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  1. Hi Ting, Thanks for the offer, I'm pretty sure I have the statue, kindly provided by NHDC (aren't they kind?). Anyway, as promised here are the scanned images of the front and back of the PCN. http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o129/sammykaye_photo/misc/Picturefront.jpg http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o129/sammykaye_photo/misc/Picture001.jpg
  2. Thanks everyone, I'll scan in the PCN and post it today or tomorrow Ting. I'm doing a basic law course ATM and for my own interest can anyone tell me ... Am I right in thinking that the parking is just a basic contract and effectively by me paying for the ticket that is what the legal profession would call "consideration" and the contract is complete. The note on the ticket is changing the terms of the contract and therefore irrelevant. Pat - I don't think you can park motorcycles in the car park and the ticket would certainly blow away if you tried (they aren't adhesive).
  3. Last week I was issued a PCN from North Herts District Council for parking in a pay and display but not having my ticket on the dashboard (I put it on the parcel shelf where it was easier to see). The pay and display ticket says display on the dashboard but the boards by the paying machines where the other Ts&Cs are (cost, hours of charges etc) displayed say nothing about where it must be displayed. I appealed online and got a rejection to challenge letter this morning saying they'll be "happy to reconsider" if I provide the pay and display ticket as evidence. I think they might just accept the appeal but I want to make the point about the info in the car park too. Do you think it's a valid point that I can't be expected to check the ticket when the primary source of information on the parkign Ts&Cs are on the signs by the ticket machines? TIA
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