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  1. pdyke you have some front I will give you that. You and a bunch of your contractor cronies on another forum think it would be fun to come on here and start unnecessary arguments and bait other members (troll), even in your case encouraging others to come and cause as much chaos as possible. Having showed contempt for the site and its members you expect us all to treat you as someone worthy of listening to. You have the audacity to lecture others, who give up their time freely to help others, about how to behave. Some of us did wonder whether you were attempting to have a dialogue at all and then it became clear that all the time you were merely involved in a childish game.
  2. Funny thing is these bozos seem to think that they have been clever. Clearly a hard time for UK contractors who need to find something to do with the time on their hands. From a cursory glance at that site it does not look like anyone needs to go there and retaliate - they already have enough extremely immature characters stirring it up.
  3. What an amusing bunch on CUK. I have rarely read such mad rantings from people who clearly have no contracting to do. It is not surprising that nobody would want to employ such a bunch of misfits. I love this quote from out own pdyke:"No idea, you fancy a little sTROLL cadet";I thought it was a bonehead clamper's convention. It turns out to be a bonehead contractor's convention. But thanks guys for some of the biggest laughs I have had in a long time.
  4. pdyke, the reality is that nobody on this site knows who anybody else is and assurances don't amount to much. We have had far more PPC/clamping trolls claiming to be something they are not than I could shake a stick at. I am entitled to my opinion that you were not seriously considering the alternatives, and engeged on an "agenda" -to me that is clear from your posts. Others may take a different view. References by you to "feral proles" and other vile insults don't exactly paint you in a good light.
  5. It was clear that the OP had a closed mind anyway and appeared far more interested in plugging clamping/a particular PPC than looking at alternatives. I very much doubt whether he ever had or has a car park at all. Clearly the site is rattling both PPCs and clampers who feel the need to come on here and pontificate so I guess everyone should keep up the good work.
  6. I'm picturing a "Clamper's Convention" in a caff somewhere in the midlands with free wifi and 20 shaven headed thugs typing away.
  7. The voice of PPC/clamper reason speaks. Is it any wonder we all laugh at them? In the end they are not capable of rational discussion and resort to the insults and abuse thst lurk very thinly below the surface.
  8. Oh dear you are letting your very unsubtle pretence slip, latest PPC troll. Looking at your other rabid posts it is clear you have an agenda which is a cigarette paper away from the false and robbing PPC agenda. The only **** in this are the PPCs who lie, cheat and threaten their way to ill gotten gains from people who work for a living, not try to make it off other people's backs.
  9. Wolverhampton. Hmmm. Is it something they put in the water?Seems that address is used by a company called "Ballantyne Security Services Limited". Probably the same bozos.
  10. I endorse the advice to get over to pepipoo and in touch with the experts there to construct a proper defence. Are these UKCPS losers anything to do with that even bigger loser Perky? The tactics (and no doubt the same forthcoming court losses) appear the same.
  11. Well done. Not the first time a PPC has gone shopping when faced with a proper defence and not the first recorded time for De Vere either. The tide is all going one way here, despite a certain PPC's recent attempt to pull the wool over by claiming a victory over a non-attending defendant.
  12. It is very weird how Perky and his successor Scotty are so obsessed with this board and pepipoo and the "experts" they claim are out to get them. It is their unsavoury actions over many months that have placed them in the firing line in the first place. Clearly there is not a cool (or wise) head in the place. And running around the country winning un/poorly defended defended cases (where I guess it would help if the defendant happened not to put in an appearance) to try to prove a point to consumer affairs sites is a laughable business. I don't think the PPC community in general will be too worried about competition from these jokers as long as the obsessions continue.
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