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Everything posted by frickshan

  1. I don't understand how it works, surely they must have to see & keep evidence of ownership of the vehicle? I thought they keep the V5 in P.x for the loan? That's what sent them scuttling for the drains in my case, proof of my uninterrupted ownership. I imagined they had a different fraudulent version in their hands, giving them what they thought was proof of ownership. Sadly I'll never know.
  2. Hi Mally Nothing,......... ..... in my experience, my post from 2008 http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?169820-False-Claim-to-Title-! Still rankles with me, I suspect a stolen V5 was used to defraud LBL (there were issues with "disappeared" log books (V5) at the DVLA around that time. My last communication regarding it was months later. from my local trading standards office wanting permission to pass on the details to another T.S. branch local to LBL. These companies don't even have the morals of a sewer rat, they want their money irrespective of the manner used to obtain it, the authorities & associates that should oversee their behaviour don't care either. I'd have taken great delight in getting to the cause of all the grief they dumped on me but without the assistance & interest of public bodies I was hamstrung.
  3. That's not what I understand, it would seem he is amongst the most experienced in dealing with such issues & not someone merely picked at random. Perhaps the reason why he deals with such matters & the reason he needed to see the farce for himself as he couldn't understand the amount of appeals? Even the glorious leader would agree with him "Council leader James Alexander has requested an internal review of both schemes, saying the way they have been carried out is not good enough" How long did he need to realise that? &"Mr Knapp’s judgement said it was “unacceptable” that the council began the schemes knowing “sufficient resources to deal with challenges and appeals would not be available”. He said this had turned the appeals process into “a lottery”. From what I heard his opinion is worth far more than you state Read the first paragraph of John's second link "Government Expert" Just to add to Johns contribution http://www.yorkpress.co.uk/news/11124039.Lendal_Bridge_fine_drivers_may_get_refunds/
  4. I would expect Due Diligence from people holding such responsible positions and it to be one of the first considerations in implementing this experiment. After all if it's not legitimate then it can't have a future in it's present form. It's a sheer extravagant and irresponsible use of Council tax payers funds.
  5. Interesting remarks on Radio York this morning (Jonathan Cowap 09-00/1200 - no link yet as program currently on) Nick Freeman (Mr Loophole) contributing. If I understood correctly it was stated the fines will not be rescinded AND the prohibition will continue as they take legal advice. Huh, might have been a good idea to do that before they instigated it. So now they're using a JCB rather than a shovel to dig the hole they're disappearing in to.
  6. Interesting behind the scenes details! http://www.yorkpress.co.uk/news/11041085.Lendal_Bridge_secrets_revealed/?ref=var_0
  7. Latest, the only reason for successful appeals is due to staff shortageshttp://www.yorkpress.co.uk/news/11003076.Lendal_Bridge_income_hits___1_3m__new_stats_reveal___10_000_have_appealed_and_most_have_won___Fresh_row_over_signs/
  8. I have heard a similar tale to the letter in the press above, Local lends her daughter the car fully aware of the prohibition times, passes over Lendal Bridge at 5-04 receives a PCN timed at 4-53..........So therefore car clock must be incorrect ...........but it isn't? Unless it gained 11 minutes & then by magic corrected itself.I wonder if there may be an issue with the monitoring equipment?
  9. City of York Council leader James Alexander is in the Hotseat to answer your questions..........Friday 31st Jan. Over ½ of the Leaders Q/A session devoted to Lendal farce, some interesting contributions. Starts @ 01:03:50 Seven days left to listen. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01ph6vs And what appears to be another cancellation of a PCN possibly a timing malfunction? http://www.yorkpress.co.uk/features/readersletters/10977979.Bridge_ban_video/
  10. Another road in the centre that has caused similar problems, now attracted attention of the adjudicator, not before time.http://www.yorkpress.co.uk/news/10969508.Traffic_watchdog_to_visit_York_over_fines_furore/?ref=mr
  11. Local Press update- PCN's issued between Nov 11th to Dec 2nd http://www.yorkpress.co.uk/news/10905833.8_500_more_fined_for_crossing_Lendal_Bridge/
  12. Perhaps the gates are beginning to open?http://www.yorkpress.co.uk/news/10873046.Almost_1_700_Lendal_Bridge_fines_waived/ This mornings latest.
  13. Thought you may be interested in this ! http://m.yorkpress.co.uk/news/10866583.Lendal_Bridge_and_Coppergate_fines_waived/ Would appear reading the comments there are new Matrix signs installed.....and may be flawed too !!!!!! 11:51am Tue 10 Dec 13 The new matrix sign next to the statue at the end of Leeman Road is ridiculous. It says Lendal bridge closed, 1030 am to 5 pm Then a massive flashing arrow pointing you into the lane that takes you over Lendal Bridge. Which numptys are in charge here. You are sending them deliberately over the bridge. Not seen this personally.
  14. iirc They just had the standard reply to that - There is a fair procedure - etc etc.My point was by changing yet again it's an admission the signs are / were inadequete but probably means a possible lengthy and expensive process to prove it.
  15. Aaaah.. apologies didn't have time to read every post wanted to promote the Radio York interview.Could be yet another loss of Council tax payers money
  16. Just seen this thread, had posted on the other! Here's an opportunity to hear the originators of this cunning plan! Not popular with residents either (I'm not allowed to post links it seems !!!!) BBC Radio York Jonathan Cowap Fri 29th Nov listen again 2days remaining may give you an idea. Interview with the geniuses we have running our fair city - In the process of amending the signs - @ 41m-40s The third time if I recall correctly? Surely an admission they're inadequate and may create an interesting situation should a wealthy individual decide to take it further!
  17. Not popular with residents either (I'm not allowed to post links it seems !!!!) BBC Radio York Jonathan Cowap Fri 29th Nov listen again 2days remaining may give you an idea. Interview with the geniuses we have running our fair city - In the process of amending the signs - @ 41-40 The third time if I recall correctly? Surely an admission they're inadequate and may create an interesting situation should a wealthy individual decide to take it further! Also- facebook.com/saynotolendalbridgeclose.
  18. It's not solely data release to parking companies, this has relevance to my unfortunate dealings with the DVLA :-61) Finally, by refusing to investigate complaints regarding data release, the DVLA has been shown to have unlawfully abdicated its duties under the Data Protection Act 1998 to the............They sold my data to a cowboy loans for log book company who fraudulently claimed rights to my car, I received NO help whatsoever from anyone, the DVLA only showing concern when they assumed a friend who called on my behalf was a solicitor and on finding out she wasn't, decided to wash their hands of the whole matter. She managed to get them to admit an request for data was merely a tick box exercise and wasn't monitored. Data Protection..... Hah .....laughable.I had to prove ownership of my car by sending a copy of the V5 which proved it had been mine since new & there couldn't possibly be any claim. They behave in a ruthless manner and beyond the law, non of the public bodies (including the DVLA) I assumed would help me, were the slightest bit interested.
  19. It was still wrapped in plastic (Chinese?) L0L Very keen to point out the Boss label though I'll kick it off then, BIRCH Services M62, Friday 26th approx. 11-15 Black Corsa?(I think, never took much notice)Thanks, all the above suggestions crossed my mind. Should have got a pic! As I said no such thing as a free lunch
  20. I was approached in a Motorway services by a very eloquent Italian offering me a FREE leather jacket as he hada noa Weesh to taika them back afata bringing them for an Exibeeshan. He seemed most indignant when I said I wasn't interested. No such thing as a free lunch where I come from Pal.Just wondered what the [problem] was? Freebie was no doubt the appetiser but what was to follow? Any thoughts very welcome to satisfy my curiosity
  21. Thanks for your reply, I've found this Quote:-.....They must display their ‘typical’ APR in their advertisements and the APR can vary from lender to lender as well as across the different products they offer. Credit card companies, banks, and other lending institutions are required by United Kingdom law to clearly illustrate their own APR rates.So thats the answer.
  22. Hi I'm sure i 've read in here somewhere that a loans for log books or any other loan advert for that matter MUST display the APR in a prominent place? I've searched for the original post to no avail, I've no financial dealings with these **** but just a desire for revenge after they(another load of ****) bought my data from the DVLA and said my car was theirs when they had no connection with me or the car WHATSOEVER. A new company opened locally and I want to check if they are operating correctly & if not I can complain. Ive contacted ALL Govt. Departments and they're as much use as a chocolate firegaurd, talk about pillar to post. Even the ASA couldn't give me an answer :mad: What service are we paying out taxes for:?
  23. Thanks for the input Trilby & Martin, I had intended to send a letter to my MP when I've hopefully come to some sort of conclusion. Thanks for the OFT suggestion, I'll look in to that.
  24. I have become a victim of what I now learn is a complete and utter farce, the DATA PROTECTION ACT, A.K.A. "Cowboys charter". Also, the lack of help from so called public bodies that I assumed were there to assist in such matters has astounded me. A concise version of the last few weeks is: - Out of the blue I received a Recovery notice from COUNTRYWIDE COMMERCIAL SERVICES (CCS) acting on behalf of LOGBOOK LOANS (LBL) stating my car was subject to an outstanding repossession order. STRANGE! As I bought it new over 6 years ago, paid for it in full, and had never heard of either company! I was kindly allowed 48 hours to respond, this I refused to do until I did some research. I contacted Consumer Advice who offered no help but suggested I report this to the police, who, I was told, "will issue an incident number". This would be my first experience of an exercise in futility. I left the police station dejected after being told there was nothing to report On my second visit to the police I almost succeeded, but for the interference from another officer who suggested I visit the Citizens Advice Bureau instead. I duly followed his recommendation. On arriving at the CAB, I asked to see a solicitor as advised by the police but they felt differently. They offered to mediate and call CCS who issued the notice. I could get no sense from CCS, they wanted answers but didn’t answer my questions. After I pointed out my car couldn’t be subject to loan, they said they would call me after consulting the LBL. What a surprise, they didn’t call. When other evidence became apparent and I suspected fraud could be involved, I visited the police for the 3rd time to report my suspicion only to be told I would have to report it to the constabulary where the suspect lives and that constabulary would have to investigate!!!!!! I also contacted the DVLA, and followed the correct complaint procedure. The first reply was as expected; a short curt explanation of how they treat all data with great care! Their reply to a formal letter was patronising and very much the same, quoting "reasonable cause… new measures designed to protect vehicle keepers" and telling me "Electronic links are used to deal with requests…. are of a high degree of standardisation and how “the recipient is subject to audit procedures" During a telephone call their "high degree of standardisation" was questioned. It was put to them "Does that mean it’s just a tick box"? The reply was "NO"……….."Well.Not exactly the same" Yes, I’ll bet it is? The only time the DVLA showed real interest was when they asked if my representative might be a solicitor enquiring on my behalf. The person I now know to be a director of the Electronic Vehicle Records section called me, showing great interest. I now believe this was a ploy; she asked to see any relevant e-mails etc. Naively believing her to be genuinely interested I duly sent them off and have heard nothing from her since. In the DVLA’s final letter the individual who first replied said, after the usual rhetoric, that he couldn’t pursue this matter any further. So they have no concern about issuing my details to companies that DID NOT have reasonable cause OR the obvious failure of any mechanism that alerts DVLA to a fraudulent request for data, neither do they mention any form of disciplinary action. Trading standards are also aware of the situation. I feel they are not concerned; after an initial flurry of contact, I’ve heard nothing. Another body I contacted are the HPI. They state they are a conduit for these loan companies and obtain information from DVLA and similarly show a complete lack of concern about issuing my data without reasonable cause. They also declare "loan companies often request information using incorrect registration numbers"! Unbelievable and yet more evidence showing the Data Protection Act is a sham. They advise me, my complaint is against LBL, but say they will "assist with any enquiry Trading Standards may have". HAH! I see this to be a blatant admission that the data protection act is a complete failure and my experience confirms it. I had to prove title to MY CAR, when LBL (as their colleagues) failed to honour a pre arranged telephone call to me, I called them and was told by an obnoxious employee to send a copy of my V5 and they still intended to take my car until I proved I was the right full owner. 4 weeks after receiving the threat to steal my car I received a brief e-mail from LBL stating they made an administration error and they hope I wasn’t inconvenienced! Laughable. I now realise that raising a genuine complaint with government bodies is futile. It becomes a war of attrition in letter writing & phone calls, during which time the various bodies hope you eventually lose the will to continue & just go away. I look forward to hearing anyone’s views, similar experiences and suggestions as to how I can achieve satisfaction.
  25. Thanks B4E & Mr Lex I will update you, but as i'm sure you're aware these issues consume all your time, or at least thats what I've found. They've admitted to an admin error now and have ceased claim to title, so thats kind of them isnt it. It's the affrontary of this AND that it's perfectly legal to behave in such a manner just beggars belief. I need to look at your R&R's before I elaborate, but which forum? Hah ...I suspect it could cover many subjects D.P.Act, DVLA, Police & Trading Standards legislation and their lack of concern, etc.etc. Thanks for the welcome.
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