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confused dot com

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Everything posted by confused dot com

  1. I'm uncertain of when i took this loan out?how do i find out exactly when i did? do i contact citifinancial Europe as they are the company i took it out with??
  2. Hi,No i'm not a homeowner i rent privatly, The loan was taken out in my name due to my mum not having a great credit,(plus she was alcohol dependent and suffered a stroke which left her a paraplegic)the loan was for her to consolidate her debts and i cant remember when i took the loan out i think it was 2005 but not 100 per cent sure?? do i find this money and pay it by the26th and where do i find it??
  3. Hi, I have recieved a letter from Ruthbridge threatening me with bankrupcy for a loan i took out on behalf of my mother who was going to reach the monthly repayments, but did'nt and has recently passed away,since then i have moved house,and completly foregot about the loan (my own fault)they have managed to locate where my mother was living at her residential home and letters where sent to her and only one has been forewarded to myself.In a blind panic i have called them and tried to explain the situation along with a new address but could'nt get a word in edge ways due to the threats from a certain Mr Angry.They have told me i have to pay in full #1973.34 but will reduce the amount to #1322.14 if paid by the 26th Oct otherwsie bayliffs and bankrupcy procedures will commence,they do not have my address and now i'm afaid to tell them due to the threats,i'm a single mum of 3 and was my mum's carer until recently and now benifits until my youngest starts school.I'm in no position to pay this money in full and wuld'nt be excepted for a loan due to me not working at the present.How far does this company go to grind you down and make you feel completly useless???
  4. Hi Rory, Thankyou for advice,but have already called them this morning as soon as i recieved this really nasty letter,i had a really big panic and thought it was the correct thing to do i have posted my problem i'm new to all this so hoping i've dne it right?? Thankyou once again
  5. A quick thankyou to Rory for mailing me !! The letter from Ruthbridge was sent to my mothers residential home on 17th Sept this year for a loan that i took out on her behalf many years ago!yes it is in my name.anyway she has since passed way in september.they are threatening me (i think along with everyone else on this planet) with bankrupcy the debt originally was or is #1973.34.The residential home has forewarded this letter to me and its the only letter i have ever recieved from them.so i called them today and tried to get a word in edge ways of an explianation but Mr Grumpy simply hung up the phone so i called back several times in hope of talking to some-one who could help,anyway i spoke to Mr i;m not as grumpy as him, but i'm still grumpy, he said he would reduce the amount to #1.322.14 if i pay before the 26th oct.Im not in a posistion to pay this and they have my mothers residentail home address not mine as i did'nt get a chance to correct them on this, i have 3 children under 12 and on benifits as i was my mothers carer.What do i do??? i cant sleep
  6. Hi, Thanks for this site what a god send!!! Can any one advise me on the action i can take when i have recieved a threatening letter from Ruthbridge?? in a complete and utter mess in tears ans cant stop.Please help??
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