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  1. Now that my landlord is again communicating with me, I have one question. Originally I paid the deposit to a agent. Now my landlord is saying that he did not receive the deposit in the first 2 weeks and thus claims that he is not responsible for not securing it. Should I have actually sued the agent instead? Currently I do not know when the money was transfered from the agent to the landlord, but I'll find it out tomorrow.
  2. Hi, I just today submitted N208 form to a county court with Ed999's wording. I paid the deposit (£1980) on May 2nd, 2007(!) and the landlord has avoided protecting it ever since. He says he has no obligation to secure it as they started to use (he has multiple BTL-apartments) the schemes only on July 2007. So probably I'm not the only one sueing him/them. Anyway, we are still renting the apartment so I modified Ed999's wording so that he must either pay the deposit to us or protect it in 14 days (I'm too scared to leave the apartment before he has protected it). I'll keep you posted about this!
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