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  1. I am so sick of them, I politely asked them to refund the charge as I had paid £150 pounds off the card,not knowing(I honestly wasn't aware of this)that your payment had to clear. The next day I was hit with a fee, and they sent me back a sanctimonious response which infuriated me. I just stopped short of sending back an email telling them I was going to go through small claims to recover the money they have taken from me unlawfully. Thanks for your input Wednesday. PS....do I need ID to claim back from Egg?
  2. Well I have accrued an extensive amount of charges over history of my Egg account(almost three years). Would someone(ideally someone that has won against Egg)be so kind as to post..or PM me their opening letter? I don't really know what jargon to use. Thanks.
  3. Could someone please give me a rough guide(which letters to use and in which order etc?) as to how I can go about claiming back charges from these parasites? Thanks,I have had just about enough of them,paid £150 two days ago and my statement was today(and interest charges),and my payment hasn't cleared yet so I got charged as I went over limit. Sick of it.
  4. Bit steep that....may have to wait til payday end of the month lol. That is a sum that I can reclaim if the court rules in my favour though is it not? Thanks again mate.
  5. Many thanks mate will certainly give that a look, how much(roughly)does it cost to bring a case through the small claims court? Is it dependant on how much you are claiming(£1085 in my case) or something? Thanks again.
  6. Got my "go to hell" letter today from my friends at the Ulster Bank. They very kindly included a pamphlet entitled "Your complaint and the Ombudsman". A few key phrases from the letter were the usual: "We believe our charges are fair,reasonable and transparent". "Consequently against that background,we must differ with the views expressed in your letter,and I therefore,regret to advise that we will not be refunding any of the charges applied to your bank account". Now I feel that sending a secong letter would be a total waste of time, so I reckon proceeding straight to small claims would be my best option. Something I forgot to mention in my initial post(but I included it in my letter to them)was the fact that they "forgot" to include one full year of statements when I sent my DPA request. Because I have paid my £10,would I be entitled to go into th branch or send another letter asking for this year of statements? Obviously I have no way of knoeing if this was deliberatly insidious or merely an oversight on their part(I would be swayed towards the former if I'm being honest). So....now that I have decided to go to small claims can anyone give me a few tips(links,your own experiences of dealing with Ulster Bank LTD etc etc)? Many thanks for your input thusfar and I hope to be telling soon of another victory against the banks!
  7. Just posted off my claim for repayment a few days back(Thursday), with my letter and table of charges(with statutory interest calulated and added of course). Those of you that have claimed(and been successful).....when can I expect to hear back from them with my first rejection letter? And what usually is the timetable?, if they refuse this first letter is it worth my while to send them another?, or should I just proceed straight to small claims? Thanks.
  8. Hi there to you all, a brief question to you if I may. I was starting the process of launching a claim through the Moneyclaim site for return of bank charges from Ulster Bank to the tune of £1089GBP. Then I discovered that,as I am in Northern Ireland without an address in England or Wales that I cannot use that site. What should be my next course of action please? Many thanks.
  9. We made a simple request to Paypal for a transfer of £40 from our Paypal account to our Bank Account. Lo and behold 6 days later we are still waiting all the while our money(and hundreds of thousands of others)garners interest for them. Great board btw, letter in the post to ULSTER BANK LTD to try and reclaim the plethora of charges levied against me in the last few years. If I win you will be getting a donation.
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