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  1. Hi I have applied for a real good remortgage deal with a my partner. We were declined. I know this is down to me and my repayment history. So i applied for a copy of my credit report and sure enough there was damaging information on there. In 2007, an opportunity in work came about to better my career, however i have to temp reduce my full hours to half to take the new position. The first i did was contact my creditors and advise them that my working hours/salary was temporary reduced and that i would be able to pay at the rate i was - creditcards reduced payments and no problems. I contacted my back at the time RBS and spoke to Manager and told them of my situation. My Loan repayments were £319 and offered to pay £200. This was agreed. I paid my loan at this for 8 months. i then took out a new loan (as advised by my bank manager) i paid off my existing loan and overdraft and then 6 months later that loan.(completed 2008) My issue is that on my credit file RBS have put that i was 2/3 months behind on repayments for 8 months (although i paid them at reduced amount), which reads awful on my report, previously no defaults I have contacted RBS customer Services and they are looking into it but advised me that they will not be able to remove this information because i never kept to my credit agreement I contacted my credit file agency who said they could not supress information on my file (as advise the CREDIT FILE CO.) What can i do to make this better? Any suggestion please Thanks
  2. Thanks for your advice.... i spoke to one of my friends who works for the police and agrees that minor data from 20 year had got destroyed/lost when transfering over electonically. I get my CRB back before my employers ... so if it has been recorded I am given the opportunity to explain myself about the caution...
  3. Hi, I work within Health/Social care sector. I have been offered a postion and where i have undertaken an enhanced CRB. I was cautioned in 1990 at the age of 18 with procession of cannabis (it wasnt mine, it was found in car i was in with 3 other people and no one owned up so we all got cautioned) What i want to know is will this show up on my CRB, with it being a caution and nearly 19 year ago? to be honest i had forgotten about it as it was so long ago, It was only when reading an article that it now beginning to worrry me.
  4. i have photos of the layoutof the junction and the road after the accident, does anyone think it is worth sending to my insurance co., just so they get a'picture' of the accident (where i was going and where she was trying to get toand the witness spot), As the 3rd party has photos of the accident scene at the time. thanks agin!
  5. I telephoned my solicitor and advised them about the witness. They said they will do everything from here. I know they have wrote to the witness. They never advised me to contact my insurers.... is there a reason for this....? or should i still advise my claim handler about the witness or will my solictior do that for me? I feel that have to project manage the whole situation for my own best interest, as i will be gutted if this goes 50/50 as i know she is 100% to blame. Again thanks for advice :O)
  6. thanks again for all you good advice.... my claim handler has rejected the offer of 50/50, would you know what will the other solicitor plan plan of action be? thanks
  7. thanks for the reply ..but i checked with payroll dept and i am not entitled because my addition hours are not contractual - :O(
  8. 1) i have comprehensive 2) yes i have excess - 250 3) i have out of pocket expenses, i was injured, have suffered loss of earnings & general inconvenience and plus the fact i had to buy a car to run round in 4) because i wasnt covered on my policy for legal expensive insurance i appointed a solicitor. Just to say i appreciate your hepl and advice! thanks
  9. Follow on! Just to clarify the accident damage, as i didnt explain it to well before! I have since checked the damage on my car - the collision happen corner to corner - not front or side...thanks :O)
  10. thank you mossycat... i feel alot better reading your advice & speaking to the gent who saw me driving along the road. He wasnt happy when i read the letter to him incidating i was speeding and was happy oblige. Do you think her solicitor will retract once they know i have an independant witness or try to play him along as well (he is an elderly guy with morals!!). the reason why i ask if i feel i have to be 1 step of these people in this case or in your opinion still follow suit. Or this simply now 100% in my favor again.
  11. thanks guys for your comment ... i just spoke to the guy who kinda seen it happen and he confirmed i wasnt travelling at speed and i was driving appropiately to the road conditions... he has offerred to speak to my solicitor... now im hoping that if she lied about that (or should i say the solicitors have told her to say that i was speeding they wont believe a word now. Only thing she has to go on is that her view was obstructed by the contractor vans. And yes the insurance co confirmed today what she is claiming for injuries.
  12. so i will have to track that guy doen and see wht he has to say and get him on board... because this is unfair as she says she didnt see me and that the sun was in her eyes , when in fact the sun was in the opposite direction.... just triyin her luck as i know she just pulled out carelessly
  13. thanks ......the damage to my car is driver side from wheelarch (front bumper side) to driver side corner bumper and hers was passenger side corner bumper. she was over the white line on the road bacially more than front nose on my side of the road)... Her car didnt suffer any real noticable damage dainted wheel arch where as my car was smashed in at the driver corner.... does help any? there was an old man standing at the side of the road so i will have to find out where he lives in as he is a key witness and see what he recalls.
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