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  1. Hi.I am sorry as i don't know how to start a new thread but i need some advice. I owe £1700 to somebody. They hired a collections agency. I did owe more but paid 800 so now it is 1700. To cut a long story short i have got home today to read an email stating as the Statutory Demand has expired have i made arrangements to pay before they proceed with Bankruptcy. The last correspondence from these people was beginning of April when they said they had passed the demand onto a server and must wait to be served. To date i have had no demand served. I have emailed them back to ask who served it and how was it done and on what date. I will await there reply. My questions are how can i prove i haven't been served and if i cannot prove it how long is it likely to be before a bankruptcy hearing is likely to be?? any help gratefully received.
  2. Hi.Just to let you know it was SUSPENDED.!!!! Judge lovely,even mortgage company solicitor was a nice guy. Phew!!!!! Never want to be in this position again. I must stress that the court situation isn't scarey atall but as you are anxious you can't help feel worried. Thanks Ell-enn and sorry for all my messages. Donation to CAG on it's way.xx
  3. Yes i have proof of my job. They are saying the arrears are what i have stated claimed for charges etc before. Not sure about statements regarding charges. Arrears add up to 3.5 months. xx
  4. No the arrears are around 1800 now,just over. We are offering 150pm. yes now qualified as a teacher. xx
  5. Hi.They were 5365.84.paid 3500 exactly. could pay another 300 if necessary. xx
  6. yep i think thats better.Many thanks for helping.xx Do the mortgage company really need statements etc.Also if they were willing to accept monthly payments for charges etc why wont they now ?? Also i am not sure if the charges are correct anyway. I will be back online later so will check your responses.xx
  7. Hi I am unable to open the budget sheet?? As for arrears well they were paid off completely last december to stop an eviction.We then intended to pay monthly etc etc.Then our tax credits were stopped due to a mistake and the tax office changed my husbands tax code.Also my income went down a bit as i was training as a teacher.All of these things saw us get behind within the first month of the year.In july they applied to the court.We didnt attend as we was too scared (stupid),the judge granted 28 day possession plus money order for all costs etc.When i contacted mortgage company and their solicitors they didnt mention costs etc just arrears needed to be paid.In september i was told if i could clear arreras they wouldnt apply for evicition and we could come to an arrangement for the costs etc.This was the first time i had been told anything about the costs.We was unable to pay it so they applied for the warrant which has taken 6 weeks to arrive.Two days before it arrived we received the 28 possession order from the court for the first time. We have maanged to pay 3500 off of 5300 arrears. I called today to try and come to an arrangement but he wanted statements,payslips etc,something never been requested before ,nor in september had we been able to clear them. It is in joint names and we have two children aged 14 and 5 years.The youngest is due to have his tonsils out on 18th nov which although not a major op requires 2 weeks at home after as can be bad afterwards. We was proposing a suspension.We could even at a push pay decembers payment up front??? let me know if you need anything else. xx
  8. Hi DEBFM.How long did you have to wait for the eviction notice from when they applied.I am currently waiting to receive it then submit N244.X
  9. Thank you all so much.It is so easy to start thinking stupid things when you are looking online.xx
  10. I just rang the court to see if anything had been actioned yet,she said No.She read out the decision made by the judge as to date i haven't received one and it says about the 28 day order then says not to be actioned without authorisation??any ideas?
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