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Everything posted by johealey

  1. Hi everything was done via email and luckily I had the bank statement along with the cheque number and I could have obtained a copy of the cheque if they required BUT they have admitted to their mistake that they didn't allocate the payment to my account and therefore the CCJ was added to my credit file. I also still had their original offer letter for full and final settlement of that amount so I had them backed into a corner. I have received a copy of the letter that they are sending to the Courts to admit their error and to get the CCJ removed.... this was 28th Feb.... I am still waiting confirmation from CG that they have actually sent this letter! Some of my credit facilities have now been suspended due to CG's mess, including my Next account until this matter is resolved I can no longer order from them!
  2. Hi firstly thank you for all the info that is a great help. I will get on their case. I cannot scan it in today as I have left the Judgement at home and am currently at work - sorry. I will certainly be writing to them as well - I never did hear back from the Courts with my initial letter back in May/June 2011 and it was then settled in October 2011 direct with CG. I will have proof of the cheque for £80 clearing as well if I trawl through my bank statements. I will load up the judgement when i get home if that helps. Thanks again for your quick replies, much appreciate it and will update you when CF come back to me as I have asked them to liase with CG and find out what is going on.
  3. Since settling this out of Court back in October 2011 over the weekend I received a Judgement for the FULL amount from Carter Forbes! I have emailed them stating that this has been paid and settled out of Court for £80 so am waiting to hear back! I now have a CCJ against my name for something that was settled some months ago, I have no idea why 6 months later I have now received this! Talk about snail mail. Carter Forbes have said they have made repeated requests to contact me APPARENTLY - given that I have not heard anything in writing from either CG OR CARTER FORBES they must surely be lying? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks alot in advance
  4. No it was done via the post as that is how the forms were received, however, when I replied I scanned everything in and emailed it to them.
  5. Hi it is genuine as I have emails from both the Court and Wessex Water trying to get this sorted out.
  6. Hi Martin3030 replied to your post and it didnt load up!!! Yes I received a summons to which I completed and returned. I included an incomings/outgoing spreadsheet to show what I could afford and made an offer of payment. Yes I did accept all of the claim as my water rates are fixed so I guess I couldn't argue any of it. Yes the court refused this outright and sent a notice which I received on the weekend stating that my monthly payments would be £60 per month and that my first payment had to reach WW on or before 21st November 2011 and on the 21st of each month thereafter. I was under the impression that if a payment plan is agreed then no CCJ is enforced - is that not the case? I am concerned about this CCJ as my record has been clean for 4 years now and didnt want to have to start all over again Could you please explain to me what a "re-determination application" is as I have never had to do one of these. Thanks for your help so far, much appreciated
  7. Hi there has been no hearing! I filled in the forms sent them to the Court - they rejected my monthly payment and came back with another one stating the date that I had to make the first payment by. I cannot afford to pay the amount within 30 days hence the agreement to pay monthly - so does that meant I won't be receiving a CCJ?
  8. I have been paying WW via standing order, but it hasn't been enough so they have sent me to Court. I received the paperwork from the Courts, completed it like you should and returned it. Over the weekend I received a letter from the Courts rejecting my offer of a monthly payment and they say I have to pay £60 per month wef 21st November 2011. This bill runs from April 2011 to March 2012 so have no idea where WW get off sending me to Court for a bill I have yet to incurr! Anyway.. I get home from work and have received two mailshot type letters saying "I am sorry to hear about your recent CCJ" etc., Now my understanding is that if you ignore any paperwork from the Courts you get a CCJ but if you come to arranagement to pay like they have offered me then nothing is entered upon my credit file. Is that correct or has the system changed? I have recently purchased a copy of my report and the CCJ dated 19th October is not showing. I have checked the letter they sent me saying I had to pay £60 a month and there is a comment in the letter under the warning section about being given 14 days to make a claim if you do not agree with the monthly payments. Underneath that it says about this being marked on my credit file. Surely that is wrong? If you come to arrangement to pay you don't receive a CCJ? Look forward to receiving some advice as I believe this is wrong, but if I am wrong please let me know so I know which action to take. Thank you
  9. Hi Sillygirl Thanks for your post, however, if I report them for misbehaviour sure the debt the Courts tried to get me to pay will then become owed or am I thinking this totally wrong? Also I know many companies that settle out of Court as people pay up because they don't want anything affecting their credit rating. Excuse me for being a bit blonde on the legality side of things but not sure what the next step is. Happy to complain about these idiots if its puts them out of business - any letters/templates would be helpful too as I have no idea what I need to do, thank you
  10. I am looking for some advice here please.... On 16th August I logged into my mobile phone account and using their secure email system sent them an email saying that I wished to terminate the mobile phone contract with them. I received their standard automated reply to say that the email had been received and they would be in touch shortly. On 19th August I went on holiday for 2 weeks only to return to receive a reminder letter from Virgin saying I owed them money. I immediately telephone them up only to be told that they had received my email request but couldn't act upon it because it was not received securely! Given that I logged into my account and sent it via that method and had confirmation from Virgin I find this very difficult to believe! About a week later I wrote to their Complaints department and to date, have heard nothing back. I have since had phone calls from their collections department chasing the outstanding money - to which I have told them to get lost because the contract has been cancelled and I don't owe any money. In my letter of complaint I explained that I gave notice and that I was told I had to pay a 30s days notice cancelletion fee i.e. one month's rent. I have asked for them to send me a final bill so that this can be settled, but no, nothing. About 10 days ago I logged into my account and sent another email asking why no one has got back to me - again received the usual automated reply but still have heard nothing. I have now got hold of this Neil whats his face (sorry cannot remember his surname!) and have emailed him direct and also sent yet another email from my Virgin Mobile account. I have threatened to go to the Financial Ombudsman with this as I fear they will impact my credit rating which I obviously do not want as that will then be another issue to have to deal with to get that rectified. I have now received another bill (contract is £15 per month) and now owe just over £45 and I just wonder how long is this going to go on for before they stop charging me! No letters have been received chasing payment since I spoke to their collections department and I have had no letter saying they are transferring the debt or anything so does that mean they are actually dealing with it? Do they have a timeframe to respond to a letter of complaint before I can take the next step? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Jo
  11. I am so sorry for the delay in getting around to responding to this! Basically I had a further letter from CG and even though my couple of hundred quid debt turned into nearly £1600 full of their interests they settled out of court for £80!!!!! The matter is now closed. I think they just wanted the original monies back that were borrowed! Funny that eh!
  12. I have also got a copy of my bank statement proving they took £45 and not £5 which they are saying they did!
  13. Thanks for the link - will take a look Do NatWest do chargebacks? They don't seem to be very helpful and had to report it as fraud and they will refund me by 6pm tonight but if I do not return the forms they are sending me within 10 days they will debit the account. Not sure how long this all takes though
  14. i have since found out that they took two payments! 1 x £45.00 1 x £145.00 I have just had a lovely row with them and they said that because I owed them some money from 2009 they put my debit card details onto my old loan and took the money! Now where they got my details from I have no idea! He also confirmed that a payment of £5 was taken and NOT £45 and apparently I have that wrong! So basically what they have done is tried their luck taking a so called £5 when it was in fact £45 and then another £145! I have spoken to my bank and stopped my card and reported this as fraud. I have checked certain rules and it seems they should have given me 28 days notice before taking payment. I have received no phone calls or letters from this company - can they just help themselves and leave people out of pocket without even discussing it first? Any help would be greatly appreciated as I now want to report this lot but don't want to seem like an idiot for wasting my time! Thanks
  15. Hi about 18months ago I had a loan with these sharks and on Friday they have taken £145 from my account! Not only I have not authorised this payment, but I have not heard from them since I had this loan (I did default on it but have never had a repayment plan set up as they just completely ignored me!). I logged onto my bank this morning and found that they had taken this money but it is currently a pending transaction and my bank natwest can't/won't do anything about it until the transaction actually appears on my account. I received no email/phone call or letter from them warning me that they were going to attempt to take this money and I just wondered if I had a leg to stand on by reporting them and trying to get my money back? Obviously my card has now been stopped and a new one issued, and I know I should know better than to get a PDL BUT I had no recollection of this debit or a warning so how could I know! Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks
  16. Hi thanks for your reply. I do not have it in writing, but what i do have is a bank statement showing the payments being made and the on the same day they are returned!. I have just rang their 0845 number on their website and it does work unfortunately
  17. Sorry for the delay in replying and thank you to everyone that has contributed. To date I have heard nothing! I have sent all my forms to the Court, which was second week in May, have had no acknowledgement or letter or phone call or anything to say its being reviewed/seen or whatever! having checked my bank statement the last two payments to Cash Genie have been returned - have just rang the bank and it turns out CG have closed their account so that is why the payments are being returned to me! Now what do I do! They haven't even emailed me or contacted me via letter to say that I need to send payments to a new account!!! Thanks
  18. Just a thought but is it worth emailing them and offering them a settlement figure of the remainder of the £250 that is owed?
  19. Is it worth emailing them and offering to clear the remainder of the £250 that is owed?
  20. PS: have never dealt with anyone by phone - learnt that VERY early on
  21. Bank statement showing all payments since May 2010 are shown - I cannot go any further back on line than that. I also have a copy of the email from them that confirms the settlement figure. To be honest alot of the emails I received from them were the standard ones about being in default, you can pay 50% etc., but I have one where I replied asking them to contact Cash Genie as I was paying direct via standing order - never received a reply from them - that was dated July 2010. In July 2010 I received another standard email from them and replied asking for a breakdown in charges, etc., and that was ignored too! Jan 2011 I received an email offering a goodwill settlement figure - again another one of their standard emails. I replied saying I had sent emails asking for a settlement confirmation as £250 had been agreed - again another email ignored. The email that confirms the settlement figure is dated October 2010 and says "the balance is currently £647 but you do indeed have a settlement figure of £250 as long as payments are maintained. You have so far paid £92 towards this settlement as other payments collected were collected prior to the settlement being offered" IS THAT NOT OBVIOUS ENOUGH FOR THEM TO SEE A SETTLEMENT FIGURE WAS AGREED?!!! Yes I did receive a notice of intent from Carter Forbes but they quoted £1100 to which I replied that i have no knowledge of this - hope that was the right thing to do as I am not admitting to them that I owe that money!
  22. Ok that's brilliant thanks for that. Did you want me to pm you my email address as at work alot of things are blocked and I am not 100% if this site is accessible at work anymore?
  23. PS: I have also found my income/outgoings sheet from when I got a CCJ put aside and had to pay £30 a month so will use those figures as they are slightly less than what I pay now so hopefully that will help. Anything else I need to write/say in the letter would be most helpful? Is there somewhere on this site I could have a look to see what peoples responses are? Thanks
  24. When I rang the Court last week he wasn't very helpful and it took me ages to get through because I kept being told I was in a queue and to try later!! They are using a Consultant from Douglas Wemyss Solicitors c/o Carter Forbes!! So shall I put a letter together stating that I have proof of an email from August 2010 confirming a settlement of £250 and a copy of my bank statement showing the payments being made direct via standing order? Do I also mention the fact that the original loan was £150 and that I have paid off more than that? Should I also make reference to the fact they say I have no intention of paying for this debt when I have been paying for it? Thanks again
  25. There is nothing on the claim form about doing this on line nor is there any password. i have until Thursday to get this to them but obviously want to get this done and sent to them tomorrow so I can relax a little knowing they have it in their hands
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