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Everything posted by stupidboy

  1. Who is "he" - if you mean me, you don't know my name so you can;t check it. If you mean one of the others that have been named, then the question displays a woeful ignorance of the whole process. This is the problem with this thread - it is being filled with rubbish by ignorant people. And I mean that kindly.
  2. I think that this is a great site, with some good people on it - it's just not always correct in what they say and this is an area I know about. If you prefer, I'll **** off and leave you all in blissful ignorance. As I have stated before - consumer credit debts must be dealt with by a consumer credit licence holder. Hence the name. Other debts don't, hence the lack of name. This is not nefarious - it is common sense. High Court Enforcement is regulated by the Lord Chancellor - do you prefer a lower authority, 'cos I sure don't know a higher one!?! And who has been rumbled? Stop peering under rocks looking for snakes and scorpions. The bad guys are out there in plain view if you open your eyes.
  3. Obviously not - it was pointed out to me. If you look at my posts you will see that I have a very personal interest in debt and how it is dealt with.
  4. Information being publicly available, and information being deliberately spread about are two different things. Especially when they are put on this site, which is hardly full of contented and happy people.
  5. Well, you've all been so clever looking into the company I assumed that you would know that they enforce High Court Writs as a business. There is nothing wrong in contacting a debtor prior to the Writ being issued to see if they are willing/able to pay. I imagine that if someone is genuinely on the skids, like Murfe, then they won't go to the expense of obtaining the CCJ and transferring it up for enforcement. What would be the point?
  6. I have a number of problems with this post and subsequent ones: You should never post personal details of people - ever - that is just cowardly and shameful. You don't need a Consumer Credit Licence to enforce a High Court Writ - in fact, you don't need a CCL for anything that does not involve...now let's guess...oh, yes - Consumer Credit. You don't need registration with the Office of Fair Trading either, for this type of business. High Court Enforcement is regulated by arcane laws and the High Court Enforcement Officers Association. (Previously known as Sherrif's for Cerberusalert's information.) Some of the information posted is factually incorrect - I know this because I have checked it. I don't know whether either of the two individuals are litigiously minded, but I wouldn't hold your breath for an easy ride on this one - especially given the posts that you have made about them.
  7. My wife is in the same situation, and ppl have just sent an invoice for £400 for her small gift shop. She has paid the prs licence for two years, and now ppl come along and charge her her last year, next year and a fine for not having a licence that she knew nothing about until they rang her. I'm inclined to say "see you in court" and see what they have to sue for - breach of contract? What contract? Any ideas welcomed as we don't have £400 and to be honest, even if we did, why should we pay it? Sb
  8. Thanks for these replies - she has applied for housing benefit and we are hoping that they will clear the arrears and then she can stay in the property. It looks like the eviction process is on hold pending the local council making a decision on the rent. I'll keep you posted. sb
  9. Hi Lea, Yes, I got that the other response was wrong - thanks for confirming. It's an AST, self-contained, 6 month term and renewed. She is a year behind with the rent, paid monthly. Primarily the landlord wants possession, but he also would prefer the arrears, naturally. As far as I know , he is asking for both. I don't think a s.21 notice was signed when she rented the place and the deposit is protected. sb
  10. I'm not sure if this is the right section, so please move it if not. Hi folks, A friend of mine is behind with her rent and the landlord has used a company to try and repossess the house. She is a long way behind and the local council will not re-house her becasue of this. The firm served a Section 8 Notice on her and the timeline has now expired. Anyway, the local council officer dealing has told her that the wrong claim form has been used by this firm and that they have used a form N5B which relates to a section 21 notice and not a form N5 that should be used with a section 8 notice. She says that my friend can have the case struck out because of this. Is it really that simple? Can't the firm just start again with the right form, or even apply to have the case considered whether the correct form was used or not? The local court is shut until Wednesday next week when they will apply to have my friend evicted. Any thoughts before then would be appreciated. sb
  11. It's a link provided in post 140 to MBNA agreements and their faults. sb
  12. Hi DoH, Nope - I have told them that I want a, b, & c by yesterday or I will complain to the SRA - and, wait for it........................they are just ignoring me. I'm waiting until Monday and then I put a complaint in. I think a week is long enough. I'd like to access http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk...lication-Forms but can't get on it - do you know how to? sb
  13. Hi, Yes, I got an assignment notice addressed to me. I can't wait for Monday - sb
  14. The account went backwards and forwards for months and months. Eventually the CCC assigned the debt to CABOT and they are the ones taking me to court. The form on here is all they sent, so yes - but it now appears from comments on here that as an additional car holder I would not have been sent an agreement anyway - my wife is responsible for what I do with the card, and not me. sb
  15. I will if they don't talk sense on Monday - how many other people are getting bad advice like this, I wonder? sb
  16. Hi, The link takes me to a page that says I'm not allowed to look at it - my account doesn't have sufficient priviliges. I made a 31.16 request on my case when I received the papers, and I understand (although they refuse to tell me anything in writing) that my solicitors have also made such a request, unless their one was 31.14. I'm going to ask them again on Monday and then make a complaint to everyone I can think of if they don't tell me. On my wife's card, just to be clear, we have only had DCA's chasing us thus far. sb
  17. I should have made that clearer - her request was in my wife's name with her "signature". I don't recall that any of our CCC's have sent anything valid to us. sb
  18. Hi, At the moment they are basing my case on the lack of a default notice - even though I have no agreement and it now transpires that I cannot have one as I am an additional card holder. I'd like to check out my wife's agreement first (if there is one) because I don't want to win my case on the additional card argument if it is going to make Cabot (or MBNA) look at her situation more closely and then start action against her - and possibly win both cards at the same time - that would be the ultimate disaster! I've requested a copy of her agreement under the CCA so when I get home I'll check the paperwork. I am pretty confident that they have not sent anything. Once I've sorted that out, presumably I can instruct my solicitors to apply to have the case struck out as I am legally unable to be a defendant in the proceedings, and if they refuse I can sack them, despite the CFA. sb
  19. Hi Peter, This is fascinating, and not mentioned by my solicitors so presumably they are unaware of the implications. Does anyone have a copy of an old MBNA application form (with the bottom part for an additional card like mine) that I could take a look at? If her agreement is valid (which I doubt) then I think I'll keep quiet about this and hope to win on other grounds. If her agreement is not valid, then I can get my case struck out and then see whether they try again having already lost. Nice one! sb
  20. The only writing on it that is mine would be the signature. My wife filled everything else in as she filled in the main form for her card. She filled in the telephone numbers, my mothers maiden name, DoB, income, employee, ticked m/card, ticked credit limit and dated it. sb
  21. Sorry folks, The pdf of the application form is hidden at the top of post 119. There is nothing else. If there is, they are not disclosing it. sb
  22. Hi PB, If I had an agreement, or they argue that I had one (even though they can't produce it) I could get this case stuck out on the basis that I am not responsible for my use of the card............................ then I get divorced :smile: sb
  23. MBNA Additional card.pdf Hi, - there are none, ot least, none that I am aware of. There are T&C's in stuff they have sent me and the solicitors but there is no "agreement" other than the attached pdf. Why pdf, by the way? sb
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