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  1. Hello, When we started our tenancy we paid a holding fee of a months rent to secure the property. This subsequently was kept for the duration of the AST and we were told this would be returned to us after we moved out. The wording on the document was slightly ambiguous (making reference to the fact that this was to secure the property and would be non-refundable) and so I got the agent to hand write on (and company stamp) that this would be refunded providing the property was left in a clean and tidy condition etc before signing and paying the fee. The contract itself states a deposit amount of £0, and obviously nothing is protected. We have recently finished our tenancy and they've missed several agreed deadlines to return the deposit. The "Holding fee" is for all intents and purposes in my eyes a deposit, especially with the hand written notes. I'm not overly concerned yet, however I would appreciate any advice on where I stand with this if I had to pursue it. Many thanks for any help
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