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  1. omg poor OP all these threads to read, these two should take it outside
  2. Did you use an automated machine or the letterbox that some branches have? I.e was there a receipt given.
  3. I fail to see what there is to keep writing about here; until this loser issues a summons (which i strongly doubt) there is nothing to discuss. This is a small claim, he has not lost the car. He is trying to extort money by threat (itself a crime) and will sell the car on again anyway, with no loss of fees from Ebay. OP do NOT give this muppet anything except the **** of your shoe as to offer will only lend yourself to further blackmail.
  4. Idon't think the meter is supposed to do this. Have you tried contacting the Energy Ombudsman? Telephone: 0845 055 0760 or 01925 530263 Fax: 0845 055 0765 or 01925 530264 Textphone: 18001 0845 0511513 or 18001 01925 430886 Email: enquiries@energy-ombudsman.org.uk If British Gas cannot help you.
  5. This is not the case. What happens if a child were to answer? I.e like my 15 year old son who does sound like an adult? No way. Password has to be given or they can't discuss it - it's financial and confidential. They have broken the rules.
  6. Unless gas is escaping they will not help. Also it is a faulty prepayment meter and they still will not help. They said the fault has to come from the Supplier, e.g Scottish Power. Totally unbelievable.
  7. Chez can you not just apply to any company and see what happens?
  8. Hi My friend has been without Gas since yesterday, the meter is faulty. I find it unacceptable that over Xmas and New Year that she is unable to even get to speak to someone about it being fixed. Today is apparantly a Scottish Bank Holiday. So that works out at nearly 5 days without Gas, depending on when they can actually come out. We are having some very cold weather at the mo, if she was elderly I do not know what would happen. They do not even offer an option to speak to anyone about faults unless it is Electricity, and for northern regions only. How do companies like this get away with this when people who have prepayment meters are paying more for their service than anybody else? Even Transco and National Metering Service/National Grid cannot help. Surely they are duty bound by OFGEM to provide some kind of service? Grrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. IMO if they are not able to provide contractual/credit card agreement before the court date is set, they cannot bring it with them on the day. Subsequently if you turn up at court and they have not provided the correct paperwork to prove you have defaulted, there is no "witness statement" to prove a CCJ should be applied. So in the defence you need to make it clear you have asked for said items once, and have had an imcomplete response. Also state you will be asking again and have for example "given them 14 days to respond". If the judge wishes they can extend the court date to allow time for the said documents to be received. The judge can decide if there is no case to prove and strike it out, or find in your favour on the day.
  10. It doesn't mean much, basically it is in reply to someone else who said FLM's licence was "minded to revoke" which means they were possibly about to lose their credit licence (i.e no longer able to offer loans legally). They had obligations to fulfill and by the looks of it they have done that. I trust you have not defaulted on your loan and not been on receiving end of their phone calls and letters? Their APR is shocking and it is terrible that people who can't get loans end up using firms like this.
  11. Licence Number:0557709 Licence Status:Current Current Applicant / Licensee: Business NameCompany Registration NumberFinancial Processing UK Ltd4841153 Licence Notes: EvtStageOpen DateNotes24Favourable Determination16/11/2009 24Requirement Obtained16/11/2009 24Minded to Impose Conduct Requirement(s)13/07/2009 24Minded To Revoke07/04/2008
  12. Hi tigs, you will have to look it up on the CCA or OFT website I think.. I will have a look and see. Last time I looked it was minded to revoke and I asked the OFT what stage it was at.. they never did tell me although they acknowledged my request.
  13. I realised you posted this a few weeks ago, but they are in breach of the CCA as they are ringing you 6 times a day. More than twice is considered harrassment by the Consumer Credit Act, albeit by any standards. If they continue to ring you like this tell them you will contact the Police and report it as harrassment.
  14. I have just read all 10 pages of this and am sad that Ian (the last poster) didn't start his own thread. It would have been interesting to see what the outcome was. We've just had one of these letters from Trethowans which we will completely ignore. The sad thing is that many people where we live have had them and most have probably coughed up. Am looking forward to my letter from Windsor Smythe. They sound like a soap manufacturer.
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