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Everything posted by charliesgranny

  1. Hi there, he get pip at the minute and has just today put in a claim for esa
  2. Hi there, sorry if this ends up a bit long winded but, I really need an answer. My son 40 yrs with mental health problems and his long term partner split up at the weekend they have two girls. She is still living in the property they bought together but, he needs to find a flat . We have been told that because his name on the mortgage that he will not be able to claim housing benefit, does anyone know if this correct? His partner on the other hand said she was told he could claim as she is living in the house with the kids. He is unable to work due to his health so couldn’t pay rent himself. Any advice would be appreciated
  3. Thankyou I will pass that on they may find it easier on the phone if they struggle with the online forms. They had a quick run through on turn2us and if they have done things correctly which it looks like they have they will get a bit of help including some help with rent.
  4. Thanks for the replies guys. I have told them about turn 2 us but does anyone know roughly how accurate it is?
  5. Hi, my daughter is 28 and pregnant with first child she works fulltime on minimum wage lives with partner who earns £19, 000 they live in a 3bed private rented house and the rent is £550 per month. When the baby comes along and she is off work she will get smp but, will they be able to claim anything to help them until she can get back to work? Would they be able to get housing benefit or anything? They have both always worked and have no idea when it comes to claiming benefits so any help is appreciated. Thanks
  6. It seems never ending, how much can they really expect to put you through? I really hope it settles down soon and you can get some peace.
  7. Things are not always black and white, it may look like they are still together but, things could be very different behind closed doors.
  8. Thanks for all the good wishes, and anyone that is in the same position as we were please fight and don`t give up if you know you are right
  9. Thank you, its been a long road but worth the fight
  10. Tribunal today and when we arrived there the clerk came out and spoke to us he told my son to go home and he had no need for any further worry. Thankfully there has at last someone who has seen sense and they have looked at all the medical evidence and the letters the consultants had written (cost a fortune for these). All I can say is I really feel for the next person this happens to and I hope they have the same backing from their doctors as we did because even though this has ended well it has been a total nightmare.
  11. Thank you very much. There was a time I was so low with all of this I had to seek help from the gp for myself but, I have been determined to not let them break my son.
  12. We now have a date for my sons appeal, just over a week away so not long but, it has been a long wait. We have mountains of medical evidence and lots of statements from people who know him and how he struggles every day, so lets hope on the day things go his way.
  13. Hi there just found it 01612809934 or 07506772430 if you text her she calls you back
  14. Google Michelle Cardno Fightback or if you are on facebook look for fightback on there they have a page which is totally private if you send them a message it does not appear on the page and give them a phone number and she will ring you, there is not much Michelle cannot help with and she really opened my eyes to the underhanded tricks the DWP get up to just to try and get a conviction. Hope you get things sorted I will see if I can find her phone number (have it written down somewhere) but busy packing to go away.
  15. Hi, yes she has asked but, they have no vacancies on days. As I said she has been there 7yrs and she is just fed up with nights but, it could be worse as at least she has a job with good pay and conditions.
  16. My daughter has worked constant nightshift for 7yrs and she has gotten really fed up with it now so she has been looking for a new job and there was not one employer that had a vacancy in our area that was not zero hours. She was shocked and has decided to stay where she is for the time being. She works with disabled teenagers in a sheltered scheme and would like to stay in this type of work but would not take zero hours just to get day shift.
  17. Sandrahinder I can just imagine what you are going through but, there is help out there. My sons case has been dropped so no criminal prosecution but, it would not have been had I not contacted an organisation called Fightback. Google them for contact details they are fab, they are lawyers who help you and its free. I called them and within 1 week of their call back to me everything against my son was dropped. Hope this helps
  18. We are just pleased its all over apart from the appeal but, I would never have believed they would have put my son and the rest of us through all of this. We had our first decent nights sleep in a long time last night. I personally believe that some of the decision makers should have some medical knowledge and understand some of these more rare conditions. It became nothing more than a witch hunt and my sons health went rapidly down hill because of it. Thankfully we have a great gp and specialists that look after him. Thanks to everyone that has wished us well.
  19. There does seem to be a fair bit of dodgy stuff just to try and get people convicted, its a disgrace but, still a great day for us
  20. Well I have just had the best news ever, the solicitor has phoned us as she has been in meetings with the cps all morning and the case has been withdrawn. The cps said that he should never have had to go through this after they looked at the defence from doctors. This was done in advance of the trial on Tuesday as it came to light that the dwp had withheld the defence evidence from the cps, so the only reason they had actually decided to prosecute was they thought there was hardly evidence to back up what my son was telling them. The cps were furious with the dwp and the solicitor said she has put in a claim to the courts so he will get some money back in around two months. Just the appeal now but nothing could spoil my day after this. Thankyou all that were there listening and supporting us.
  21. I don't know if we can do anything to this person but, we have been told we can claim back every penny spent on the solicitors and compensation if its thrown out, so that's something.
  22. Update on this case for those that have followed it. The fella from work has withdrawn his statements and is refusing to appear in court. Now the solicitor is having a meeting at the court before the case on the 30th to see if they can get the case thrown out as the dwp based the whole case on this one person from work. We have mountains of medical support so the solicitor is very confident my son will not even have to stand in court now.
  23. I really feel for you and geoffthechef has hit the nail on the head. We are all just making money for these high earners.
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