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  1. I've had them ring me at work 8 times today, each time saying they're a personal friend and refusing to disclose which company they work for, and getting shirty when I won't talk to them. I had a weird phone call last week where some woman said she was from a media company and was my postcode L17 blehblehbleh. I said who am I speaking to and she hung up. I realised today that that is the postcode of the old offices for my work, as my work colleague had had a phone call from the tax office asking for me by name, and confirming our postcode. There is no way the tax office would ask for me by name as the contact name for our organisation is the chair of the board, and whats more, our registered office with HMRC is our accountants, not our actual offices - so I can be fairly certain it's Welcome. They should receive my letter tomorrow so I can only hope it will stop, but it's making me ill.
  2. Hello, I need some advice - I haven't dealt with the situation very well up to now but I want to take control of it. I have a £2000 loan with Welcome Finance dating back to August 2005. I have missed 3 payments in total, and agreed over the phone to up my payment amount from £95 a month to £150 a month to get it paid off by August 2008. They sent me a settlement letter recently saying I still owe them £1600, which made no sense with the remaining time left to pay. They said that every time they made a phone call they charged me £10 and home visits were £25. They have home visits I have no record of. Anyway, I didn't respond well to this and just stopped paying them and basically told them politely to go and do one. I realise I need to send a letter to challenge the fees but I'm not sure which to send. They have now started visiting my house every day, ringing on the doorbell of the flats I live in to get to my actual flat door and stand outside it. They have been ringing me every day and have been ringing my old employer pretending to be someone else in order to get my details. This is making me freak out - I suffer from manic depression and I'm finding it very hard to deal with. Today, I got an email from a girl I manage saying that a lady named Catherine had rang her mobile to see if I was with her, and to say it's a personal matter, she'll ring again tomorrow. I have no idea where she has her number from. This is all making me feel ill, I need some advice to take control of this. I am not disputing my debt and I'm happy to pay up but I'm unwilling to pay them the extortionate amount they are now asking for. I have been regular with my payments even when I'm very broke but I feel like I'm never gonna get this settled off. I'd rather wait for it to get passed to someone else and offer a settlement fee than deal with this. Can someone help me stop digging a hole for myself? Ta xx
  3. Hiya I've been a member of this forum for a while but never posted. As it is, I could do with some advice on what to do in my situation. I've started to get letters and now phone calls about an old debt with Capital One, which dates from 2001. I am pretty sure that I paid it off back then, however I've started to get letters from Lowell, and now Robinson Way. I've now started on the phone calls. I've not acknowledged their calls or letters yet as I don't want to acknowledge the debt and am trying to work out what to do. A few questions, I'll try and be clear. 1. On another thread, someone said Robinson Way aren't registered with the ICO. If so, can they even be haranguing me for monies? 2. Should I reply to them at all, and if so, what should I say? 3. I've never received a default letter about this debt - don't I need to have had this in order for a debt to be chased at any time? I'm really cautious about getting involved in this. I don't want to end up acknowledging in any form a debt and open up 6 years on it, not least when I don't know anything about the figure. Could some kind soul give me some pointers about what to do? Also, next time they ring - can I tell them that they're not to ring again. If I tell them this and they do, are they harrassing me? Am I allowed to withold their right to ring me?
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