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  1. You may find it interesting to look at this, Here the interesting thing is their brief lives there as well, along with a whole host of parasitic life forms, who all work under the same roof. They profess to be in separate offices , but I get the impression they all sit alongside one another. I would expect all the other low life forms associated with Phoenix to be there. Oh and they seem to have a cosy relationship with a particular judge ay Southend so watch out.
  2. I have got my F&F letter today, which seems to be OK. It states the ammount discussed on the phone and sais that they will accept my offer in F&F settlement. One thing it doesnt seem to mention is court and cancelling the claim, is this implied by saying full and final ?
  3. Can anyone tell me if I do settle this claim and I go back through my old statements and find some charges, can I still go on and try and collect these from the OC at a later date.. EM
  4. Hi guys, just my penny worth I kow this may seem a little obvious, but has anyone tried to escalate the way this company(and others) rides roughshod over the very rules they are meant to play by to something like watchdog, where this hole thing could get aired the best way possible
  5. What more can I say SH your a true helper and friend to everyone here, at least I may be able to sleep properly by the weekend
  6. Hi SH, thanks for your input. Debt was for credit card, I had a thread for it HERE awaiting response from a final CCA lettter after failing for a year to produce a full CCA and details. Not quite sure what charges, I did remember they loaded it up with late, over limit and interest for last the three months in 2004 before selling on.
  7. As far as I have read so far a "forthwith" jugement implies that the crediter has demanded you pay in a certain way ie in full and you have been unable to honour this. They can then ask for a forthwith jugement. Which is why most of the DCA initial letters always demand you to pay the full ammount.
  8. I am getting really confused over what I should and shouldnt do here, can someone check my dates above are they correct, because I am running out of time. Should I send a formal offer letter to the creditor as I only did this verbally on the phone and then send a copy to the court to add to my file. Should I send a letter to the court to change my plea and add my pennyworth as to why I can only offer the small amount I have. I seem to have lots of questions, can anyone answer any of them, I only have time at night to do letters and post the following lunch time, so it slows things down a bit. I want to get all my letters sent off ASAP. Cheers
  9. Not quite sure what else to add apart from detail of which bank, DCA and solicitor, which makes it a bit obvious to anyone sneaking about. Origional court papers date was 10th Oct, but as I said in post #3 above, I origionally said I would defend as I was still awaiting proof and sent in Ack Service papers. So I think that puts the service date at 10th + 5 + 14 +14 = 11th Nov I think. No judgment yet but they have refused both my F & F offer and monthly payment. This debt is for less than 1500 but I have another larger debt for 15000, which is quiet for the time being and still taking a token payment. I have just rechecked my budget and can get my spare cash down to around £90 a month.
  10. I did have a thread running here but most of that is water under the bridge now as the service date is rapidly approaching and I need to do something about it. The last thing I really want is for the court to rule without any input from me.
  11. Hi Everone again, I need some more advice from anyone that can help. I have to make a decision real soon on this one. If I make an offer to the creditor taking me to court and they reject this, do I still get an opportunity to attend court and argue my case, or do they just get a judgement without my reasoning. Easymeat
  12. Sorry guys, but I need to move on here and find some help from other people, thanks for the help, but I cant wait any longer. Cheers
  13. Hi Sequenci, thanks for your response, the debt is for around 1600.00 and equity could be as much as 140,000.00. I have looked back through the history of this debt and suddenly remembered that I make a 1.00 token payment to an old DCA not the OC (Bank in this case), before this debt was passed on. I have not made any offer yet, I don't really know who I should offer it to at this stage, or even if I could negotiate a Full and final settlement(maybe they would settle for less ?). Am I right in thinking I would need to speak to their solicitors or the supposed recovery company ? Cheers EM
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