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  1. I'm after some help please. I've got problems with Lowell Financial Ltd. They have brought an apparent debt from about 8 years ago and are trying to get me to pay, i'm not at all worried about them but my question is are the allowed to credit score me? I checked my credit file today to find out that they have credit scored me not once but 8 times without my permission. My credit file shows all accounts as being well kept or settled. Are they allowed to just credit check me like that or are they breaching data protection/human rights etc???? Thanks Stumpy3220
  2. Ann, See I had that problem when the debt collectors came and clamped my car. The first point is there is no point in registering it in someone elses name, they'll use a tracing agency to find it and then take it anyway. If you can whilst this matter is in dispute hide it in someones garage or somewhere not near your home so that when they come back they'll not find it. They have no power to enter your home or to remove any other goods, so don't worry about that. If they do come back ask for ID from them and make sure that it is SIA, as they have to be registered with them otherwise they are acting outside of the law. Also ask to see any paperwork they have, I guess you'd have signed a bill of sale with LBL, well they should have that in their possession. If they have none of these then i'd call the Police and explain the above. I was told by someone on here if they don't have the proper proof they could be anyone stealing your car and the Police have a right to get involved. I have done hours of research on the internet about their powers and they really haven't got any. Under no circumstances give them your keys or let them take the car, if they do then basically thats the last you'll see of it, as it will be sold in less than 5 days. Document what has happened so far, like I said this could have breached the Unfair Relationship part of the CCA. Have you spoken with LBL in relation to your dealings with their cowboys????? If not ring their complaint's department, ask to speak to a manager not the brainless fool that answers the phone, and explain that you feel they are in breach of the CCA. Check the documents you signed, make sure the agreement numbers are all the same, the dates are correct etc because one small error on their side cold make the document and the agreement not legally binding. You need to check when the agreement was registered with the High Court, asit must be done within 7 days, outside of that it is nul and void. The most important thing to remember is not to be scared of LBL, they prey on people who will not fight back, and in this case I feel you need to. These are just some of the things I have done and have found out to use against them and things I would suggest you do, they might not work so please don't hold that against me but after all the trouble they caused me I want to help as many people as I can to stop them. Stumpy3220
  3. Hi Ann, I've read your thread, really sorry to hear about the year you've had. I've had a lot of dealings with LBL, and their scare tactics. Currently my case is being reviewed by a court. My first question to you is how and what are LBL saying to you that is threatening. You see you are covered by what is called 'Unfair Realtionship' under the Consumer Credit Act. If the company are being threatening towards you then they will have most definately breached that. Also who turned up to clamp your car, what was the name of the company, what did they say, did they have ID from the Security Industry Agency and did they identify themselves as Bailliffs?? Sorry for all the questions but to help you with what I know I need a clearer picture as to what has happened. I have started a thread called Log Book Loans - Together we'll beat them. I have told what happened to us and how we got the company to back down and write off the debt. Joncris has been really helpful with my situation, but if there is anything I can do to help please let me know as I want to do as much as I can to put LBL out of business. Stumpy3220
  4. I'm after some more help. Can anyone tell me how I go about finding out when the Bill of Sale was registered with the High Court??
  5. Can anyone help. LBL have stated that Anglia UK Ltd are not Agents of their's and so are not accepting responsibility for their actions. Does anyone know any case law that i could use to link the two together?
  6. The agreement forms have LBL plastered all over them, its not until you read the small print at the bottom that you see that Advance Capital have their name printed as issuing the loan. The new law in the consumer credit act re 'unfair relationships 'basically stuffs the way LBL and Advance Capital carry out their business. I am reading up on every angle i can hit them from to put them out of business, once and for all.
  7. Its funny because the emails i have received from the same building have the addressess of Advance Capital ltd and Chelsea Park, seems like they are running lots of business names from the same building.
  8. No they were from somewhere in Wellingborough, i have to say they took about an hour to look through the paperwork before they told LBL that they won't be representing them and now i have been told that any paperwork or emails i send to LBL have to go to one of the director's. I had a meeting with Trading Standards who are taking this one on and helping me.
  9. We were dealing with Advance Capital who are trading as LBL. When i spoke with their director he fobed me off that he was contacting their legal department. About an hour later i get a phone call from a solicitor who tells me that their representing LBL and once they have the paperwork they would contact me. I didn't here a word from them, so phoned them to find out that they were no longer representing LBL on this case. That was no surpirse as LBL have not got a leg to stand on.
  10. I've written on a few threads with what has happened to me, and as i've had success with Log Book Loans, i thought i'd share with you how you can go about beating them. I have carried out a lot of research on LBL and the Law's that that govern them and the cowboy firms, sorry debt collector's they employ to reposses cars. I have found out that LBL actually ship out alot of their work to companies who trade as LBL, and are equally as bad. The first point to make is that under the Consumer Credit Act 2006 'unfair relationships' has been introduced. To put this in English means that if they consistantly phone and harrass you, force you into signing new agreements and generaly bully you means that they are in breach of this, if you can prove any of these, by keeping a diary, record calls etc then the agreement with LBL is unenforcable. Point 2: Read your contract carefully, including all the small print before signing. If you have already signed an agreement with LBL then i suggest you re read what you have signed. The Bill of Sale dates back to the 1800's. It was first used for farmers buying and selling hay. It has been known the LBL have not properly read their documents and have printed that should you not pay then they will repossess your bail of hay. Point 3: If you have signed an agreement form with LBL, which was sent to you with a pre signed witness signature then this is not lawfully binding. Your signature has to actually be witnessed by someone who is present. This is so that should the matter go to court then the witness would be able to say you were of sound mind when you did. This happened with us, and once I found this out and put it to LBL they straight away cleared the debt i had with them, which was just over five thousand pounds. Point 4: The apparent bailliffs that LBL use are not bailliffs they are just debt collector's. On reading the Private Security Industry Act 2001 it clearly states that any vehicle immobiliser by law needs to be registered with them, and must show their SIA badge. From more research the company that LBL use, Anglia Uk Ltd, from Peterborough are not registered and so do not have the authority to immobilise or seize your vehicle. They are also covered by rules laid out for them by the Office of Fair Trading, which states that the must not identify themselves as a bailliff and they must not be rude or use obscene language. They have to be in possession of the Bill of Sale that you signed to take your car, otherwise without an SIA badge or the BOS, you could think they were stealing your car and so you could call the Police to this effect, then how could they prove otherwise. Point 5: If you do have to ring them to discuss matter's don't worry about speaking to the jumped up employee that answer's the phone, from my experience all they now what to do is be rude and quote acts of law that they don't know anything about. Ask to speak to a manager or supervisor, you might be lucky and get a little bit more sense from them. Point 6: Check that your agreement has been registered with the High Court within I believe 7 days, LBL have a tendency of not doing this within the time scale. If it hasn't been registered within the time scale then the Bill of Sale is unenforcable. Also check all the agreement numbers on your documents match. Again LBL have a tendency of mucking this up which to makes the agreement unenforceable. Point 7: This is the important one, all these points are my opinion and stuff that i have found out from looking on the internet and speaking to relevant departments who are helping me. If you are unsure where you stand don't bury your head in the sand. You need to start speaking to people such as Citizens Advice as soon as possible. If you let LBL or one of their cowboys take your vehicle then you will have no chance or recovering it, so act early. I am in the process of taking legal action against LBL for a breach of process and damage caused to my vehicle. They are trying to get out of paying any compensation by using legal jargen that doesn't actually exist to confuse you and make you just give up. DON'T GIVE UP, if you think you have a case then just ask for someone to help and fight them. I intend to take this as far as I can, and if i can get them into court then I will. I hope this thread can help someone to stop these loan sharks taking advantage of vulnerable people, and either get them to operate within the law or even better put them out of business. Please add any idea's or suggestions to this thread so that we can all help each other, TOGETHER WE'LL BEAT THEM.
  11. Hi, I wonder if i could rack your brains on some legal aspects to do with LBL. Basically without going into to much detail I stupidly took out an agreement with LBL. I'd paid the amount i borrowed back and jst had the interest left. I had a few problems and asked if i could pay a little less back over a longer period. Those helpful people at LBL of course jumped at this and made me sign a new agreement for the interest which was only £1600, but with a 247% APR this made it about £5000 to pay back. I signed the agreement form and the loan started. I wrote to them with details of change of circumstances and then didn't hear anything and so maybe the wrong idea i stopped payment. A few months later there was an early knock at the door from Angia UK Ltd, who just waved a piece of paper in my face with my car registration on and told me that he was a bailliff. He stepped inside my house and told me he'd clamped the car. I then telephoned LBL and after having some jumped up idot who thought he knew it all speak to me i spoke with a manager. I realised at this point that the agreement form that i had signed for the new loan had been sent to me with a pre signed witness signature on. I told the manager this and that this then made the agreement not legally binding. He straight away backed down, told me that they would write off the debt and called Anglia UK Lld telling them to remove the clamp. When the clamp was removed i noticed that damage had been caused to the wheel, to which they just laughed and left. I have now got documentaion for LBL to say they no longer have an interest in the vehicle and i've got my log book back. Now from doing research on the internet i have found out that under the Security Industry Act 2001 that any vehicle immobilisers has to be SIA approved and carry the relevant documentaion, which Anglia UK Ltd are not, so are committing offences there. Now i'm not sure of this but i think that LBL also committ an offence of allowing, causing and permitting a non registered company to do their bidding. Also because the loan was not legally binding that they have committed the offence of criminal damage to my wheel. Now i have contacted LBL about all these points, and think that after all the trouble, worry and upset they have caused to me and all the other people i have read about on here i am looking to take this as far as I can. They have failed to remove the HPI marker they had illegally placed on my car, when they said they had. Now they have written to me stating that Anglia UK Ltd are not agents of the company and so they are not liable for any of Anglia actions, and that 'any persons seekeing to enforce a Bill of Sale on behalf of LBL are not employees of the company'. I am waiting on a phone call from a solicitor was is apparently representing them and i have appointments with my solicitor and CAB, but wondered if anyone had any idea's or suggestions as to if i have missed anything. I will take this as far as i can to recover the cost of new alloy's and compensation from the company. Thanks
  12. I've looked through most of the forums to do with LBL, and have found some very useful advice, which has helped me to beat them, yes that's right beat them. My partner, before we met got a loan from LBL for about £1500 at a very small APR of 247%. Most of the debt had been paid back when she fell into financial difficulty and could not reply. Like most other people have posted LBL began to phone, harrass and basically threaten her into making the repayments. LBL then came up with the wonderful and helpful way of helping her (NOT), of re financing the outstanding balance at the same APR. She got told sign the agreement or we'll take your car, so understandably under the threat of that she signed. After contacting LBL to inform them of change of circumstances nothing was heard from them, so not being our place to chase them we didn't (this might have been a mistake on our behalf). It wasn't until a few weeks ago that we next had contact from them, well from the nice people from Anglia UK Ltd who almost kicked our door in at 6 in the morning. The chap at the door stated he was a bailliff (which he was not, and does not have their powers) and was here to reposes the car and for us to give him the car key. He entered our house without permission and was promtly told to leave. He was not in possession of the bill of sale or warrant but just waved a piece of paper in our face with the car details on. When he was told that we would call the Police he said "call the f######g Police, we've already clamped your car". He was asked to show his SIA badge to which he said "show's how little you know, i don't need one". LBL were then contacted, who stated they had not received our paperwork and so they were seizing the car. On checking through the paperwork i discovered that the second agreement form that my partner had signed had been infact sent out to her with a pre signed witness signature on with a covering letter stating sign this and get it sent back recorded delivery, which she had done. I spoke to the manager and informed him that the agreement form was not legally binding because the witness had not been present. After a short time he came back on the phone to say "I tell you what, we'll just write the loan off. I've phoned Anglia Uk and they're taking the clamp off". I confirmed with him that he was writing the full amount which was around £5000 outstanding off, to which he said "yes". Anglia UK Ltd then removed the clamp and after a few choice words from them left. As the clamp was taking off i noticed that it had damaged the wheel, to which they just laughed in my face. As a result of all this we have contacted LBL and Anglia Uk Ltd asking for compensation for the wheel. I have been contacted by a solicitor acting on behalf of LBL who is now looking into the case for them and will be contacting me in due course, but as of yet no contact back from Anglia Uk Ltd. From doing research on the net under the SIA Act 2001 all vehicle immobilisers by law must hold an SIA licence, Anglia Uk Ltd DON'T, and as the agreement was not lawfully binding, to clamp our car and damage it means they have committed criminal damage. The best part was we now have the log book back and a conformation that LBL no longer hold an interest in our car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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