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Everything posted by JP5

  1. Hi, new to the forum and have found bits and bobs of infomation, but just wondered if anyone has any advice? I was pulled by Police on 09/10/2008 for having no Road Tax, which I quickly rectified. Howver, I have just received a sSummons, today, requesting a court appearance 06/07/2009. I admit I was in the wrong with this one, but this is the first I have heard form the Police/Court, anyone, about the issue. No NIPS that I'm aware of. Obviously I am worried about the size of the fine I may receive, and have been looking around the net at various bits of information, as to what I should do. I have seen something that mentions that in order to prosecute, then information has to be "laid" at the magistrate within 6 months of the offence. I have a "Date Infomation Laid" on the Summons which is 11 May 2009. Do I have any recourse here with regard to that date being over 6 months form the offence? I'm not sure to be honest and any advice/help would be most appreciated. Many thanks.
  2. Thanks for the swift reply postggj.... I hope you can see the attachment. This is from Annual Credit Report itself. The image was taken yesterday and I think the 'D's mean they are issuing Defaults?? As I have been paying for the last couple months I didn't think these would continue. Any thoughts on it? Thanks JP5
  3. Hi, New to this forum and have what I hope is a quick to answer Q. Have been issued with numerous default notices by Egg re: my Credit Card repayments. This I understand. They have outsourced this to a collection agency and I am paying it off monthly, albeit not in massive amounts. Went onto Annual Credit Report and it appears that even thought I commenced the payments 2 months ago, Egg are continuing to issue defaults against the account. Is this correct? Do the defaults not stop now as I am making re-payments? Any help most appreciated. John.
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