! Firstly, may i say a big huge thank you for your letter that we submitted to the court in-time for the hearing! Secondly, anyone out there that is going to court for the first repossession order. Don't panic! (Easier said than done i know, and my stomach was doing somersaults prior to going in). In our case, we were hoping that we would be able to spread the costs of 3 missed mortgage payments over a 60 month period and offer this to the judge. When we had turned up, there was a gentleman acting on behalf of the claimant and he had already been instructed to accept our offer. So when we confronted the judge, we basically had to say that both sides were accepting the offer and the judge agreed.! 7 minutes, it was that simple.! In our case, we are not happy regarding the help, support and advice we had received from out mortgage lenders (or should i say lack of) prior to it going to Litigations and to the court. Therefore, we spoke to the duty solicitor after the hearing who is very much in agree-ance with us to complain to the lenders complaints dept directly to try and remove the court costs and litigation fees that have been added onto the mortgage. I will keep you all posted, try not to panic, be calm and i'm sure from our own experience, you'll be fine. Ell-enn, your a star. A big huge, thank you to you and your team. Regards, Steve
  5. Ell-enn, All signed and delivered this morning. Fingers crossed now. Steve
  6. Ell-enn, All signed and delivered this morning. Fingers crossed now. Steve
  7. Dear Ell, Thank you so much for all your time and trouble to help me. I honestly do not know what i would have done without your help. Obviously, i will keep you informed of the outcome. Is there anything i can/or should being doing now in the meantime.? (Apart from hot-footing it down to the courts to hand deliver the forms, of course)! . Thanks again, the form looks great. Steve.
  8. Dear Ell, Thank you so much for all your time and trouble to help me. I honestly do not know what i would have done without your help. Obviously, i will keep you informed of the outcome. Is there anything i can/or should being doing now in the meantime.? (Apart from hot-footing it down to the courts to hand deliver the forms, of course)! . Thanks again, the form looks great. Steve.
  9. Hi Ell-enn, Your going to throttle me i'm sure! It wasn't until last night after reading advice you had offered to others that i realised it had to be returned prior to the court hearing. I don't know why, but i thought i had to fill it all in and take it with me to court.! I'm going to fill it in today and hand deliver it to the courts tomorrow. I'm not sure what to write, but i thought about something like this: - This is what was disclosed for the IVA to be submitted. Due to my finances being in disrepair, due to loans and credit cards I then consolidated in 2007. This then lead to over borrowing and leaving me nothing each per month. After the relationship ended and with the house up for sale and having a buyer being accepted, we decided that not to pay the mortgage while the sale was going through would be the best option for us at the time. (as arrears would be paid after the sale went through). It wasn't until the buyer pulled out at the 11th hour after 2 months that we would be asked for the arrears as the sale didn't go through. We had the arrears put on hold for 3 months as agreed by the lender, but this time expired and went to Litigation without any further reviews (as promised). We took the house off the market as we'd lowered the price just to cover the mortgage amount but no interest from buyers at all. I decided to move back into the property and have maintained all payments on time per month since. What do you think? Regards.
  10. Hi Ell-enn, Your going to throttle me i'm sure! It wasn't until last night after reading advice you had offered to others that i realised it had to be returned prior to the court hearing. I don't know why, but i thought i had to fill it all in and take it with me to court.! I'm going to fill it in today and hand deliver it to the courts tomorrow. I'm not sure what to write, but i thought about something like this: - This is what was disclosed for the IVA to be submitted. Due to my finances being in disrepair, due to loans and credit cards I then consolidated in 2007. This then lead to over borrowing and leaving me nothing each per month. After the relationship ended and with the house up for sale and having a buyer being accepted, we decided that not to pay the mortgage while the sale was going through would be the best option for us at the time. (as arrears would be paid after the sale went through). It wasn't until the buyer pulled out at the 11th hour after 2 months that we would be asked for the arrears as the sale didn't go through. We had the arrears put on hold for 3 months as agreed by the lender, but this time expired and went to Litigation without any further reviews (as promised). We took the house off the market as we'd lowered the price just to cover the mortgage amount but no interest from buyers at all. I decided to move back into the property and have maintained all payments on time per month since. What do you think? Regards.
  11. Hi Ell-enn, The arrears only amount to £1545. The Mortgage was £404.00 per month and now with court costs added to the mortgage payments are £418.00 Having already completed an expenditure form for the IVA. I have a disposable income of £113.00 per month, but this does not include food. But everything else is included. The mortgage is still on both names, mine and my ex. But we are both in the same situation undergoing an IVA with very little to offer for arrears. Would the court consider £50.00 per month (£25.00 from each person) over 32 months? I don't know at this stage if my ex can agree to this though, so i can only offer £25.00 from myself. Should i try and contact Litigations or Abbey to try and request the mortgage to be capitalised at this stage? I wish i'd asked this question to them alot sooner now. Thanks again.
  12. Hi Ell-enn, The arrears only amount to £1545. The Mortgage was £404.00 per month and now with court costs added to the mortgage payments are £418.00 Having already completed an expenditure form for the IVA. I have a disposable income of £113.00 per month, but this does not include food. But everything else is included. The mortgage is still on both names, mine and my ex. But we are both in the same situation undergoing an IVA with very little to offer for arrears. Would the court consider £50.00 per month (£25.00 from each person) over 32 months? I don't know at this stage if my ex can agree to this though, so i can only offer £25.00 from myself. Should i try and contact Litigations or Abbey to try and request the mortgage to be capitalised at this stage? I wish i'd asked this question to them alot sooner now. Thanks again.
  13. Hi Ell-enn, Thanks very much. If this seems unlikely that the judge would allow the mortgage to be capitalised. From your expertise, would there be any other options to save the possession order being made other than additional money per month added to the mortgage to cover arrears? What would be the least amount of money per month they would accept? If i'm tied into an IVA for 5 years, therefore forfitting any equity to myself if the house is sold within this time. If i didn't sell, and stayed in the property would the court consider the arrears to be paid over the 5 years do you think? Again, much appreciated. Stephen
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