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  1. Hi folks I am hoping you might be able to give me some advice. I have an interest only mortgage with GE Money for around £200,000. The monthly payment is around £1,050 and I am around £1,800 in arrears. The property is in Scotland. I am disabled (and consequently was unable to obtain any form of insurance when I took out the mortgage) but have a full-time job and have a non-working spouse with kids aged 6,3 and 1. I have today received a letter from GE Money advising that they had asked a Solicitor to obtain an extract decree which would then be followed by a sheriff's hearing for possession. I can afford around £200 per month towards the arrears, but GE will not consider any arrangement which does not pay off the arrears within three months. I have offered them this sum together with a commitment to pay them my full annual bonus (which should be around £1,000 after tax) in December 2008 but this is not acceptable to them. My relationship with my wife is already strained for other reasons, and if this goes to court it will finish us off completely. I love my kids to bits but the legal advice I have had (a few months ago) said that in the event of a plit I would be lucky to be allowed two hours a week access in a supervised contact centre because of my disability. All advice welcomed!
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