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  1. I thought with a sar request that had to send everything they had about you
  2. hi the judge awarded me the set aside so i got whati wanted so although not much of a answer it worked for me
  3. got of to a bad start as the court had lost my paper work the dj said you need evidence to set aside i had a copy of it all so let him look at it no cost awarded i am more confident now for the next time and ready for them
  4. thanks so much postggj and everyone for your help over the last month keep up the good work
  5. hi all i have just faced this very question, my answer was not that i am aware sir he asked it about 5 or 6 times and even said why would someone sue you if you did not owe them money in the end he still set aside my stat demand because he said he had no choice
  6. hi Shredder make sure you take copies with you as when i got there the evidence had gone missing think maybe that put the dj in a bad mood but at the end of the day like he said i dont have a choice but to set aside i got a letter through yesterday confirming that as well quick question postggj you said they can not now apply again for this debt did i get that right cheers all and good luck these dca make peoples lives hell and need stopping
  7. hi all a quick update been to court today didnt go as smoothly as i had hoped but i got the set aside. this is what happened i got to court about 10 ish so bit early got called in at 10.50 the judge said your here for a stat demand set aside i said yes sir he then said you can not apply for a set aside without any evidence you need an affiridavid i said yes sir and had filed one with the court and the court sent me a copy stamped back he said well you better let me see it, i showed him it he said looks like a credit card i said thats what they are saying he then said did you have the money i said not that i am aware that is why iam trying to get to the bottom of this in the late 1990 s i had filled in a dozen application forms most got refused he said again why would they sue you if you had not had the money did you have the money not that iam aware he then said have they got a ccj over this i said no.why would they sue you if you had not had the money i said if they were here we could ask them he then said there is an application form here signed by you i said yes sir there was over 20 filled in in the late 1990s most got refused i would hate to have to pay on all of them, he said right i have no choice but to set aside and let them take the next step i asked about costs did not award any costs to me in not so many words i was lucky to get the set aside never mind costs he was totally on the side of arrow which is a worry but he had no choice but to follow the law this is not my thread but thought you all would like hear what happen cheers
  8. hi all a quick update been to court today didnt go as smoothly as i had hoped but i got the set aside. this is what happened i got to court about 10 ish so bit early got called in at 10.50 the judge said your here for a stat demand set aside i said yes sir he then said you can not apply for a set aside without any evidence you need an affiridavid i said yes sir and had filed one with the court and the court sent me a copy stamped back he said well you better let me see it, i showed him it he said looks like a credit card i said thats what they are saying he then said did you have the money i said not that i am aware that is why iam trying to get to the bottom of this in the late 1990 s i had filled in a dozen application forms most got refused he said again why would they sue you if you had not had the money did you have the money not that iam aware he then said have they got a ccj over this i said no.why would they sue you if you had not had the money i said if they were here we could ask them he then said there is an application form here signed by you i said yes sir there was over 20 filled in in the late 1990s most got refused i would hate to have to pay on all of them, he said right i have no choice but to set aside and let them take the next step i asked about costs did not award any costs to me in not so many words i was lucky to get the set aside never mind costs he was totally on the side of arrow which is a worry but he had no choice but to follow the law
  9. thanks windy in the skeleton arguement do i just put things like why i should have it set aside ie unenforceable agreement etc bit like a script
  10. hi all iam in court on friday the only letter from arrow as been a reconstructed agreement even though they sent me the original application form from 1998 is this not trying to obtain funds from deception as they are totally different forms just a quick question when i wish to speak will i have to wait to be asked by the judge cheers
  11. thanks so much debt4get iam now starting to get nervous over the court case but think if the judge as anything about him he must set aside the stat demand they do not even have a enforceable agreement
  12. hi thanks mines with arrow global hearing 4th june in morning think i should win hopefully need to know how much to put my charges in for cheers
  13. hi postggj how would you work out the costs and do they need to be sent to court before i go
  14. hi Deb no i applied for the court hearing to get the stat demand set aside its not for a ccj
  15. hi Deb yeah think thats what they are up to so sent the letter indispute and they still hand delivered a state demand i am now in court in june to try and get it set aside they have not answered my sar request so going in blind with what they will have is it possible if they turn up with a load of stuff could i ask for the case to be ajurned as i have not seen any ligit paper work
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