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  1. Hi has anyone had the pleasure of dealing with this nasty company? i did last week: i would first like to explain my situation an there will be more like me in months to come: i had my pub repocessed last year which ment i lost everything i mean everything: im now in rented accomodation have a low paid job and struggling to get by like everyone else. they demanded £3215 from me for non domestic rates from my pub i explained that i didnt have that sort of money as i have had a bankruptcy order for £500k slapped on me! they wasnt happy with that, they then threatended me with removal of my goods i dont hardly have anything left as im now in rented accomdation, and im under threat of losing my job, still wasnt happy with that, said they were going to get a court order to gain entery ! this is where you CAN DO something about it! DO NOT LET THEM IN UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.. they will need a court order to enter, in the mean time if you are like me an are NOT REFUSING TO PAY but CANT PAY all is not lost, they will still try an bully you dont give in call their bluff make them get that warrent esp if you dont own the premises . they cannot force entry into any property the only people who can are vat an customs an excise! THEY WONT inform you what their intensions are, and will play mind games with you. CONTACT THE COURSTS YOURSELF AS I HAVE to enquire if they have applied for one, the court clerk will listen to you as the baliffs have to apply to the majestrate for a court order, the majestrate will then decide if they will grant one. i have been a prisoner in my home since last thursday as the law an baliffs are a minefield but if you ring the courts who issue the warrents you will get more information . I have lost 3 days pay over it an am now lodging a complaint with Rosendales and the courts are investigating the council on my behalf, you do have rights: baliffs have some of the law on their side but not all of it.... I hope this helps.
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