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  1. Joys are a nightmare to deal with,I had big problems with them,i was advised to call Trading Standards which i did,They advised to Call the credit card company to get the money refunded,Be careful when you send the item back because i also had problems with them accepting the delivery even with a returns number,Be persistent Keep copies of every correspondence,verbal,writtenDates & times,note everything down & if they keep messing around then take further action. Trading Standards will help & the more people that report this company the more likely they will either Shape up or ship out,If you are expected to pay for the return & it is stated that it is free,Bill them,But Honestly Trading Standards Before you do anything else,As other posts have stated It was not Fit for Purpose therefore You Have every right to recoup ALL funds laid out by you,Good luck,x
  2. Hi,I had my property repossessd in August by Redstone,I had an absolute nightmare with them from the word go really,The mortgage was taken out with Beacon firstly who then informed us that the new lender would be Redstone,I tried for months after paying for a service we never received,to ask for their help & they would not consider any of it,the house has been on the market firstly me putting it on the market in May & them marketing it since my eviction in August,They have had an offer & keep rejecting it,the shortfall will be large,but all the time the property is on the market empty it is falling into disrepair,I honestly dont know how you get through to them,I wrote to them constantly called them constantly & all i was ever met with were rude, unhelpful, sometimes trying to bargain with me,with them there is no ryhme or reason,it has been suggested to me that they have noone in a position to Deal with the more involved side of it,That they are just money collectors & just want the easy customer!,I would do as you have been advised on here & Hound them,Be like a dog with a bone,It is too late for me now,I lost my marriage,Mine & my childrens home of 21yrs,Faced Bankruptcy at thetime So wasnt able to Be strong enough to fight,My ver best wishes to you,GO GET EM X
  3. I have just had my assessment & from 15 Jan 2010 until Dec 2012 i will be making monthly payments of £75,they have based this upon disposable income of £150,I have this infront of me From The OR Solicitors,I feel so much better that i am making some kind of contribution as my intention was never to evade responsibility,Just unfortunate that i was left in this situation without any other alternative,There is hope & Help out there,Just be totally honest & upfront,Truly it is the best policyx
  4. HERE! HERE!,One Amazing Selfless Person,I know i would not have got through all my bad times without her support & others on here,Thankyou so much to all of you,With love & All the very best for 2010,i will never be able to Thankyou all enough,Ellen is a true Leader,xxx
  5. Hi To all,I had to go Bankrupt in November Unfortunately,long story,wont bore you all with it,But my advice for what it is worth is Go to your local Citizens Advice,Before you do anything else,They helped me enormously & all for free,Along with all on here who gave me advice,without You guys & their support i would not have got through it,If i can be of any help i am more than happy to x
  6. I am still with Natwest,But i do have a 1400 overdraft facility,I havent been made Bankrupt yet my appointment with the court is the 12th of nov,So have been advised to open another account,Thankyou to all of you for your replies,I am very grateful,A bit simple when it comes to this really,x
  7. Hi to all,Please can anyone tell me what account & who with i can open a bank account i am applying for Bankruptcy & have applied to HSBC but have been declined
  8. Thankyou Thankyou to you all,But what did you mean when you said do not sign a deed of Acknowledgement,Also how do i start a new Thread
  9. Hi to all,I am at the moment receiving advice & help with filling in Papers for Bankruptcy,But it Scares me ridged,My husband went off in March leaving me with all the Debt,The House was repossesed in August,So i am now in Rented accommadation,Single Mum,i work from home & need a car for my work,But have been told that the OF could class it as an asset,the car is on Finance but agreement with my son in law,i am so scared it will be taken he will lose out & i wont be able to afford another car & so i will not be able to do my work,(i am a curtain maker,so need a vehicle for collecting & dropping off the work). If i dont do the Bankruptcy i will then be responsible for the shortfall on the Repossession although it is in joint names the mortgage was based on my husbands earnings,But the mortgage company doing nothing to find him & his whereabouts although i have given them forwarding work addresses,telephone numbers added to this all the other debt,i will have to find around £75-80,000,The Bankruptcy just scares me so much,I just need a little enlightenment from a fellow Cag member,A bit of an insight as to how they dealt with it all,Please can anyone Help
  10. Hi,Firstly i will apologise for waffling,But i am banging my head against a brick wall with Redstone,Back in January my husband & i were given a suspended repossesion order,In march my husband fled the home leaving me to deal with All the debt & a hefty mortgage to pay,(I cannot afford to stay in my home of 21yrs),I informed Redstone of my drastic change of circumstances & asked if i make token payments to them whilst i tried to get my finances in order seeking out any help that i may be entitled to being self employed,with two Children aged 17 & 15,They declined my offer,(which as i stated was a token offer),A call to them after they declined the offer to yet another employee of theirs was very abrupt,He asked why i had not made a payment to them i informed them that as my offer was declined i was informed that they would be applying for an eviction date,So i said that i would have to set in place a new abode for myself & my children,he said that i should have never made an offer knowing i could not afford to,But if i made a payment of 1,200 pounds there & then that would help,But Redstone declined my offer,he said well can you pay £400 i said no,he said how about £100,which i paid,why it is beyond me as i should have just flushed it down the toilet,i dont know why i did it.( i guess i felt bullied by this point & it may be a glimmer of hope) I then put the property on the market so i could realise a realistic price,rather than leaving them to sell it at a greatly reduced price & to date have had 3 viewings & 2 offers,of which Redstone have rejected,Because of the shortfall,after numerous phone calls to them,endless written correspondence to them,they sent an independant Financial counsellor to interview me,i sat with him & we went over my financial position,He had contacted my Husband to be told "i am not living at the property any longer, i am working somewhere new, my wife will deal with it",at the end of the interview he said he would write his report of which some would be a character report,He could tell with the information i provided i was being honest with him i would receive a copy of the report sent to Redstone & the report would take 3 wks,I had spoken to Redstone before interview & their decision would be based on the report,tehy would contact me with that decision,they didnt,ihad to call them to ask if they had received the report of which i did not receive a copy,(the financial counsellor said i would receive a copy) I have kept them informed every step of the way,Yesterdays phone call was just a nightmare,i was repeatedly asked what was the point of my call to them,Told the reason i was angry was because my husband had run away(inferring that i am just upset on a personal level),When i told the man at Redstone that i think now they should be actively seeking my husband they said that is not their policy to do so,i am their first point of contact,so this is where they will come to,the point is they told me that they had applied for an eviction warrant on 24th june,when i called HL INTERACTIVE they knew nothing of this,My husband is being allowed to allow the mortgage to go out of his bank account each month on the 1st & 15th,but it is being returned due to insufficient funds twice in each month incurring for me £110 to the mortgage balance,Redstone are allowing this,My husband is allowing this & getting away with it,when i again called their Solicitors yesterday 13th july Redstone HAVE STILL NOT INSTRUCTED HL TO APPLY to the court for an eviction date,the debt is just going up & up & Now when i speak with Redstone,they are almost laughing at me & i do not get any answers only in the form of Sarcasm(depending on who i talk to),Can anyone give me any advice,If of course you can understand any of the above,i am going off my head with it all,I feel if they can go afteer my Husband after they have sold the property,Why not now to stop any furthwer debt,He is afterall joint owner,jointly olbligated i have given them contact addresses/phone numbers & still they do nothing,Is there any legal way i can deal with this ,Thank you all for your patience,but i am at my wits end with it.
  11. Hi,i have been told that because i live in a village with no gas supply that we are entitled to a discount on our electric bills,does anyone know of this to be true,I am intrigued to know,x
  12. Hi Ell-enn,Thankyou very much,Great Draft once again,thanks for your help,
  13. Hi Ell-enn,Thankyou very much,Great Draft once again,thanks for your help,
  14. Well done You,I told you Ell-enn & all on here know their stuff,So pleased for you,x
  15. All the very best to you,will be thinking of you,Hold your head high,Be Strong,we are all Rooting for you,x
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