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Everything posted by Yorkyclaims

  1. Sorry to hear what has happenned. Firstly, I would get rid of the Loss Assessor - they do not do a better job than you can do, and they will take a cut from your payment. Regarding the emergency payments - speak to Norwich Union, and advise them that you understand that they are investigating liability on the buildings part of your claim, however, you see no reason why they are stalling the contents part of your claim. You should have alt acc cover on the contents insurance - this usually has a lower limit than buildings, but it is there, and this should cover any payments already made. the personal belongings you have purchased would also fall under contents. It might be best if you rang them with your policy booklet in front of you and ask them to explain why they are investigating liability on contents. You are covered for fire. there is usually no specific exclusions to fire (things that are not covered for fire, but covered for say, theft). There are general exclusions, but it is unlikely that they are investigating whether the fire was caused deliberately, by terrorism, sonic booms, etc. for your piece of mind just confirm with the loss adjuster is it liability or quantum they are investigating - If it is quantum then you will get something Let me know how you get on!
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