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  1. Thanks for your comments MShed's response is exactly where I am coming from as for me it's not just about pay but reduced responsibilities and future career prospects which in my opinion are all affected by reducing store size. I would appreciate any other opinions Thanks in advance
  2. Hi, This is my first post so be gentle! I have been with a retail company for over 20 years as a store manager.At the end of July my Area Manager came in and told me he was moving me to another store which is half the size.He said he would hold my salary for a year and then it would be 'reviewed'.I have been in my store for 4 years the first two were successful but the last two the business has declined however in my opinion due to external trading factors.I raised a grievance as I felt that company procedures had not been followed in managing my performance and the descision has came back that they agree the performance management procedures have not been followed however there is a part in my contract where they can move me 'for career or operational needs' and have upheld the Area Manager's decision to move me.They confirm they would keep my salary the same. My arguement is that the store they are attempting to move me to is similar to what I ran 5 years ago therefore as the responsibilities are less.This I think is a demotion Am I right or do I not have a hope? Many thanks in advance
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