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  1. Hi silverfox1961 My PPI claim is under way (I have sent a letter and received a huge questionnaire which I disregarded and filled in a template version and sent that) I'm just drafting a letter to worst credit and could do with a bit of guidance because I'm not really sure what I should be saying, I'll P.M you my first draft and advice would be gladly received!
  2. Yes, I had one holiday break (where you Can miss a month ) and then I tried to claim on PPI because of lack of work but they said I wasn't covered unless I declared my company bankrupt, so I asked to cancel the PPI because it didn't cover me like they initially told me it would and they said I couldn't because you pay the PPI in your first payments.The Bankruptcy of my company path want appropriate at the time and a little drastic I thought because I was hoping things would pick up. I tried to make payments every month but failed to raise the payments on time every month so they would charge my personal account for the bounced direct debits. Eventually they but Mr in touch with their collections department who arranged a lower payment plan which I could afford every month but after 6 months without notice they handed my account to outside agencies (although I had made all the newly agreed payments without fail) and that's when I stopped communicating with them and just started sending out the CCA letters.
  3. Thanks silverfox1961 As far as the actual loan statements are concerned I cannot see any charges other than the loan payments. What I was trying to say is that my Lloyd's personal bank account suffered hundreds of pounds worth of bounced direct debit payments every time they tried to take the payment for the loans, Lloyd's charged me £38 every time , so every month I saw lloyds attempt to take 2 loan payments from my Lloyds personal account but because I didn't have the balance in my account to pay it (due to having no work and PPI not covering me) they placed 2x £38 charges to my personal account (not my loan account) because the direct debits bounced. I'll write a letter to first credit and then mail you a copy to have a quick look at if that's OK silver fox. Thanks again
  4. Hi silverfox1961 thanks again, No, I haven't reclaimed PPI yet, should I use the form that Lloyds bank keep sending me? or should I approach a ppi claim in a different way? I understand that the abundance of PPI claim companies could do this for me for a fee and the only reason I can think of using one of them is I wonder if they could do it better than me. I thought it may be possible to get the "failure to pay" removed from my credit report because of Lloyds forcing a policy that inevitably caused this situation in the first place. Would this be possible silverfox1961 or am I grasping at straws? There doesn't seem to be any late payment charges as such but I did endure hundreds and hundreds of pounds worth of bounced direct debits due to them attempting to take the direct debit payments for the loan. Can you claim for these types of charges ? Is there a template letter I should be following when I write to 1st Credit to dispute the amounts claimed? Thank you so much silverfox1961
  5. Could you advise me on how I should proceed by making an offer to 1st credit? What is the correct way to proceed with this? Thanks in advance
  6. I have just collected my large package from Lloyds bank! It's amazing the details they collect on you! They seem to have 1 credit agreement from one of the loans but an incomplete one for the other ! signed and one with the signature page missing) why the couldn't have produced them when requested, I don't know. So 1st Credit are still chasing, and still being relatively polite in their letters offering 30 percent off etc. Should I look at making them an offer to clear the debts? though it does annoy me because as I have said before, I would never have taken the loans if I had known the ppi didn't cover me. Thanks again for your advice
  7. I sent a SAR to Lloyds and they have sent me a letter back saying they need a copy of my signature before they can process the request. But the original SAR had a security signature strip with a digital image of my signature on? why do they need me to sign the form they have sent? Happy new year everyone
  8. Lloyds have replied to the SAR by asking for a sample signature. I already signed the SAR letter with a security signature strip and my signature ? why would they be asking for another ? I'm a little reluctant signing the form they have asked me to sign. Merry Christians guys and a happy new year
  9. I couldn't find the account in dispute template? I checked the library and clicked the link but can't seem to locate it?
  10. Thanks again silverfox1961 So I need to SAR Lloyds and would you suggest CCA template letter for 1st credit or "You know nothing of the Debt / Prove It" template? Should I wait before I contact worst credit as not to appear too eager or get a response off straight away? Thanks again silverfox
  11. Thanks again silverfox. I'll get a template letter off to worst credit tomorrow with the additions you suggested. And hi ford November 2010 was the last acknowledgement of the debt so I think I have another few years before it's barred. I'm in a better position now to pay the debt but do feel like I have been done over like a kipper. I would never have gotten into this mess if Lloyd's payment protection had upheld what they promised. I almost feel they should be footing the bill because they lied to me. If a shop sold me a computer saying it was super fast and on getting it home it was just an empty box,I wouldn't hesitate dragging them through the courts but being a bank I feel like they are getting away with putting me in this position in the first place. Yes I'm pretty sure they were personal loans Can you make PPI claims for more than they cost? I remember at the time the said they wouldn't help me with payments, I tried to cancel the PPI but they said that I couldn't because you pay the PPI in your first payments, ohhhh they make me so angry!
  12. Hi silverfox1961 No, I never received a single copy of the agreement, I suspected it didn't exist or they couldn't be bothered to find it. 3rd of November and 5th of November 2010 were the last payments to Lloyds collections team. The two letters have final figures on them and are quite friendly :o) at the moment "we are here to help". Who should I ask for the credit agreement now? Lloyds or Worst Credit?, Is there a template letter I should use? Should I wait for the agreement and then post on here if or when I am looking to make a settlement? and then after a settlement has been made, claim PPI Thanks so much for replying so promptly silverfox1961, I much appreciate your advice.
  13. Hi guys, Thanks in advance for all your help over the years, I don't think I have ever posted but have managed to sort things just fine by searching the forums. What an amazing site! Thank you. I have had 2 debts with Lloyds for a number of years now, 2 loans taken out to help me set up my own business. When my business fell upon hard times, Lloyds refused to help and told me that my PPI didn't cover me if I was self employed, unless I dissolved the business. Customers to my business were few and far between at the time but dissolving the business would have been fruitless, I was just having trouble meeting the payments from the little work that was coming in. I suspect I have a case for claiming back my PPI seen as the response to my question "will it cover me if the work falls off" was "Yes, that's what it's there for" but that's a different matter to the one in hand. Eventually, Lloyds collections department agreed a repayment plan and I paid a reduced payment each month so to clear the 2 loans. After about 4 months of paying this reduced payment (I did not default on these payments and seen as they stopped taking the money, I presumed they were happy with the amount I had paid), I started receiving letters from debt collectors and that's when I arrived at CAG, and followed the advice on here asking them to provide credit agreements etc. This saw them all off up until now. Do I owe Lloyds bank money? I would say on paper, yes but am so annoyed that A I was told PPI would cover the loans if I was to fall on hard times B. I was paying my debt back to the collections department under a payment plan we agreed and without notice, they passed on the debt. I don't really know where I stand and have just fended off the debt collectors with credit agreement requests up to yet BUT..... I received 2 letters this morning from 1st credit, 1 for each of my previous loans. Inside each envelope was a letter from Lloyds and one from 1st Credit. The Lloyds letter saying they had sold the debt and the 1st credit one saying they had bought the debt. My first question to the wonderful world of CAG is: 1. What do I do now! I haven't aknowledged the debt for many years though I did see one of my £1 postal orders sent to a debt agency appear as a payment off one of my loans even though the letter clearly stated it should not be used for any other purpose than to provide the original credit agreement. 2. Am I looking at this all wrong ? and should I just write to 1st credit and arrange a payment plan that I can afford? 3. Is it worth claiming PPI , I thought in the past that if they did refund me then it would probably go towards the debt automatically and I wouldn't have a leg to stand on in the future if I started shouting " I would never have taken out the loans if I knew I wasn't covered!) Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me
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