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  1. OK, I should have said debit not credit. Came straight out of my bank account. I'm not that daft.
  2. Hi all, Knowing that my next SLC payment would mean that I would overpay by about £300 I thought I'd be pro-active and phoned up the SLC to get a calculation of how much was outstanding and paid off the balance by credit card. After 20 minutes of being on hold I managed to pay and was at no point told by the muppet on the other line that the payment may take up to 2 months to process and HMRC would continue to take payment. I've got the letter of them saying they think it's paid up the day before HR had to put through the payroll and the payroll company said they couldn't stop the payments because of lack of notification from HMRC. So basically the SLC now have about £800 (and potentially more) of my money which I can't get back until the end of the tax year. Obviously they will not give it back with interest. I want to be refunded the money as soon as possible even if it's just the payment I made over the phone after their misrepresentation. How would you suggest I approach this? Any help greatly appreciated.
  3. Noomill, This probably should be in a seperate thread but you seem to be a bit of an expert on SLC matters. Anyway, knowing that my next SLC payment would mean that I would overpay by about £300 I thought I'd be pro-active and phoned up the SLC to get a calculation of how much was outstanding and paid off the balance by credit card. After 20 minutes of being on hold I paid and was at no point told by the muppet on the other line that the payment may take up to 2 months to process and HMRC would continue to take payment. I've got the letter of them saying they think it's paid up the day before HR had to put through the payroll and the payroll company said they couldn't stop the payments because of lack of notification from HMRC. So basically the SLC now have about £800 (and potentially more) of my money which I can't get back until the end of the tax year. Obviously they will not give it back with interest. I want to be refunded the money as soon as possible even if it's just the payment I made over the phone after their misrepresentation. How would you suggest I approach this? Any help greatly appreciated.
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