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Everything posted by Chickenlegs

  1. dx many thanks for sorting out the different threads! rgds CL
  2. Yep you are right - 1 is HBOS and this new query applies to this one. I'm going to check the Land Registry on this one and see if its only a Restriction. 2 is Arrow not accepting payments as you say - a different one entirely. rgds CL
  3. dx100uk, you've merged 2 threads here! I have 2 CCJs for Arrow Global!
  4. Sorry, not sure how to link up with my old threads! Don't mean to make life hard for anyone dx100uk! Sorry!
  5. Hi Andyorch, £150!!! But they say £236!! Is there anything I can do to get the extra £86 back? CL
  6. Hi renagadeimp, No, haven't checked the Land Registry - don't know how to! Restons say if I pay their 'offer' (which is only £1,000 off the total) they will lift the CO from the house! Do you think they would do that or is it lies? CL
  7. DCA is Restons for Arrow Global. Have been paying a CCJ regularly since 2013. Had a letter from Restons offering a reduced sum to 'partially' pay off the debt, but the total sum they quoted I didn't agree with. I sent a letter back querying the total. They replied that they had put a CO on my half of the house in 2015 which had cost them £236 and they had put that sum onto the total. No-one had notified me that there was a CO on the house! Surely at least the Land Registry should have let me and my husband know? rgds CL
  8. Hello everyone, All you legal bods out there I have a question for you: Is a DCA allowed to obtain a CO on half a house without notifying the owner/owners? rgds CL
  9. Thanks dx100uk will try and cash them. Really do appreciate you all taking the time to reassure me that I'm doing the right thing here!! Rgds CL
  10. Can't cash the postal orders as they are made out to Arrow Global and crossed!! I'm sending the same ones back to them each month as they are valid for 6 months. No PPI unfortunately, we always made sure we ticked the box to say No! Rgds CL
  11. I'd been paying the CCJ (£5 per month) for 9 years exactly when the payments started to be returned. I would definitely need help please in challenging any costs! Rgds CL
  12. Hi dx100uk I believe it was originally an MBNA debt. I went through the whole process of CCA's, SAR's etc. etc., but once Arrow got hold of it I was in Court within a couple of weeks! The whole Court thing stressed me out so much that, I'm embarrassed to admit, I just rolled over and accepted the Court's judgment! I've been paying so regularly - ensuring that it's paid by the allotted date and now, suddenly, to have my letters and postal orders returned has completely messed me up!! Do you think Arrow are playing a game with me? Why would they not accept my payments? Rgds CL fkofilee, thank you for telling me that!! Yes, I have the returned letters marked RTS - I am waiting for February's payment to arrive back. But if they suddenly take me back to Court, do you think I will get a chance to tell/show a Judge what has been going on? Do I continue making payments? I'm throwing good money away, as I can't get my cash back from the Postal Orders of course! Rgds CL
  13. Yes, I thought so fkofilee! And, hopefully, I would get a chance to explain to the Court why 5 payments weren't made!
  14. Hi renegadeimp, True, if it wasn't the subject of a CCJ then I would say you are definitely right. But they surely can't sell it on when it is a CCJ? Wouldn't they have to go back to Court? CL
  15. Hi everyone, Would appreciate opinions/advice on this please: For 9 years I have been paying a regular monthly amount to Arrow Global for a CCJ they obtained against me. I send a PO with a covering letter to their London office and obtain a Certificate of Posting every month. Suddenly, in October last year I had my previous month's letter and PO returned to me by the Post Office with a RTS (Return to Sender) on the envelope! And, since then, the same thing has happened each month - I have now had 5 of my payments returned. No letter or reason for the return from Arrow Global. I telephoned the Post Office, Customer Service to see what was happening and they told me that they are delivering the letters but Arrow Global are obviously refusing delivery and putting RTS on them! I am extremely stressed over this. The debt is not even nearly paid off yet. It would be lovely to think that after 9 years I don't have to pay anymore, but I can't imagine for one moment that that is the case. So what is going on here?? Has anyone else had anything similar? Any opinions or advice please would be appreciated. Chickenlegs
  16. Hi dx It was a credit card. I've decided not to pay anymore and see what happens! I struggle to pay each month anyway. Thanks for your help. rgds CL
  17. Hello again dx100uk, thanks for pulling together this thread! The last time I sent them a CCA request all they sent in reply was a completed Application Form. rgds CL
  18. Thanks for your replies folks. Offset???? Surely not!!! I can't believe that although I'm struggling to pay off this debt, they can simply 'offset' anything else paid against the account! But SB's letter clearly says that as the account is still open they will send the payment to 1st Credit for it to be credited to the account!! I think, as you suggest fkofilee, the first thing I must do is write to SB. rgds CL
  19. Hi all, Have been paying 1st Credit for years on a Sainsburys Bank credit card debt! Earlier this year I had a letter from Sainsburys Bank admitting to overcharging me in 2007 on this account and notifying me that they were contacting 1st Credit and crediting my account with the amount overcharged. Two weeks ago I received an annual statement from 1st Credit and guess what!! no mention of the credit from Sainsbury Bank on it. I immediately wrote to them requesting an updated annual statement showing the missing information. Nothing!! no response from them at all! So what's my next move folks?? I feel inclined to write again to them saying I will not pay another penny off the debt until they send me a correct updated annual statement. Any suggestions??? rgds Chickenlegs
  20. Andyorch, in an earlier Thread you say that it costs £55 to transfer the case to my local Court, but when I telephoned the Court they just said to send an email and request it. There was no mention of a fee! Have I done it wrong? CL
  21. Is it the case that if I don't let them know of my other creditors now then I can't mention them at the Hearing? I am really worried about all this paperwork that I have received - I just want to do things right. I hope you don't mind me asking you these questions. CL
  22. Thanks for the answers Andy. In Restons letter they ask me to let them know if I have other creditors? Should I let them know of the others? regards CL
  23. Hi Conniff, This is why I ignored their letters! We are OAPs and living on state pensions. Restons are just vultures I know but it is frightening that they now want a CO on our house. CL
  24. Hi All and a Merry Christmas to everyone, This was originally a HBoS credit card debt! A CCJ was slapped on me and within 5 months of paying regularly Restons started hassling me to increase the payments. I ignored their letters and now they have sent me an Interim Charging Order (received last Thursday). I have already emailed the Court and requested it be changed to my local Court. I also received copy of Title Deeds from the Land Registry (so did OH) with a deadline of 8th January to return their Consent Form. Hoping someone out there can answer a few questions I have about this please: I don't feel inclined to Consent to this CO so can I just object on the grounds that I have not defaulted on my payments? And, if I do have to sign the Consent form can I then object to it when I get into Court? And what about OH? Naturally, he objects! But what sort of objections would be accepted as relevant, short of saying 'no way'? Can anyone help me here please? regards CL
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