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  1. As far as the SB date is concerned, I have a letter from the Insolvency Practitioner who administered my IVA stating that the IVA failed on 12 Dec 2006. My last payment into the IVA was July 2006. I'm unsure whether the 6 year clock starts ticking from date of my last payment or from when the IVA failed. Hopefully my CRA file will help identify that. I will post that info on here as soon as I get it. Do you advise me to CCA Fairfax in the meantime? Or wait until I recieve my CRA file first? Thanks for your continued help with matter. It puts my mind at rest that I have someone knowledgeable, helping me. Thank you.
  2. Thanks for your quick reply Brigadier. Would you advise sending a CCA letter to them at this point or await their next move? I'm thinking that a CCA request might stall them from taking legal action for a while? I need to stall them as much as I can until 12 Dec 2012, when the debt becomes statute barred I believe.
  3. Does anyone have an opinion on the wording Fairfax have used in their latest letter to me (attached), where they state: "we intend, without further notice, to issue legal proceedings against you". Previously they have said "we may"...now it's "we intend"? It's worrying me to be honest although, of course, that could be their aim....to worry me into contacting them! So far I've resisted all contact with them and today I have posted off letters and postal orders to the three main Credit Reference Agengies, as per dx100uk's advice. I'm in two minds whether to CCA the DCA at this point or continue to ignore? Been thinking about this all weekend! fairfax2.pdf
  4. Sorry dx, I've corrected that now and attached the letter here as a PDF file. Also, thanks for the CRA information....very helpful and much appreciated. fairfax2.pdf
  5. Thanks havingastella. My gut feeling is to continue to ignore them although their latest letter worried me a little with the use of the terminology - "we intend to issue legal proceedings against you". Previously they have said "we may"...now it's "we intend". I've scanned that letter and attached it to this post. I'm not sure if they ar bluffing about court action at this stage or not? I fully intend to hang in there until this debt is SB - 12 Dec 12.....still it's a long way off and they are getting more persistent it would seem! Would a CCA letter slow them down a little? Once I get my CRA file I guess that will help. fairfax2.pdf
  6. Thanks dx, your help is much appreciated. I'm working on getting my CRA file right now. It's proving a little more difficult that I thought though, as I am not on the Electoral Roll nor do I have a Credit Card (Debit card only these days). Incidentally, which CRA would you advise me to approach? Experian?
  7. See post number 4 Brigadier. I made a typo in opening post and have since amended it. IVA failed 12 Dec 2006. Would you repsond to Fairfax Solicitors or continue to ignore?
  8. Hi dx, thanks for your advice. If I ignore them and they then issue legal proceedings against me, would that be the time to send them a CCA? As far as sending the sb letter...the IVA didn't fail until 12 December 2006. I assume they'd counter my sb letter by stating that the IVA was a signed ackowledgement of the debt and it is not statute barred until 12 Dec 2012?
  9. Sorry my mistake, the IVA failed 12 December 2006 not March. Does the 6 year clock start ticking from when the IVA failed or from my last payment into the IVA? I was considering sending the CCA letter but hesitated, worrying that it might be raising my head above the parapet somewhat. I've ignored them so far and I'm not sure Fairfax are totally convinced that I live at this address (I'm not on the electoral roll). ..... they may just be phishing? A CCA letter would confirm to them that this is, indeed my new address, no?
  10. Hi havinastella, thanks for the quick reply. I stopped paying into the IVA in July 2006 but I've no idea if/when the Insolvency Practitioner, who administered my IVA, last made a payment to Bank of Scotland. *Edit ...just noted a typo in my opening post, sorry! The IVA failed on 12 Dec 2006, not March! Apologies.
  11. Hi, Was wondering if anyone could offer me some help with a decision I have to make regarding a letter I received today from Fairfax Solicitors (acting on behalf of Max Recovery Ltd it seems), in which they state, "we now intend, without further notice, to issue legal proceedings against you". Here's a brief outline of what has happened: 1998 - 2004 I ran into financial difficulty and accrued some unsecured debt on Credit Cards. 2004 - Entered into an IVA 2006 - My personal situation changed (divorce) and the IVA subsequently failed on 12 Dec 2006. 2006 - 2008 one or two letters from DCAs chasing the debts, which I ignored. Jan/Feb 2012 - Four letters in four weeks from Fairfax Solicitors (acting on behalf of Max Recovery Ltd) chasing a Bank of Scotland Credit Card debt of approx 7k from the failed IVA. Their 1st letter - asking "if there was a Mr XXXXX XXXXX living at this address?" (I've moved home once since 2006 and I ignored this letter) Their 2nd letter informing me to pay the full balance immediately to avoid possible court action. (I ignored it once again) Their 3rd letter offering me a "substantial reduced settlement figure if I telephone 0113 8233818 and arrange payment within ten days". - (I ignored obviously) Their 4th letter (received today) somewhat worryingly stating: "Our previous offer of a significantly reduced settlement figure has now been withdrawn and the full balance of 7k is now due. We now intend, without further notice, to issue legal proceedings against you. A CCJ would be sought and, if obtained, we would apply to the court to enforce the judgement, if you failed to pay." This 4th letter has me worried a little and I'm not convinced it's safe to continue to ignore it. Their use of the wording - "We now intend, without further notice, to issue legal proceedings against you." is worrying. Previously, it was "we may" not it's "we intend". Am I reading too much into it? Is it safe to continue to ignore them or should I be responding in some way? The IVA failed on 12 December 2006 and I have not made any payment or acknowledged these debts since that date, therefore I assume, this debt is Statute barred in Dec 2012...correct? I'm guessing that's why Fairfax are chasing me hard now...they know they only have 10 months left before it's unenforceable I assume?.
  12. Ok, a happy ending to this dispute thankfully. I received a telephone call today from a Director at Vapourlite, in which he made frank apology. As I suspected, the unwarranted and unprofessional emails were down to a member of staff who has, apparently, since been reprimanded. He offered to send out some of their products as a gesture of goodwill but I declined, as it was never about that. The apology was enough. I also apologised for my part in dispute and have removed negative feedback that I left on a product specific forum. And they all lived happily ever after..... Big thank you to Nat, Stu and Kruvaface, who all gave advice on this thread. Much appreciated.
  13. Hi Nat, Thanks for taking the time to read through, and comment on, the lengthy correspondence between vapourlites and myself. I suppose, yes, I should have been content with the refund issued by Paypal and withdrew from any further correspondence with Vapourlite. But I don't know if you've ever been accused of something you are innocent of before, but it can trigger a certain amount of anger! For me, it becomes contentious at the point they send this email...immediately after I receive the refund from Paypal. They are blatently accusing me of dishonesty here.... "Hi William, You’ve had your product and your money back, we were hoping you would be honest enough to return the parcel by now." Well, i can only take what they tell me at face value and they said that they HAVE passed my details to the 10Motives Company. Of course this may be an idle threat from a bored employee but, either way, it's an unacceptable comment. That seems good advice about letting the ICO do the investigation (if an investigation is considering to be warranted). I have written a formal letter of complaint to Vapourlites and await their response , although judging by their lack of professionalism thus far, I'm not expecting a reply anytime soon.
  14. Thanks Stu, I didn't notice that. It may be useful should I choose to pursue this matter any further.
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