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Everything posted by Fred_Funk

  1. Sorry for bumping this back to the top but I'm still hoping someone will be able to provide me with some definitive answers to questions 1 and 2, above. Thanks in anticipation. Fred_Funk
  2. Thanks again Omega 3. Okay, just a couple more questions which, try as I might, I can't find definitive answers to anywhere... (1) I'm still slightly confused by the precise period for which I can seek repayment of my bank charges. I know it's six years, but how exactly is that defined - is it the six years previous to the date of my initial contact with NatWest seeking reimbursement; the six years prior to the landmark OFT ruling; or something else again? (2) I have all my statements going back more than six years and, assuming I can get a definitive answer to the question above, could make a pretty accurate estimate of all the charges I have incurred without making a DPA request. As I see it, the only advantage to be gleaned from going down the DPA route is that NatWest would be obliged to tell me of any manual interventions and, assuming there were none, this would significantly weaken any defence they might subsequently employ. This being the case, is it worth my while pinging off a DPA request, even though I am already in possession of the majority of this information, or do I have nothing to lose from going straight to the second stage? Once again, thanks in anticipation of your help and cooperation! Fred_Funk
  3. Omega 3, Thanks for your reply which is pretty much the conclusion I reached myself. Rest assured, I have read the FAQ section and do, I think, have a fairly good grasp of all the issues - it's just nice to have a bit of reassurance you're thinking along the right lines when starting out on something like this. One final thing; can anyone provide me with definitive advice as to which NatWest account charges I can and can't hope to get back? Again, I have trawled through all the threads - or, at least, the great majority of them - but have found a variety of different answers. Thanks again. Fred_Funk
  4. Guys, Firstly, I'd like to offer my thanks to those responsible for this website and all the extremely helpful information it contains. I've been dipping in and out of the forums for a few weeks now and have reached the stage where I want to move things forward. I've done my best to avail myself of all the advice offered so freely but, be that as it may, there remain a couple of things I'd like to get clear in my head before proceeding. With that in mind, I'd be grateful if there's anyone who can help me with the following... (1) I've just agreed a repayment plan with the NatWest lending centre to reduce my level of borrowing from in excess of £2,000 to within my £1,000 overdraft facility over the course of the next six months. That being the case, and bearing in mind I would estimate I'm owed a sum in the region of 5k, is this 'a good time' to fire off my DPA letter? That's to say, on receipt of my correspondence, is NatWest likely to renege on our agreement and demand immediate repayment of everything I owe them which, clearly, would cause me significant difficulties? (2) Assuming that, ultimately, I succeed in getting my money back is it safe to assume NatWest will, at that point, either remove my overdraft facility or, worse still, close my account? And, if it's the later, what kind of effect might this have on my already poor credit rating? Thanks in anticipation of your help and co-operation. Fred_Funk
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