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  1. hello Sorry I have been quite sick of late and haven't been on here. No I haven't heard anything yet nor have they replied my request for the 2nd lot of statements for my savings account. I am going to issue the applying for court settlement on the visa card one and then write to the edinburgh address asking for my other statements. Will let you know how I get on, thanks for asking.
  2. hello well I gave halifax 14 working days to reply and still nothing back, so I have downloaded the Letter before action template, do I sign this one or add anything to it. I sent the schedule to an address in Leeds I hope I am doing this right. Thanks for your help
  3. Thank you both so much, that is a great help, I will make a new start with it now. many thanks
  4. Thanks for all your help but I cannot get around this spreadsheet, it has sort code and bank account but I wanted the credit card spreadsheet, when I click on simple excel under credit cards I get the same spreadsheet for bank account. Can anyone tell me how to get the credit card spreadsheet please.
  5. Thank you everyone, I will contact the council welfare rights.
  6. I am sorry to be a nuisance but I have been trying to work out this spreadsheet thingy for the past week and just can't get my head around it, I want to sent the letter and spreadsheet off to halifax but I am completely lost with the spreadsheet. Would someone be able to explain to me how it is meant to work please and I feel out of my depth. Thank you.
  7. I can't claim anything unless they come to me with the paperwork to fill in. I have written to my MP and complained to the secretary of state, I am waiting to hear back. Thank you for your replies.
  8. Help please, my benefit was stopped because I could not travel to a medical, my own Dr requested a home visit. I appealed the closure of my benefit in aug and have just received today my appeal was disallowed. I have had no money, nor medication since sept and owe quite a bit of money to my family that has kept me going over the past 4 months. Now my rent assistance will stop and I will probably be evicted, I can't travel the distance required for this medical and my Dr supported this, what can I do now. I am in a terrible state over this.
  9. Sorry to bother you again, I seem to be a bit muddled with the 'schedule' I looked at the spreadsheet template - am I meant to fill it in and post it off? is the spreadsheet the schedule? Thanks
  10. Thank you, yes I will keep this thread up to date.
  11. Thank you, which form/letter do I use to send to Halifax with this amount on please.
  12. hello do I put in two claims - 1 for over limit and another for late fee? Thank you
  13. It seems what I was paying monthly was going nowhere, with the interest and the late fees my balance was pushed over the limit even though I wasn't using the card, being over the limit brought another charge with it. I have paid £458 late fees and £590 over limit fees plus a load of Interest.
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