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  1. The only thing I have asked for right now, is a possible reason as to why the clamp was removed, nothing else right now. I know what I am liable for, I know how to avoid responsibility if I choose to and as I said before I am prepared to lose the car if need be the car really is not a biggy to me right now, it is in my brothers possession. I accept that I must have obtained the ticket in Lambeth, although I do not remember where exactly, Green & Mean, sorry if I did not make that clear. If the question I ask is not going to be answered, then I guess we better cut this thread, as it is going nowhere...
  2. Thanks Ting, I'll be glad to let you know when I finally do lose the car as you keep putting it, I'm sure then you'll be happy! What do you suggest anyway, that I call them to put the clamp back on? I know exactly the risks I face with the car... I was and am prepared to live without it if need be...thank you! I hardly get to drive it anyway, as I don't use it to go to work I just wanted to know from someone why they could have removed the clamp, they must have done something wrong? Ting need not reply! Thanks
  3. .....Erm!!!! Helloooooo!!!! What a know it all you are 'Ting'! Where did all that rubbish stem from, I sense you may be watching too much Eastenders. Do I sound like a bailiff to you? I really would not bother anyones time making up stories, stop being silly, and even if I was I think I would make up more juicier story. It was exactly how I said it was, thank you very much! If you have nothing useful to add, then please add nothing at all... How extremely irritating! I came on here for some advice regarding my situation, I would appreciate it if someone who actually knows something or actually has some useful advice that either I or someone else in the future can make use of makes a useful contribution to this thread Thank you
  4. Hi All.... Thanks for all your advice. Actually the strangest thing happened... The clamp was removed, neither by myself or by anyone I know, I had just given up, and told myself the car was gone, and that after all I deserved it, but my brother called me on Friday morning to ask me if he could borrow my car, he said he'd seen he car the day before with no clamp on it and had assumed that I had dealt with it. I thought he was lying at first, but it turned out to be true. My fiance thought either myself or my brother had something to do with it, but we didn't. I guess there must have some truth in what I said earlier, I was told that bailiffs cannot remove a car, from an address other than where the car is registered, by someone from the CAB, plus I am pretty sure there is some act regarding this, but I can't find the info on line. But anyway, for now my cars safe... Thanks everyone xxx
  5. Hi, I hope someone can help me, I know I was naughty for not paying my parking fines, but it's a long story, that I'm sure you don't want to get bored with.... But anyway to cut a long story short I have a PCN apparently with Lambeth cancel that has been unpaid (I don't even remember ever parking in Lambeth), but anyway my car was clamped for removal on the 15th of this month outside my fiances flat (on a public road), by the bailiff company Equita. My car was parked legally in an area with no parking restrictions I was told previously that a bailiff cannot touch a car if it is not at the registered address is this correct? I have been trying to find the relevant legislation, but cannot find it Also I believe that the clamper has to have an SIA licence, I have checked the site and found no licence details for the bailiff, can anyone enlighten me on how this works. I owed £185.00 to the Lambeth and they have added £342.17 worth of fees, which I will not pay, that is ridiculous! Also what would happen if I decided to just bust the chain off the clamp, would I be criminally liable? Lastly, if they are within their rights to take my car (and I guess I deserve it, if they do), what rights do I have regarding them auctioning it. Am I entitled to anything? Any advice or help will be greatly appreciated Thank you in advance...
  6. Hi, I hope someone can help me, I know I was naughty for not paying my parking fines, but it's a long story, that I'm sure you don't want to get bored with.... But anyway to cut a long story short I have a PCN apparently with Lambeth cancel that has been unpaid (I don't even remember ever parking in Lambeth), but anyway my car was clamped for removal on the 15th of this month outside my fiances flat (on a public road), by the bailiff company Equita. My car was parked legally in an area with no parking restrictions I was told previously that a bailiff cannot touch a car if it is not at the registered address is this correct? I have been trying to find the relevant legislation, but cannot find it Also I believe that the clamper has to have an SIA licence, I have checked the site and found no licence details for the bailiff, can anyone enlighten me on how this works. I owed £185.00 to the Lambeth and they have added £342.17 worth of fees, which I will not pay, that is ridiculous! Also what would happen if I decided to just bust the chain off the clamp, would I be criminally liable? Lastly, if they are within their rights to take my car (and I guess I deserve it, if they do), what rights do I have regarding them auctioning it. Am I entitled to anything? Any advice or help will be greatly appreciated Thank you in advance...
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