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  1. Hi – I’m new here and really need some help from you guys. I have been reading the various posts on here and tried to get my head around all the repo-legalities too. My parents and little sister are about to be evicted from my family home on the 11th June (next Thursday). I don’t have all of the information you may normally get as I am looking into this on behalf of my parents, who still think I am a child (I’m 27 and have lived in my own rented house for five years!) and therefore shouldn’t get involved in financial matters. My Dad is a skilled contractor, but over the past four years the work has dried up. A contract came up in Dubai and in order to get him out there as fast as possible, the agency offering him the work fudged the visa application and he subsequently found out that he did not go out on a work visa. My parents have a mortgage with Blemain and about a year ago when my parents had trouble making payments Blemain applied to court and got an eviction notice (my mother was subsequently told that the notice Blemain were granted is some kind of fast track form, which when presented to the court means they get their eviction dates/notices granted faster than it would normally take and can be valid for up to four years from date of issue). Somehow at the last minute my parents managed to get the money together to make payment and the eviction was suspended. My Dad was due to get paid in February for the work he has done in Dubai. The client paid the agency, but now the agency are refusing to pay my Dad – saying they don’t have any money to as they basically paid everyone who had proper visas over my father. In April Blemain were granted a new eviction notice and date (unless my parents came up with £2000 in 7 working days), but through many hours of internet scouring I discovered the N74 (?) form, which my dad applied for and submitted to the court. He didn’t attend the hearing before the first eviction earlier this year was granted because he was in Dubai working and my mother was in London working too. This time the suspension of repossession order was granted. At that time the court were told that my Dad was waiting for a payment of wages, the house was on the market and he was actively looking for a job to try and resolve the situation. However now it’s the 2nd June and the Agency in Dubai STILL hasn’t paid him any of the thousands of pounds they owe him and I am not sure that he has a legal leg to stand on to pursue them? My Dad was also left with a massive 2-month-stay hotel bill and no money to pay it). He still has no job and the house still hasn’t sold because of the market. More worryingly Blemain have been granted a new eviction date and although my parents applied to the court for a continuance, it has been denied. Is there anything that can be done to help them? I am beside myself with worry that my family will be made homeless in a week and I am sick with stress at seeing how ill this is making my parents. Thanks fo taking the time to read this and any help or thoughts would help.
  2. I don't know if its just me, but everytime I use their 'telephone banking' service I seem to get put through to people who are EXTREMELY dense and unable to comprehend the most simplest of instructions. I opened an account with Yorkshire bank that was just a basic Ready Cash Account. I asked for some money to be transferred into another from my Ready Cash account and they managed to move it to the wrong account. Then a load of Direct Debits bounced, even though I called the telephone line and gave them 2 days to cancel them, no one actually bothered and then I got a £35 charge per bounced DD. I kicked up merry hell as by this time purchases I had charged to my card (because money I had thought was in my account a few days earlier to cover them now wasn't) started coming through and I got charged for being in overdraft on my account (which isn't meant to have an overdraft facility on it). This went on for a number of months and although I managed to get about £70 worth of charges refunded back on as the failed cancellation of DD's was their fault, they have now referred the orginal outstanding balance of £154 to a debt collector who is now chasing me for £214. I have explained to the bank as I have an IVA and this all happened after the IVA was agreed, that I have no extra money available to pay them back, but neither the bank (with whom I still have an account through which about £50k per year is paid into and out of) nor the debt collection agency are willing to listen and I am being threatened with court action unless I pay!! My IVA company can't help as this debt isn't in the agreement and my bank manager has refused to help me in any way.
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