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Posts posted by kateanded

  1. Hi just come across your post as warm front lot here at mo installing oil central heating, so having a browe on net about them. Don't know if you ever went ahead with warm front grant but the gov have now increased the grant to £6000 for oil heating if work has not yet started, so only costing our landlords £38 to have heating put in! Might be worth re applying if you didn't go ahead before.

  2. I received first letter from G24 around 16th sept. This showed photos of car entering and leaving car park, as I said 12 mins late. I was offered reduced rate etc.. blah blah blah! I ignored first letter (not deliberately, was just busy) then received 2nd "final reminder" on 29th sept. Contained all the usual threats mentioned in this forum (Debt recovery, keeper responsible etc.) This is when I found this site and basically copying Bernie The Bolts' template wrote this...

    Dear Sirs,

    Re your letter dated 29th sept, ref **********

    It appears you have obtained my details from the DVLA and I can confirm I am the keeper of the vehicle in question. I wasn't, however, driving the vehicle that day so I am not legally liable for the charge. I therefore suggest that you take up this matter with the driver concerned.

    In the meantime I absolutely deny that the amount claimed by you, or indeed any amount at all, is due from me to you.

    Yours Faithfully.


    Not so much of an appeal more a case of I know my rights so stick it!!!


    Three days later I received the reply from G24 that I posted above. I was as surprised as everyone after reading other posts about reams of demanding letters, and was prepared to ignore any future correspondance. Perhaps I just got lucky, its got to be worth a try by others though...it was a great feeling!!

  3. Hi all,

    Never posted on a forum before but found this one when looking for advice on a parking fine received from G24 for overstaying 12 mins in a toys r us car park. My husband is the keeper of car but we were not driving it at the time, it was a family member. They tried to claim that as keeper my husband was liable for fine..rubbish!!

    I followed the template letter, almost to the word and result! I had a letter from G24 this morning (only 3 days after I wrote to them). It states..

    "Further to your appeal regarding the above parking charge notice, we would like to confirm that this has been waived. No further action is required by you."

    Can't believe they backed down so quickly, just goes to show they haven't got a leg to stand on.

    So just wanted to post a big thankyou for some invaluable advice, you saved us £75!! Cheers.:)

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