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  1. Apologies have just seen the SAR Letter - will use that and also post today -
  2. Thank you for the reply., I have written the letter requesting a copy of the credit agreement and will be posting today with £1 po. I will also write the other asking for copies showing charges etc., Can you let me know what to write for this one? I would really appreciate it. I couldnt believe the attitude from the guy who took my call I offered £50 month and he sad only the full payment would be accepted..
  3. hi there., found this site and wanted some advice - I spoke to these people yesterday on the phone for a debt amounting to £4,000 - This had built up through a credit card i had when circumstances were different/....i offered monthly payments at an amount i could afford - was told only full payment would be taken - asked could i sell anything - did i have a car - could i get a loan - and then told because i couldnt pay the matter would be referred????? Can anyone give me any advice? i can only offer monthly payments - surely that is better than nothing - i really dont know where to go with this -
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