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  1. We should put together a little kit containing: A pair of scissors. A Needle and Thread. Some WonderWeb. A small bag made from fireblanket. A sew on zip with small padlock. And call it the 'Money Matress Deluxe Kit'. Then your money will be safe! That link reiterates pretty much what I and a few others said earlier this afternoon, the indication of other routes.. with effectively the same outcome, but potentially without the long long wait!
  2. But surely if they already paid you back some money they have admitted something was amiss in a roundabout way.. it's all twisted isn't it.
  3. Remember the Fuel blockade of a few years back, that drove home the public feeling of fuel prices. Nicely topical. However for banking needs, what can be done to bring about a similar effect?
  4. Media help in our favour would help that tremendously. Where does one find that sort of cooperation? The Sun, Daily Mail?
  5. Pitchforks, torches and Pikes it is then!
  6. Courtesy of the unique way the BBC is funded! Does the government have any bearing on how the BBC operates I wonder?
  7. If you read my earlier posts from this morning you'll notice I already said about the corruption part.... I'm not defending the ruling, lords or the banks, I am merely saying, deep in there somewhere is some hint at our next move.. and it was given to us (perhaps unwittingly) by the Lords themselves. They gave away that we and the OFT should perhaps try a different route. And I'm sure that's what the OFT et al will be doing too.
  8. This is merely all I am suggesting too..
  9. I think maybe spend a bit of time reassessing your own thoughts. That was my first thoughts, but I thought about it for a while, maybe it was maybe it wasn't, but I wasn't there so can't reliably comment on that. If you look at it in anyway other than doom and gloom, you can see some possibility that this might be a blessing in disguise. After all, all is not lost now. Well you're entitled to your opinion. In all honestly, I would love, absolutely love to see the banks pay. It would be no less than they deserve. they made my life a misery only 6 years ago, treat others as you would have others treat you.. go stomp all over them!
  10. I am definately not a shill, I have no relation to either party in this mornings doings. Well whatever path you were on, it turns out was the wrong path. You might like to think you were on the right path, but the OFT made a mistake, and they were told this. The Lords have clarified this, and no matter how bitter you might feel about it you do now know this and can start to find the alternate paths. You can be bitter if you like, but you'll be getting nowhere. As for being daft, I don't think it is. It's merely a look at the deeper outcome of what has happened today. Some people will only ever look for the dark side.. Another user in the iggy bin..
  11. Well I changed my tune from this morning, I was of the angry opinion this morning afer listening to the news on TV, but then of course they would be sensationialising it for TV. Once I'd read a little further into it I saw that this might be a blessing in a not so big disguise. The important thing is to not let the Banks make you think they won anything, they did not not a thing, the Lords basically sent us the message "Stop! you're wandering down the wrong path, the path you want is over there..." Soo, make sure that you let the banks know you're still on top, and that now they're really in trouble.. if they laugh at you, you know they giving one of those nervous defeated laughs and you can smile broadly. They will be tremendously nervous now they know the stays are lifted... they know the really hard bit is about to come, and it is imperitive that it is made to be as uncomfortable for them as possible, for they deserve no dignity.
  12. Well as the banks themselves have almost admitted guilt/malpractice in the refunds they have already given, and now the stays are lifted, shouldn't this at least in theory make it easier? If so the floodgates are open!
  13. In a funny way the courts did something good.. They did the 'right' thing perhaps in their ruling as it keeps things clean. As said they only judges on the OFT and it's limitations not the fairness of the charges. The Lords said this, but then said the OFT might be able to pursue this in 'other' avenues, to me this sounds like a little wink to the public and the OFT. Kind of like 'You can't get where you want to go using this route... but if you were to go another route.. nudge nudge wink wink..' Soooo, the stays are lifted and we're now looking at other directions on the advice of the Lords.. so parhaps not so bad after all..?
  14. Yahoo news had something to say about it too: Banks Win Court Battle On Overdraft Charges - Yahoo! Finance
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