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Everything posted by p_cas

  1. If you read my reply properly I did say '...abusive etc at a works outing' which to my mind doesn't include running red lights on the way home. Being drunk and abusive (for example) at a works outing will very probably land you in disciplinary trouble. But it was you who actually gave being a member of the Klu Klux Klan as an example of something you couldnt be sacked for!! I was simply pointing out that you can be sacked for having views such as those. Sorry, godpikachu, but please dont take it personally. It doesnt really matter to me who posted it and I cant say that I even bothered looking. Just because I didnt agree with your reply and didnt mention you by name is really neither here nor there. Sorry if it upset you though.
  2. I think the point being made by chesham is that, although suspended, the OP is still an employee and subject to everything in his or her contract. And, yes, the OP poster could all too easily bring the company in to disrepute whilst off work due to suspension or any other reason - think about if he/she wrote derogatory things about the company on this Forum or on Facebook etc. It would only be polite to ask if it was ok to go away for a while whilst being paid by the company. Being confrontational and awkward (and quoting the Human Rights Act) will probably do you no favours at all.
  3. Whilst it's not 100% clear, i would take the phrase 'non customer related social events away from the casino premises' to mean works outings etc. In those circumstances the company can certainly dictate how you should behave etc and they can discipline you if you bring the company in to disrepute by bad behavior. There have been numerous cases of companies being held to blame because their employees behaved unprofessionally outside work hours, such as at company outings etc. I would regard this as a preemptive warning (albeit badly worded) about behavior outside work. I also can't see it being classed as unfair dismissal, as someone states, if an employee is drunk, abusive etc at a works outing and is disciplined and dismissed because of it. It's also a fact that employees have been dismissed (fairly) for things they do in their private lives seemingly unconnected with work. So for one of the replies above to say 'they cant do or say a damn thing about it' (and in particular the the ku klux klan comment) is untrue as well I'm afraid (as several BNP members have found out to their cost). I think they could have made the clauses clearer, but the point is that if something you do reflects badly on the company then they will be within their rights to do something about it.
  4. I do have a recollection of reading about a case being allowed that was out of time, but cant remember the details and I cant look it up at present, sorry! Not much help I'm afraid. I think in your position I'd be looking to get legal advice. I can understand you wanting to represent yourself but I think it may be false economy. See if any of your business insurances cover you for legal costs. There's a lot of decent people on here but the slant is usually from the employee's perspective and I feel you might struggle to get a definitive answer as an employer. Good luck though as I know from experience how easy it is for (ex)employees to bring spurious claims which can cost you a lot of time and money - especially for small businesses.
  5. Is there another post concerning this because the question and replies here seem to assume that we all know what these questions are that you want answered (and that the company have something to hide and are in the wrong by not answering them). Unless I've missed something in another post, wouldnt it be better to find out exactly what these questions are before jumping to the conclusion that a) they must be answered, and b) that the company are hiding something by not answering? Just going by what's written in your posts here I can't see why there's talk about discrimination either? Discrimination against who? About what? There's been no mention of religion, pregnancy, race, disability (you'd need a lot longer off work than 2 months to have stress classified as a disability). But....I've obviously missed something either in this post or another.
  6. I know you say the deposit is £2400 but can you confirm how much the rent is as it must be getting close to the amount where your tenancy is no longer an AST and the DPS wouldnt apply.
  7. If you pay on the 29th of each month you'll be paying on 28th February for the month up until you leave on 28 March.
  8. 1. You can put your notice in and leave any time you like. You wont get fired for putting your notice in and you'll be paid up until your leaving date. 2. They can give you a good reference, they can also give you a poor reference. Your warning is possibly going to be mentioned if asked. 3. Your employer will (hopefully) tell the truth about you. Whether this is bad or good depends on your performance doesnt it? 4. You'll get a P45 on the day you leave or to follow on afterwards. 5. I think a warning was fair in the circumstances you describe.
  9. Hold on....discrimination based on what? That a person in an office has more holidays than another person? You'd need to look at whether it's age discrimination, discrimination based on sexual orientation, race, disability etc. It can't just be discrimination because one person earns more, has more holidays, has better company perks etc etc than someone else. You always get this in offices - other staff thinking that a person gets better treatment because theyre a friend (or whatever) of the boss. In most cases it unfounded but even if it were true you'd have to prove it and prove it was discriminatory on some grounds. It's not discriminatory just because someone earns more or has more holidays.
  10. I think it would depend somewhat on what you mean by 'rude office banter'. Is it something that someone might find offensive or just gossip?
  11. I'm a bit confused as to which job you say you didnt want because it was full time. Was there only one job available and you turned it down? If that's the case I cant see the problem as you didnt want the job - unless there was an opportunity to only do it as a part time job. If Ive misunderstood can you explain a bit more as to what was offered and what you turned down please?
  12. Looking at it from a slightly different angle, is it better to accept a 10% pay cut rather than have redundancies? Leaving aside whether they should have consulted more, I know which I'd go for if the company needs to cut costs. I'd try and negotiate that this was a temporary reduction to help the company through a bad period rather than a permanent cut in wages though.
  13. Does it say in your letter of confirmation or contract that you will work, for instance, Monday evening, Tuesday evening and all day Saturday? Or does it simply say x hours per week?
  14. You don't always get pay in lieu of notice, some employers insist that the employee works the notice period even in a redundancy situation. I've known this happen a few times recently.
  15. But that's only one part of the equation isn't it? Depends on the cost of living in the country youre comparing the UK with. I haven't looked it up but I have it in my mind that Sweden is very expensive so, although the salary may sound high, it may need to be to allow for the cost of living.
  16. Of course an employer will do that, it's up to the potential employee to negotiate if he/she doesn't think the wage is adequate or if they think they are worth more. I too find it a little odd to accept a wage (and presumably they were happy to do so at the time) and then a week later be questioning it. I wouldn't be too impressed if an employee came in asking for more money after only 1 week! Get some experience with the company, see if you can do the job to the standard they want and, if all goes well, start talking about pay increases in a year or so - not after a week.
  17. Most companies will monitor emails and web use in some way or other, if for no other reason than to gather evidence on excessive or inappropriate use of the internet. A key logger is a fairly blunt tool for doing this. Also, most companies will cover themselves with a clause in their office procedures, t&c or some other way. Unfortunately many staff either ignore or forget that the employer has told them that their computer use may be monitored. Also, you use the word 'my' in relation to the computer system and antivirus etc when, of course, it's not yours but the company's equipment youre using. If youve been using work computers for home stuff (bank account etc) then change all your passwords. If youve been using work computers for more than that then you may possibly be in trouble.
  18. Oh dear! There's several things I cant understand either. Why are you buying her presents if youve split up? Why are you giving her the present at work? Why are you throwing it at her when she returns it? This all sounds like childish behavior. If youre not allowed pets in your property and it was her cat, getting in a fight at work over what she intends to do with it is, basically, nothing to do with you. I also think 'telling your boss' you werent coming back that afternoon is very different from booking a half day's holiday in advance with the approval of your boss. Couldnt you have taken the cat round your sisters in the evening? You say youve been trying to keep everything professional but it doesnt really sound like it to be honest. I think you need to wait until the outcome of the investigation then take it from there, oh and perhaps find another job where you dont have to work with your ex.
  19. My advice would be not to go off sick if you can help it. If you really think that youre in the firing line youre only going to be giving them ammunition by going absent. It's easy to say, but try and just keep focused on your job and doing it well. If they really want to get rid of you then they will and worrying about it wont help. From what you say here and in your other post it might be quite difficult for them to get rid of you legally but if it comes to that then there are steps you can take afterwards. As for now, just try and do your job, keep your nose clean and perhaps look round and see if there are any other jobs out there.
  20. I honestly can't see any reason from what youve written here as to why you think they would want to get rid of you. Why would they want to get rid of someone who is exceeding his sales targets like you are? They only reason is the pay off from when the company was taken over, but that would be very shortsighted of them in my opinion. I'm not sure when your year end would be (end of January I'm guessing from what you say) so even if they sacked you now they can't backdate it to last year's accounts so it shouldn't affect any bonus for that year. Anyway, gross misconduct would have to be something fairly serious and not something they could just dream up. Perhaps you could use this time to look around for another job? It might make you feel better in yourself to be applying elsewhere, especially if you feel that your face doesnt fit anymore where you are. Good salesmen are actually quite hard to come by. Not many companies would discard a good one, even for the sake of a one-off payment.
  21. Yes you can take a work colleague to your appeal, and I think you should. I'm not sure I understand what youre asking compensation for? Do you mean redundancy pay? How long have you been employed? If you mean compensation for an unfair dismissal, why would they do that as theyve stated that they consider the procedure to be fair?
  22. "not point asking him cause he wont tell me" Bit of a defeatist attitude if you dont mind me saying. It's unlikely he'll tell you unless you ask. Perhaps he has more initiative than you?
  23. I'm not sure this is the correct forum for political debate.
  24. It sounds, from what you say, that they have gone through the correct procedure so far. The one year rule doesn't come in to play with a straightforward redundancy and you would need two years service before you were due any redundancy pay. From what youve said here the only thing I would ask is on what criteria you were picked for redundancy before any others (for instance a scoring system).
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