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Everything posted by abing69

  1. hi ,all really need some help sorry to start off like this but am kind of desperate.i split with my partner in 1998 is was a violent and abusive marrige i had no contact with him until june/july time this year .ive been sent a letter from the dwp saying they want to interveiw me under caution this friday the 17th as they suspect my ex of living here .my ex stays two to three times a week to help me with my son who has adhd and does not sleep and is violent towards me i put in a new claim in may as i was working and had to give up my job due to my sons behaviour.im not sure what to do as i dont always understand the forms as im not very educationally bright i would not willinly commit fraud but when i made my claim i was told that people could stay it was not a problem he does not fincially support me or my daughter or son my daughter is 19 at uni and my son is 12 me and my ex are going to get bk together this month and make another go of thing i dont know if i should tell the dwp this please advise me as am going to bits over this many thanks
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