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mak71 last won the day on January 28 2009

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95 Excellent

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  1. Thanks for the input Just to clarify, I placed the order 4 weeks ago and they have still not delivered the TV or the soundbar, Each time they have promised to deliver it's not happened as they keep claiming it's back out of stock . Thanks
  2. Looking for some advice please I purchased a tv and soundbar through @euronics_UK 4 weeks ago, I paid £1700 with @Love2shop_UK gift vouchers which are multinational gift cards that can be spent in various retailers . Was told the tv and soundbar would be delivered that same week, however after my order was placed the tv became out of stock , and twice since the tv has sold out again before they dispatched mine . It's really frustrating and now they are implying if I want a refund they will refund me with a credit note that can only be used with them , however the vouchers I paid with were multi retailer that I could spend at various retailers and I've now lost faith in this company and dont want to be held to ransom by them , What are my rights concerning a refund please as I've been let down by them on 3 separate occasions now and it's been going on for 4 weeks. Any help much appreciated
  3. This is all getting very iffy now,something not quiet right, Last night i went through my sars from original cerditor, there was no dn in there,ive just rung up the original creditor who has confirmed in a recorded phone call that they dont keep copies of dn notices on customer files hence the reason it wasnt in the sars. The one cohens have sent me which is different to the original is on ge headed paper dated 2008,with a ge address po box leeds, But the woman from ge has just confirmed ge dont keep copies just dates sent etc ,so this has to be a reconstructed one,but who reconstructed it,ge or cohens?
  4. Just going through all my paper work from cohens, a few weeks ago they sent me a howard cohen headed covering letter about the DN, interestingly they said it was for a different amount than the amount on this knocked up DN they have just sent me, so in total they have sent me 2 different amounts to the original arrears on my original DN, How bizzare
  5. Thanks, on what basis do i ask the judge to allocate it too fast track when cohens are requesting small track,?
  6. Just been reading another article, says claims for over 5k can be heard in the small claims if both parties agree, well obviously i dont agree ,so will it be easily enough for me to get this to fast track instead?
  7. Postggj,in their covering letter says " a copy of the relevant extract of the said deed of assignement, Can anyone please help me knock up a new basic defence fro the case management hearing ,or should i just ask the judge for an ajournment seeing as Cohens so rudely ignored the initial deadlines set by the judge and have left me short for time..
  8. 42 man, yes i will play it very shrewd,and get them to commit before the judge and then show him the original, What could the judge do from there? also can i insist it doesnt go to small claims as amount is over 5k, obviuosly howard cohan would prefer smalls claims as they arent as strict on the actual points of law. can the deed of assignement be signed by the same person for both ge money and howard cohen?
  9. what about the small claims court, the amount claimed is for over 5k, can i insist on fast track,
  10. 42 man, no the first one also just said within 21 days to remedy,no actual date , I guess its a pretty serious offence if its a forged Dn, Its certainly not the same one as my original, fortunately i also have the sars for this account so will dig out the relevant paperwork/entry from the sars too, Hopefully the judge will take this very seriously, and wont be impressed with these 2 different dn"s , if cohens representative says its a copy of the original, where will that leave them seeing as it should be easy enough for me to prove otherwise.
  11. Help urgently needed, following on from another thread as these are cpr and document related and thought it might be better with its own thread Briefly im in court with these clowns of Friday for a case management hearing, the judge had ordered they respond to my AQ and lack of non cpr by 28th july ready for the case management hearing , Of course howard cohen didnt comply by the court deadline, but today i have just received a large parcel from them which leaves me hardly any time to prepare. Firstly i still have the original DN from ge money, the one cohens have just sent me is in my name and everything with correct account numner but is dated a day later than my original,it is also set out slightly different and the arears total is over £100 higher on their version? is this a fraudulent reconstructed document they have supplied, its on GE headed notepaper? The total amount they are claiming for is over £5000, but they are saying they want it heard in the smalls claims court as there are no points of law to adresss? I thought all claims over 5k couldnt be heard in the small claims court anyway and went to fast or multi track , in any event i want fast track , not small claims . Thay have supplied what they say is a deed of assignment,(there are no actual figures on it )but is signed by the same person for both ge capital and cl finance,says hes a partner in Ozannes Thay are now requesting i now file and serve a fully pleaded defence,and if i dont they request that my defence is struck out and permission be awarded for them to enter judgement accordingly, Theres no way i can get a new defence knocked up before the case management hearing,what do i do now, Ps the DN is invalid as no actual date to rectify, jusy withing 14 days of letter etc, and the cca is an application form with no prescribed terms, Any help much appreciated, especially on the dn they have supplied which doesnt match my original
  12. Bump, Is there anything else i need to do now or prepare for at this case management hearing?
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