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  1. I hear what you are saying but as said before it’s all too easy to jump to conclusions? Naivety can be very costly. CSA are chasing me for £10,500 reason for this is because I was naive. Paying cash at the door for 12 years without receipts now that’s naive. People reading my other posts will probably say I have neglected my daughter and so on, however this is simply not the case, I love my daughter very much and would give everything to have her in my life. A very interesting article that makes for great reading and many parents without care will perhaps relate in one way or another to this document. It’s called (PAS) Parental Alienation Syndrome.
  2. Hi all my partner is worried sick the Bailiffs are due to call and she is talking about moving all her belongings to storage, as far as I am aware a liability order is in my name and that they cannot touch her stuff unless its jointly owned or she cannot provide a receipt? Any help to clear this up once and for all would be appreciated. Many Thanks
  3. Yes you are right about this forum to be a supportive one so lets leave it at that shall we, we do not know the circumstances as to why or what only that he needs help. Its all to easy to jump on the band wagon and say he neglects his children it may or not be the case, however to my mind playing house husband and daddy to someone’s else’s kids as you so nicely put it is a great thing to do and should be commended for it. That’s not to say he doesn’t share the same love and affection towards his biological child.
  4. dx100uk thanks for your response its good to know that I am not alone. I have been reading the forums for hours and you are right it seems there is not one good word for Marstons. One essential advice rings through out these forums is "DON'T LET THEM IN" and of course I will not. Going back to my post is it true that the CSA cannot take the case back? And if so where does that leave people that have a large outstanding amount of which they cannot possibly pay? My partner is very worried that they can come and take her possessions along with her car; her car is in her name? Can anyone clarify if this is the case! How do I move on from here, do I wait for the banging at the door to start and ignore it. I will expect a letter from Marstons to inform me that a bailiff has been appointed. But one thing is for sure I cannot see that a bailiff will accept £40 or 50 pounds per week off £10.500.00? 90 days is the most they would offer from reading forum threads? I still cannot believe that the CSA are powerless to act I have had no letters to say this action was in force. I appreciate that there are many people here in the same boat and my heart goes out to all its soul destroying. Thanks Topsy27 for your comments buddy, but I wonder in the long term what will be the end product? court proceedings of which they will accept an offer? good luck and let me know how its going. Cheers Dayo
  5. Hello, can anyone help me with some legal advise! I have had a long battle with the CSA as regards to how much arrears I owe. A liability Order was granted although the amounts were completely wrong but it seems that even the CSA can take advantage of a loop hole regarding LO? How is it we as absent parents can not contest amounts and that the courts hands are completely tied? Unfortunately I found out to my horror the power that a LO can give to the CSA. I made a mistake, a cheque I sent and declined due to insufficient funds, I waited for the chq to be represented however, it wasn’t and instead I received a Marstons demand for £10,552.47 to be paid in 7 days. I received this letter Saturday 13th Sept the letter was dated the 11th 2nd class stamp so I have lost 2 days already, take into account the weekend 3 days. My original weekly payment to the CSA was £56.00 per week and that’s all I can afford just. Today being Monday the 15th I spoke to the CSA and begged them to plz take this out of Marstons hands so that we could make further arrangements, they said that once its gone to Marstons there is nothing they can do about it! Is this true? I also spoke to Marstons and I explained the situation and they also told me that until the 7 days has expired they cannot do anything until they appoint a bailiff and that once they have I am to talk to him/her as to how I repay the debt. I was also informed that the bailiffs will be visiting and that I can’t stop them. I am very concerned reasons being that firstly I have acted quickly to try and resolve the issue with the CSA but they are not interested and now it seems I am too quick to respond to Marstons? What will happen to me there is no way I will allow access to my property and there is not a chance they will accept a weekly payment plan to what I can afford. Please help I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders and it seems no body can help. Why can’t the CSA take it back and out of Marstons hands? If the full amount is not paid within 7 days the bailiffs will attend to levy distress and thereafter remove goods for public action.
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