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Everything posted by tasco

  1. Thank you teaboy2. The investigator has not recommended an outcome but he has listed the report of his line manager as a record that was examined when he completed his investigation. It was in his line managers report that recommendations were made. I am aware that in a meeting with one of my colleagues his line manager wanted to go straight to issuing warnings, she was advised by union that she could not do this and had to follow procedures. So I feel that the whole matter has not been dealt with appropriately with decisions already made and that the result will be a forgone conclusion.
  2. I do have a copy of the disciplinary policy. Under the heading Investigating officer it says that the Investigating Officer will be responsible for conducting a thorough investigation in line with the Commissioning Officers written brief, providing a comprehensive written report on completion of the investigation and presentation of that report at any subsequent hearing. I understand that anyone involved requires the knowledge and would expect they would gather information during their investigation. However if the written brief recommends outcomes does this mean it has already been decided before the investigation has taken place.
  3. I am due to attend disciplinary hearing and feel that it may be biased. The investigating officer has used a report by his line manager which included recommendations that myself and two colleagues should be disciplined. I feel that if he is using this report/investigation to form his report that he has already been influenced by what he has read. The person chairing the panel also has prior knowledge of the case, so does this mean that she is not independant and will also already have formed an opinion. Hope this makes sense. Would appreciate some advice please. I do not feel confident that my union rep is fully understanding my concerns. Thanks
  4. Morning Request advice please. I have read with great interest the threads on mis-sold PPI and the various claims submitted. I intend to start the process and have noticed a template letter on the This is Money website that I intend to use. The question is should I contact First Plus first and instruct them to cancel the PPI or should I wait until the process of the claim has started. Any advice greatly appreciated Thanks
  5. Thanks Alison. It is concerning coastfodder that the agency that is supposed to be there to help with deposits and any disputes do not appear to actually support when they have the information that could help you. In my daughters case they were the ones that were contacted by the LL and I would have thought they would have a duty to follow it up. \It is very frustrating.
  6. I am not sure what that means Alison please could you explain.
  7. Recently I asked my employer for a few days family leave as my daughter was suffering with depression and was threatening to walk out and leave her children. My line manager agreed for me to have three days, but then the manager said that he wanted to give me some more work, and pointed out that I had had 13 days sick and one week maternity support leave. He told me that I needed to choose where my loyalties lie and that I was being paid the Queen's shilling to work. I feel his comments were totally inappropriate and have considered taking out a grievence, but dont want to make matters worse. I have felt so bad since he made the comments that I am now off work with depression myself. (he isn't the sole cause of my depression, but I feel this has contributed and I dont want anymore comments when I return to work) Any advice please?
  8. We were surprised that the rent deposit scheme were not taking the matter further as we thought they would have considered that the landlady was trying to get the money fraudulently.
  9. My daughter is in dispute with regard to her deposit being returned and is considering taking the matter to court. Recently she was contacted by the rent deposit scheme who were confirming her address for release of the remaining amount from the deposit. The address they had for my daughter had been changed. It then came to light that someone had contacted them pretending to be my daughter and said that there was no longer a dispute and to release the money requested by the landlady. It would appear that the landlady had in fact changed the address and all correspondence had been going to her. My daughter asked the deposit scheme to put this information in writing, but they declined saying that if the matter went to court then the court would contact them directly. Is this correct that the court would contact them for information, as we feel this is important and should be included in any court proceedings. Thankyou.
  10. We wondered if TDS was the best one to use as the scheme is chosen by the letting agents. Would using the scheme be a better option? and what action would we need to take.
  11. Thank you for your replies. The deposit is held by the deposit scheme. Initially the tenancy was signed for a six month period. My daughter did not resign anything. The rent was £550 per month. We have recently found out that the property has been sold. It must have sold quickly (probably within 6 weeks) and we feel that this is in part due to the good condition it was left in.
  12. Hi I would like some advice please regarding what I consider to be an unfair deduction from rent deposit. My daughter recently terminated her tenancy. An inventory was recorded on check in listing faults etc. The property was not in good decorative order, and the carpets needed replacing. (the inventory does reflect this) There was mildew in bathroom and generally the house was in need of a good clean. At the check out the only matter raised was that the grass needed cutting. At check in most of the lawn area was mud. My daughter seeded the lawn and restored the whole lawn. The landlady went in after the check out and has added items to the inventory. Is this allowed. My daughter painted most rooms (recorded as needing painting on moving in) she also repainted some of the skirting boards. she paid for underlay to be laid when the carpets were replaced as the landlady refused to do this. (incidentally my daughter did not live in the house for 6 weeks due to the smell that came from the carpets as previous tenant had dog and three cats) the smell was permeating her clothes and furnishings. After meeting with the agency for landlady, the carpet was replaced. Two walls that my daughter painted were painted in pastel colours that had been provided by the landlady ( she was not allowed to choose any colour only from chart provided by landlady) The landlady wants these walls repainting however the paintwork throughout the property is now better than when moved in. The house is now free of mildew and limescale, and much cleaner than when moved in. we are considering taking to small claims court as we are of the opinion that betterment has taken place in all areas of the property. please could you advise. Many thanks.
  13. Hi I would like some advice please regarding what I consider to be an unfair deduction from rent deposit. My daughter recently terminated her tenancy. An inventory was recorded on check in listing faults etc. The property was not in good decorative order, and the carpets needed replacing. (the inventory does reflect this) There was mildew in bathroom and generally the house was in need of a good clean. At the check out the only matter raised was that the grass needed cutting. At check in most of the lawn area was mud. My daughter seeded the lawn and restored the whole lawn. The landlady went in after the check out and has added items to the inventory. Is this allowed. My daughter painted most rooms (recorded as needing painting on moving in) she also repainted some of the skirting boards. she paid for underlay to be laid when the carpets were replaced as the landlady refused to do this. (incidentally my daughter did not live in the house for sick weeks due to the smell that came from the carpets as previous tennant had dog and three cats) the smell was permeating her clothes and furnishings. After meeting with the agency for landlady the carpet was replaced. Two walls that my daughter painted were painted in pastel colours that had been provided by the landlady ( she was not allowed to choose any colour only from chart provided by landlady) The landlady wants these walls repainting however the paintwork throughout the property is now better than when moved in. The house is now free of mildew and limescale, and much cleaner than when moved in. we are considering taking to small claims court as we are of the opinion that betterment has taken place in all areas of the property. please could you advise. Many thanks.
  14. Sorry Stevie 62 First time used forum thought I was writing new thread, but see its on your query, will redo my question.
  15. Hello, I have been reading the messages with regard to unfair deposit deductions and wondered if you could offer me some advice please. My daughters tenancy ended and in our opinion was left in a much better condition when she moved out than when she moved in. An inventory was taken at check showing the condition of the property. An inventory was not taken at the check out and the only matter raised was that the grass needed cutting. Following the check out with the letting agents the landlady went into the property at a later date and added to the inventory. She had not been present at the check in. the inventory from the check in shows that the property was not in a good condition when my daughter moved in. For example the whole house needed repainting. Carpets needed replacing some of which were. As the landlady would not pay for underlay we paid for this to be added. My daughter repainted most of the rooms with paint provided by the landlady. She now wants the walls to be repainted as two walls were not magnolia. However my daughter could only pick from colours that were provided by the landlady, as she said only pastel colours could be used. The skirting boards were also painted as at check in they were chipped and marked. We feel that the property is in a much better condition now then at check in. But the check out does not show this as nothing was recorded. Please can you advise appropriate course of action as we are considering going to small claims court for return of the deposit. Thanks
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