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  1. unfortunatelyt no redundancy left paid off my mortgage arrears ive contacted the council but they are not willing to take back the debt and basically i have to pay up 2 the bailiff ive not gt that kind of money ive written to the bailiff compant a while ago asking them from a breakdown in charges which are unlawfull the original council tax was for 1100 pounds but the bailiffs have added 300 pounds and only been 3 times and not even been in my house i wont let them in but they said last week that he would come with the police i dont know wat to do
  2. hi im in arrears with my council tax equita are the company thats harasing me on a daily basis the bailif is due again tmoro morn this time he says hes taking goods hes never been in my house so i dont think he can just do this im now at my lowest point i was made redundant a few weeks ago so simply cant afford the 1400 pounds there after i dont know wat to do some advice would be greatly appreciated
  3. help needed urgently i have sent them a letter and the council the same letter some weeks ago i have had no response i am willing to pay the debt but cant afford to pay it off all in 1 go 1400 pounds to be excact they have been to my house equita that is threatening that if full payment is not recieved by mid november they will be attending my peroperty with the piolice to recover certain goods joke i know please help someone thanks in advance
  4. ive had several letters and three visits from equita for non payment of poll tax which im not disputing the problem is the fees thats been added seem unfair my original bill was for 1000 pounds before it was passed to equita now they want over 1300 pounds ive written to equita special delivery asking for a breakdown of the charges that was over a month ago ive heard nothing ive sent the same letter to the council as well equita are due to return anytime but im looking for advice on what to do next.im willing to pay monthly instalments to clear the arrears but not the amount there asking for your help in advance is much appreciated
  5. many thanks for all your advice im in a position to clear my arrears on friday ive spoken to gmac and their attitude as suddenly changed and now im paying thier being very helpful many thanks
  6. thanks my circumstances have taken a dramatic twist i will now be in a position on the 21 november to pay the 5000 pounds arreares in full but the problem is im being thrown out the week earlier is there no way i could speak to gmac or the courts telling them my proposal and that they maybe delay the eviction for 10 days
  7. hi im back online now ive been wotrking away for a couple of weeks and had no access to the internet i sent off letters on the 7 october but gmac says that they are not interesrted and are applying for repo ive recieved the letter this morning telling me tghat im being reposesed on 11 november a locksmith will attend im absolutely terrified i havent told my wife yet i really dont know what to do any help would be greatly appreciated thanks in advance
  8. hi ellen please could you help me with this letter im very worried at the moment the prioblem is im not able to make a payment till 24 of this month my mortgage company aalso advised mee a few weeks ago that because weve already had a suspended order earlier in the year we wont get it suspended again im now close to nervous breakdown and cant sleep thanks in advance also do i send the letter to kings legal the solicitors and gmac
  9. also yes the mortghage is in joint names earlier on in the year my wife broke her wrist and was off work not on full pay then a coupl of months ago i had an accident and was off for 6 weeks so again not earning a great deal and also 1 thing after the other has gone wrong i know you have to pay your mortgage but we had to have a new boiler put in our other packed in and also i new back door so all in all weve spent around 2000 pounds in the last 6 months on 2 things that had to be replaced many thanks
  10. many thanks for your help i have filled in the budget sheet and we could afford 100 pounds extra each month on top of our 650 a month payments my mortgage is with gmac they phoned me two weeks ago and told me that they would not accept any proposals for payment and to start looking elsewhere because they were going for repo on my property due to the house prices i have no equity i owe 97000 on the mortgage and my house was valued 3 mths ago and it has dropped from 107000 pounds to just over 90000 pounds this is why im really worried my wife and i are worried sick and cant sleep or eat properly we dont want to lose our house and its also putting a strain on our marriage do you truly believe we have a chance of staying in our home we owe just over 4000 pounds many thanks in advance
  11. hi all i need some urgent advice early on in the year feb to be exact we had a suspended evivtion put on our house but the month later it was lifted as we paid the arrears but the problem is we have fallen behind again this time we owe 4000 pounds and we have today had a letter from our mortgage company and there solicitors that they are applying for repossesion is there anything i can do we have a 6 yr old daughter and we only live 2 mins from her school any help and advice would be greatly appreciated thanks in advance
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