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Everything posted by richardk23

  1. hi just to update, i got a letter a few months ago from the police letting me know he had been sentenced to 16 months
  2. hi, thanks for your reply. i am not sure exactly how much the ppi is per month as the total ammount for the ppi was £5,988.00 which was just added to the loan at the start and i believe is spread over the life of the loan which is over 240 months. i also think that this only covers us for the first 5 years which it didn't anyway.
  3. hi, my wife and i have a secured loan which we took out with picture, we were both recently made unemployed so tried to claim the payment protection insurance on our loan however they refused to pay out saying that i was not covered for unemployment as i had been self employed and that they would not pay out for my wife either because she had only been with her current employer for 5 months and that temporary employmrnt wasn't covered either. we were unable to make our payments for 2 months as a result and they are now demanding that we make a payment of £550 by the 21st of may of we will lose several no claims bonuses we are due from the ppi, the first of whish is £1400 which we are due in august. i am now working but with all other bills including mays installment i don't see where i will find an extra £550. i can't believe they wouldn't pay out on the ppi and may now take our no claims money when we haven't made a succesful claim. i am a bit confused and would appreciate some advice. richard.
  4. hi, i have just looked at the web site that rob15 sent me the link to and i also believe this is being ran by alan waidson, the site is extremely similar to his previous site - even some of the pictures are the same. the mobile phone number is DEFINITELY the same. is it worth emailing the new address?
  5. hi, i got advice from a legal advisor at my local court and he told me the form i need to start a claim is a 1a form? does anyone know if this is same as the n1 that others are filling out or if not what the difference is. i am also planning to start my own thread and am looking for help to get this 1a form filled in. i was also given a number by this legal advisor for someone at trading standards who he told me to phone and they are also looking into it. he told me to wait and see what they say then go back to him if i want to start the claim.
  6. just had a phone call from dc green. he says alan waidson has been arrested and is out on bail. they have traced one bank account but he says most of money has been withdrawn and is unlikely to be recovered.
  7. i have just had a phone call from dc green who says alan waidson has been arrested and is out on bail. he said they had traced 1 bank account but most of money had been withdrawn and is unlikely to be recovered.
  8. hi, no new info as yet but i have an appointment to speak to a legal advisor on thursday at my local sherriff court.
  9. i have just checked royal mail web site and both of my recorded delivery letters have been delivered and signed for. its not yet showing who signed for them, says that could take 72 hours. the first one that had a while you were out card posted has been collectd too
  10. i had a look at the HMCS money claim web site but it says you can only use it if you have an address in england or wales but i am in scotland. is there another site i can use? richard
  11. his email account sems to have been disconnected also. all of mine have been returned as undeliverable.
  12. Hi russ, i am sorry to hear there is another one of us unfortunate enough to have sent our tax returns to alan waidson. i find it quite shocking though that with several of us calling hmrc to complain about this guy that they are still paying peoples tax refunds into his account - as recently as 3 days ago as the message from russ c states.
  13. do you reckon its best to send letter twice by recorded post then or one recorded and one standard post?
  14. according to royal mail web site they attempted to deliver my letter to alan waidson today however no one was in to sign for it so a 'while you were out' card was posted for him to go and collect it from post office.
  15. when i called hmrs they could not help with retrieving my refund however they gave me alan waidsons bank details - name of bank, account number and sort code. i have now reported this matter to the police and am awaiting their responce.
  16. been to citizens advice today. they gave me some info leaflets to read and told me to make a report to essex police, they have told me they will look into it and get back to me.
  17. same here. i am going to speak to citizens advice tomorrow to see what they say. i am not holding my breath for any reply to letter though.
  18. Did you mention anything in letter about taking legal action? i still haven't even had a letter from him at all. the only reason i found out about this was on this forum.
  19. in a phone call this morning from hmrc i have been told they can't do anything regarding this situation as the money has already been transferred. they say it is a civil matter. they have given me alan waidsons bank details to where my money was transferred but i don't know if this is any use for anything? richard
  20. hi. i was just wondering if i should put anything in the letter about legal action or do i just ask that the cheque be sent within 14 days?
  21. can i just check? should the letter be sent to his office at heron way, upminster or is there another address? richard
  22. yes! all the emails i have sent have been returned to me as undeliverable. thanks again. richard
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