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  1. Thanks for all for your kind comments - they are much appreciated Teragram
  2. Thanks Helps to be able to share problem with someone who knows about the issues. Am fighting on so many fronts at the same time (and have been doing for a long time) I am becoming tired. But heyho - tomorrow is another day! Will send stuff late PM tomorrow. Again, many, many thanks Teragram
  3. Hi Thanks. I will email stuff - that's great! Can't do it until tomorrow PM. Is that too late? But I'm on friends computer; by BT internet was cut off ( for obvious reasons) and can't get back with all the paperworkl on a disc to download etc until tomorrow PM. Teregram
  4. £700 week nett Mortgage plus £150 equals £1510pcm Hi Yes I have proof. No Children or dependants - my husband had a brain haemorraghe a few years back. As I said there are quite a few aspects to all this. Teragram
  5. Thanks El-enn This is fairly complicated: Is there anyway I can attach documents ie copy of my defence etc to the court? In short: Defended and got suspension subject to mortgage plus £150 off arrears paid each month from 1st July. Had just started new contract job: In short they mucked up the first payment which then snowballed into a dispute. At one point they paid by cheque as they had messed up - but cheque was in wrong name and everything went back into their "SYSTEM." This fuelled the "dispute" and I "lost" the job. Along with everything else I am now chasing them for the money. Therefore I have not met the terms of the suspended possession order. I have today been offered another job - this time via a specialist agency so the money will be co ing from them directly on a wekly basis. But the first payment will not be made until Friday 19th September. I start this coming Monday - but money paid in arrears. I will now have the funds to meet the original terms of the possession order - but three months have passed and the arrears are now £20K (don't faint - I'm comfortable witht he amount when being paid etc!!) There are several other aspects to all this which are better dealt with by me being able to attach documents etc. But the headlines are: Health scares losing me interviews; bank charge dispute with by bank (£6000K charges etc) - I am fighting this as well. God knows how I am keeping going. Teragram Meanwhile it has taken
  6. Hi all Bank of Scotland Solicitors have sent letter saying I will hear from Baliffs with an eviction date. How long will that take? Will they just turn up? How much time have I got to get in an N244? Any info greatly appreciated Teragram
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