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  1. Hi there, sorry to hear your recent troubles. Make no mistake ECL are NOT a mortgage company, when we went through the same thing in 2011, I was told by one of there Helpful staff NOT, that they bought a" book" of mortgages, these are ones in trouble that say, Future don't want on there books. What ECL do is add charges let the account run into more trouble, then try to repossess your home so they can sell it and make a profit, they can afford to sell your home at a knock down price because they probably didn't pay much for the mortgage in the first place. This will always be their endgame, we asked the same as you capitalisation etc and received the same answer, " you can't afford it " that was after we sent them expenditure forms, which they juggled to suit themselves. If you have any money at end of month, they want it, if you show you haven't any then you can't pay any extra. We have stopped speaking to them on the phone as we found it too stressful and found we got nowhere. we only correspond in writing and make sure we keep everything, when we went to court the judge picked up on the fact that they had not considered any other option but repossession, I recently noticed they have taken a phrase off their letters that said " repossession is the last course of action we would undertake " the judge noted that it was the first course they had taken. If you see my post earlier in this thread, we replied to their request and refused to fill out an expenditure form, stating that the £600 we pay now included £77 towards the arrears and not the original £50 we agreed, and that we would continue to pay this. Their reply basically said they agree to carry on as we are but would review it periodically. I would suggest that a visit to Shelter would be a great help they gave us so much support and although they couldn't represent us in court they wrote a letter to the judge, making recommendations etc, with your circumstances they my be able to go with you to court, make sure you have any letters from ECL and from yourself to them , this was crucial in our trip to court. In their recent letter they say that it is their policy to only capitalise once within the term of the mortgage, which for us they did very early on after they took over. If they haven't done this for you then ask why it's not possible. We hope things work out for you, once again go and get as much advice as you can and go armed to the teeth to fight these sharks. Take care.
  2. Hi there, we have had the same problem with Engage, they took us to court in Dec 2011 they tried to get a repossession order. Thankfully they made a false statement on the court papers and the case was thrown out. Everything has been ok since then the court set our payments at CMI plus £50 for arrears as our term is 22yrs it the arrears would be paid off in 13yrs. We pay £600 as it was easier to round up the payments. We pay by bank transfer, in Sept 2012 the payment didn't go through, we didn't notice until we got a letter about the arrears, called them said what had happened, and paid double next payment. We then got a letter saying that they accepted the new agreement and would review it in 3 mths, they have twisted the situation to try and start charging us arrears fees etc they have now asked us to fill out financial expenditure forms. We won't do this as last time they manipulated the figures to suit themselves, obviously they have made the usual threat of legal action. I would rather go to court again as we have done noyhing wrong they are just trying to get more money from us. We would add our names to a group action against this dreadful bunch of Sharks.
  3. Hi there and a happy new year to all, Just a quick note, we received a letter from Engage on the 19th December funnily enough stating an interest change due to a rise in LIBOR, is this a usual rise, seeing as they are not really a mortgage company? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Thanks for the support, we'll do our best, but they don't know how much strain it puts on your life and relationship, and that's the real price you pay. Thanks for everyones help.
  5. Thanks, we will do, as the judge said you now have a very angry company on your hands, just to say we were given a lot of help from the local authority housing section and also we had invaluable help from Shelter Cymru, despite us being over the income threshold we had some brilliant advice from their solicitor. We would never have known about them but for the local council telling us, so I would advise people to do the same, if you can't afford a solicitor. Thanks also to this forum i've had some great advice and also just reading other peoples experiences has helped a lot No doubt we will receive some more Bull S from Engage but for now we have a repreve. Best Xmas present ever.
  6. Hi there, we have been in the same situation as a lot of people who are dealing with Engage credit, we were with Future Mortgages who sold us on approx Nov 2010, did the usual thing with Engage we could only pay what we could afford due to my wife loosing job then only getting part time work etc, they said fine try to pay £300 our mortgage was at the time £570, we did this as best we could but were hit with more problems, told Engage of course they said fine. At that point we didn't know what type of company they are. In Sept 2011 we tried to sort things out by asking to go interest only and pay off the arrears, or capitalise, obviously they just flatly refused. The next thing we get told that they are takeing us to court as our arrears were £8.500. We had made an offer of the cmi plus £50 which was refused in Sept we paid it in Oct and Nov anyway and made part payment this month. Today was our day in court (19/12/11) the possession order was thrown out completly, allowing no appeal or any cost as Engage had not followed protocol. They had stated on the court form that no offer had been made in the last 3 months which it had and we had made payments. This was picked up by the judge when he looked at recent letters from them and us, us making the offer and them refusing dated before they applied to the court. The judge saw this as basically trying to fool the court, and he wasn't pleased. We were lucky we had all our documents with us and that he wanted to see them otherwise it would have been missed, The judge also said of one of their letters that it contained a joke as it says "we would like to make you aware that repossession of your property is the last course of action we would want to take" he said that obviously it was their first course of action. This really has been a lucky escape for us just because we did our best to sort things out, and Engage were too keen on getting their pound of flesh, maybe some of you out there are in the same spot, please check all your letters ect, and take as much correspondence with you to court. They may have made the same mistake with you. Engage are a xxxxxxxxxx dispicable company and treat people like xxxxxx. I hope some of you may get the break you need
  7. I'm not sure if anyone can help with this, but here goes. I live in North Wales, where the police have always been a bit tough on motorists, they seem to have a policy of calling a local recovery service to tow your car away if it has broken down, and then it costs you £150 to get it back. This is done regardless of whether you have breakdown cover, they don't give you the option to call yours, and have in other cases cancelled the AA and called "their" service, of course their reason is safety which is perfectly reasonable, but they can't guarentee how fast their truck can get there, in one case it took the local truck 50 mins to get to the breakdown. All I would like to know is would you be able to refuse their service if you are covered, is there anyway you could claim your money back of them. Any ideas greatly appreciated.
  8. Spoke to Shoosmiths today they say that Future Mortgages have changed the T&C's to include that. Person we spoke to has been fielding calls from irate customers. Are they able just to change things like that? I haven't been sent anything to sign!
  9. Haven't been able to find my copy of T&C. The charge they say is for acting on behalf of the mortgage company in recovering our repayments
  10. Hi There, not posted for a while, things have been quiet, luckily enough. Have been dealing with Shoosmiths to pay arrears on our mortgage, been doing ok but my wife lost her job 3mths ago. We have been doing our best and talking to everyone. Then today a letter turns up from them saying that in accordance with our mortgage T&C they are adding £202.25 fees to the mortgage and it will attract interest at mortgage rate. Are they allowed to add these charges? and what can I do about it? Any help would be gratefully received. Thanks
  11. Hi there, Just to cut in I am also having dealings with shoosmiths, to fill in, we have a mortgage with Future mortgages ( pain in the arse ) we have got approx £2500 arrears at the mo', which we obviously want to sort out. It's just the way they have gone about it that has ****ed me off, we took out the mortgage 2 yrs ago on a fixed rate, so we haven't benefited by the interest rate change, but we had a letter 1st March to say that in April that comes to an end, and it goes down from £768 to £549 great! Then on the 10th we had a letter each from shoosmiths saying if we don't pay arrears they'll repossess included is an income & exp sheet. we will come to some agreement, I just think the timing is a bit suspect, we have had no letters from Future, but would have made arrangements with them, any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  12. Thanks Abby, checked your thread, they sent me the same stuff as you. let me know what your result is. thanks again
  13. thanks all for the advice, I will send Cerbs letter and see what happens, if that doesn't work what is a CPR 31 request and what do I do with that?
  14. http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt232/avpop/advanta1.jpg http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt232/avpop/rbsadvanta-1.jpg http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt232/avpop/rbsadvanta2.jpg http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt232/avpop/rbsadvanta3.jpg http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt232/avpop/rbsadvanta4.jpg Hi there thanks for reply think these should be better, as I said none contain my signature and just look like leaflets for terms and conditions, if anyone can give me an idea what steps to take next, i would be really grateful.
  15. hi there any help would be appreciated. I've put up the forms they sent me.
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