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Everything posted by clemma

  1. They can follow it up later if need be. Chances are they would have been too busy with the shout they were on to take note of every car speeding at the time. It's easier for them to pull you over (to determine who is driving) or radio ahead to another car who can pull you over. Not saying they won't get a Notice of Intended Prosecution (NIP) through the post, and they have 14 days to do so (if I remember correctly), but I personally wouldn't worry myself silly over it. At the end of the day, if they are unlucky enough to get a NIP through the door...well that's what happens when you speed
  2. Even if you paid the default off, the default marker won't be removed. It will mark the debt as settled though. Honestly? Having poor credit loans, 3 poor credit credit cards plus your catalogues is already too much. Mainstream lenders won't give you credit whilst you have all that. I'd cut it down to your Barclaycard and maybe one other and also two catalogues. Once those loans are repaid your file should improve.
  3. That's a lot of credit to be honest. Like I say, too much is also bad even with green markers. If you don't use one or two of the catalogues I'd be inclined to close them. Maybe the card with the highest APR too. Reduce your overall available credit down and that will help. It takes time though, unfortunately. A credit file can be ruined in 6 months but can take years to repair.
  4. It may improve slightly. Having too much credit is almost as bad as having none at all. It depends on whether you're at your limit on your cards - the recommendation to improve credit is to only ever use around 25% of your available credit. You'll probably find it'll improve when the loans you have are either nearly paid off or fully paid and your cards all have plenty of credit available. Just keep paying as you are, pay more if your able. It's truly a game of wait and see.
  5. Debt collectors don't add fees. They are just collecting on behalf of the creditor. Even if they eventually bought the debt they wouldn't add fees. The only time fees get added is if they go for a ccj which is many,many months away IF you don't pay anything.
  6. You can pay them however you want. They want card or direct debit so they can be in control of payments. As for them passing it on to a dca, they may well do so. But then pay the dca the same amount by standing order. Set up a standing order and then let them know by email when and how much they should expect. Contact your bank asap about the £200 as it was an unauthorised transaction.
  7. In the letter they have sent today they are trying to insinuate they have recently purchased the account. However, I have a trail of paperwork and emails that say otherwise. Not sure what they are playing at. 3 separate credit reports all mark it as closed, satisfied and zero balance and that was done, by Lowell, on the 18th February this year.
  8. It was taken at on old address but they have our address. Received a letter from them today chasing payment, which is about the 5th one since we moved here a few years ago.
  9. An old Provident loan. I'd love to tell them to disappear but you're right, it's probably best to ignore It's not impacting his credit file They're just an annoyance though.
  10. It had until February 2019 before statute barring would have kicked in I hadn't even written to them about the live account ��* Why...Why has it put that sign in my post?? Ignore it.. Sorry...It's marked as satisfied. Not settled.
  11. Am wondering how to go about this. My partner had 2 debts with Lowell. One was statute barred and, after informing them as such, they closed the wrong account! There is no rhyme or reason for it as it still had about 12 months before it too became statute barred. As such, the account is showing on his credit report as a closed account, zero balance and marked settled. Yet they still call and have now sent a letter. The account that was statute barred didn't appear on his file anyway so I haven't muddled the accounts up �� So, best response to this would be appreciated �� Thank you.
  12. 50 hours 24 minutes to be precise so will probably be rounded up to 51 hours.
  13. 11.2 days per year (or 50 something hours). That can include bank holidays.
  14. Can you check on Noddle or some such credit check site to see what the date of default was. That'll give some indication as to last payment. This might...might...be statute barred.
  15. I'll get them sent off tomorrow. The NoA didn't even come on Capquest's copied OC's letterhead. Just their own. Nothing at all to show that Shop Direct have anything to do with it other than their say so. That's why I originally posted as I thought it odd. But hey ho. Will see what they both send back. Thank you
  16. Defaulted February this year, took it out Jan 2014. There are £12 fees on the last 3 statements I got from them. Balance on the last statement is £536. That's also the default amount. Capquest say £650 is owed. SD wouldn't accept any payment plan unless I paid over and above the interest which I couldn't afford. I'm pretty confident Capquest will take whatever I offer them . But I'm miffed about this £114 extra and no NoA from the OC. I really thought Shop Direct were supposed to send one. Shows how much I've fallen behind on my DCA'S stuff!
  17. I have the last 6 statements from Shop Direct...will I need more? Credit file says Capquest and was updated 7th September (they informed me today, letter dated 1st Oct). It's also defaulted yet I know for a fact I did not receive a default notice! £114 has also been added to the default amount.
  18. Thank you. I only ever write to DCA's. Never had the pleasure of Crapquest before :/
  19. Ah, OK. I always thought the OC had to send notice too. Must have changed over the years
  20. I'm not sure if rules have changed or not but Capquest have sent me a letter informing me that "ownership of your account has now been transferred to Capquest". I'm assuming by ownership, they have purchased the account. I have received nothing from the original creditor (Shop Direct). I was always under the impression that if a debt was sold the OC should send a notice of assignment. What should my next step be? I don't dispute I owe the money and it's no where near statute barred, but I don't understand why I should pay Capquest anything when I've had nothing from the OC. Any help would be appreciated. OK, so I've read their Data Protection Act notice they sent with the letter and they have definitely purchased the account.
  21. Still no answer from Vodafone. Have sent another email ref [#12112611]
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