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Everything posted by zamtaff

  1. I have two mortgages coming to and end in April 2013 and both have never been in default with a missed payment. I have written to Messers Topaz Finance plc and Ameber Homeloans by ecorded mail that both propertiteis are in negative equity and to sell them will leave me with owning them money i do not have. Both Companies have come back and stated that they will be exercising the natural redemption on the appropriated date. Can some one please point me in the direction I should be going I used treating the customer fairly it falls on deaf ears
  2. Last April Nationwide gave up and entered a Tomplin Order, which i would not report them to OFT or FSA and they would remove all the adverse entries on my Credit File. In November i sopke with Eversheds and backe it up in writing. I had a very polite letter saying Nationwide would action the removal but would take a fewmonths. Well we are now in August and its still not removed. Eversheds tell that Nationwide do not know how to remove the entires on my file !!!!! I have writtern them a letter I might as weel talk to the man in the moon. Can anyone please advise, also i want to challenge them on PPI as when i went to make a claim Cardiff Pinnicale told me there did not have any record of me nor have they received anu premuims, Then CP sent me a letter in another surname which is not mine
  3. ok i will look at it in the next week I have go to Middle East
  4. The court case was discontinue as they could not produce a Credit Agreement and a DN They are saying I owe them money but its £2000 less than the amount claimed in Court I not paying them anything Did you have to sue them or did they just pay up ?
  5. dx100uki did check everything even use the cal spredsheet. Thanks et al as well. happy to help others if I can
  6. Thanks Jowalshy only another 10 to GO !!!!!
  7. I need some advice please. HFC took me to court for a Personal Loan on which I had been paying monthly PPI. On the second time in Court the Judge ripped a new smile on the Barrister, well after that I received a letter from Reston's asking me if I would be happy if they discontinued the case and would i sign and it would be so. I checked first with my friendly solicitor ONLY to ensure the paperwork was not some back door job. It was all ok so I signed and the document was lodged at the Court and no more heard. Time to reclaim the PPI which come to £3,594.49 with the 8% added There return letter is written Without Prejudice and they do not want to answer any specific issues, like i was unemployed at the time the loan was applied for it was done over the phone and I throw in the fine they had from the FSA. The Bottom Line they are happy to give me the £3,594 but the want to offset it against the indebteness of £14 817.97. They are treating this this as a Complaint and giving me options escalate to upper management or the FOS Would like some Strategy advice - Me head tells me to tell them the thier letter cannot be without Prejudice as it already been to court been aired in the public domain ie County Court, which is well documented by me and the judge and Report them to the FSA. The only problem is that the date of the loan was 4th April 2004. But a mis representation is were i believe we are with this
  8. MBNA paid out £666.70 on a credit card PPI using template letter took only one letter and three weeks
  9. ok thanks it will be done tomorrow will post progress
  10. i will but if they come up with some problem its the FSA i go to or OFT ?
  11. OK thanks i go straight to Virgin demand the money back plus the DN is incorrect no 14 days
  12. is there any one can help here
  13. I have had my application to virgin sent to me via Link plus copies of Statements. The application form was signed by me on the 08/03/04 and the PPI is not ticked. the statements clearly show that PPI has been added to my account. were to we go for this one MBNA, FSA or OFT? I can demonstrate at the time of signing i was self employed
  14. not yet i will have to wait till monday
  15. Ok thanks I will do that straight away
  16. i am not sure I will ask a solicitor friend of mine
  17. yesterday 23 Dec 09 I got a letter from Arrow. They have send me 1 Copy Agreement 2 Terms and Conditions 3 Statement of account The letter goes on to say " Please provide your proposal for repayment of your debt. Failure to do so will result in the continuation of collection activity, which in your case may include ligation." I do not like this Arrow Global, what can we do I happy to go all the way
  18. no but still outstanding but still have MBNA cards be chased
  19. he was not in any mood to awrd anything. jst got the hell out of there
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