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Everything posted by maddiemay

  1. Thanks Lisa,your post prompted me to get on and do something to stop the C/O, good to have support from people that really understand. I am learning more everyday from this site. M xxx
  2. Oh dear, it looks like I am a little too late to tackle my (husb's) problem, HSBC (First Direct) have applied for an intrim charging order on our jointly owned property to be finalised on 19th Jan 09.We have about 5 days left to respond to the paperwork. I will try to keep it brief as I suspect I have butted in on someone elses thread as I dont know how to start one. May 08 statement from FD showed a credit balance of *** although husb knew he had not paid it off, he assumed it had been passed or sold on to a DCA and we would get something from them. Time passes as it does, no letters that he knows of, but out of the blue husb receives court papers, I was very cross with him (I was also ill then, having had a breakdown, depression, phobia, family and relationship probs, you name it I had it) I think I scrawled on the court papers that it had been paid in full and enclosed a copy of the May statement showing it was in credit, with the papers and sent them back to Northampton, I now know that I should have a) requested cca b) asked for the case to be heard locally c) not left anything to chance,and apparently a ccj was entered in July 2008 and husb has not kept up with the monthly payments he/I apparently offered. Now we find out about this charging order. Husb already has a C/O on the property for 1 debt, and I have recently written to the Inland Revenue offering to secure a debt for husb (again) by way of a C/O. husb has other debts, which we do want to pay but its getting too much now and I need to get everyone accepting the minimum amount possible. I have a charge claim with HSBC (my own acc) but have to wait until the test thing is over, but nothing anywhere else to claim as we always paid everything on time until I lost my marbles last year, I am better, not completely, still on medication but I am not suicidal anymore, the volume of calls we get is vast. I have sent cca requests to everyone mainly to buy time and the few I think we may be able claim charges from have been sent a sar request. Any help with filling in the C/O form would be really appreciated. I have taken bits and pieces from the various templates around this site and written a defence but its pretty much guesswork. I am sorry to the person who's thread this is but I spend so much time trying to learn things from reading posts that I have yet to master how to start a new thread. Thanks in advance for any help, but I do realise it is probably too late to do anything with regards to FD. One last thing I promise, we have a 13 year old son, I dont work, husb is self-employed, doctor will confirm illness. Phew thanks for reading
  3. My e-mail is up and running and fab, this is going to save me so much time and postage, received my first success today, Vanquis say they'll refund husb's c/c charges, only £120 but for only £10 its a result as far as I am concerned. More serious matters to deal with but this, at least makes me feel like its worth the fight.
  4. Thanks for that sensible advise, I will spend today getting things in order of importance as I do indeed have some quite serious issues to deal with i.e. charging order no 2 (both husb's debts) intrim hearing scheduled for Jan, so that needs to be dealt with first, it will also give a few more days for Vanquis to send the statements and cca, not likely but you never know. Thanks again.
  5. No nothing yet, Paypal showing transaction was completed on 21/11/08. Just a quick question about Vanquis, I have received a response to my sar request of (24/10/08) today but its not what I expected, its just data, when I've requested before from others it was copies of statements or a clear list of charges, the funny thing is that I sar'd them for my husb at the same time and they sent the £10.00 back to him, but as yet nothing else, I also sent £1 to Impact on 24/10/08 for his cca but nothing from them either. They still insist I have to pay £5 per statement as they did back in July when I first raised the charges issue. which is why I did'nt continue then, since finding you guys and finding out its £10 max, I decided I would, sadly not the case for me, how lovely to be so special NOT. One final thing, would/should the cca be supplied as part of my sar request or do I now need to send £1 to Vanquis for that, in addition to the £10 paid for something I cannot make head nor tail of. Sorry so much for a quick question. M
  6. :grin: Hi again, I paid the £6 via paypal on friday (21st) I am probably just being impatient, but I have spent another £15 on postage again today as I am sending everything recorded, would rather give the money to a more worthy cause such as CAG. This site is very adictive in the nicest possible way of course.
  7. Have sent copies of everything to The information Commissioners Office, received reply on 20/11/08 saying they have received everything and would be in touch soon. Nothing from Top Service since 23/10/08 returning my PO as they do not require payment as it was alledgedly a verbal agreement.
  8. Thanks Jonnymitch still not sure about the e-mail thing, where do I send e-mail from to DCA's,I am really sorry to ask questions, that are probably not much help to anyone else, but I just cant figure it out. Should I have received any info from The CAG peeps by now or should I assume my payment for e-mail address did not go smoothly (nothing new there then) or am I completely missing something. Thanks again, youre a star.
  9. Hello everyone, I am really sorry to be lame, but is this is a thread ??, if so each time I post will it follow on from here, I have posted a couple of times, but I think I just gatecrashed other peoples, so I'm sorry for that. I have used lots of the template letters and I am really grateful for everyones tales, the answers are always somewhere on the site. I have 2 HSBC charge claims waiting for the test case to be dealt with, a total claim of about £3,000 including interest.I am currently fighting off Carter, Wescot,Moorcroft,Thames,Cars,Blair Oliver, Mercers (incidentally Susan or Sarah dont know what a cca is) the list goes on. They are not all mine, some are hubbys private and some are his business debts. I have been sending all letters by registered post but it is costing a fortune, do I need to send all letters this way or just the initial cca request.I have bought an CAG e-mail address but have not heard anything yet (its only been a couple of days though) How do I use it ? Can I just e-mail the dca's. Sorry to be so stupid, but I'm struggling to keep on top of things.
  10. Thanks Pinky, cracked it now, sent off about 10 SAR's so far and 2 CCA's, Vanquis said they need £5 per statement !! I dont think so Vanquis.I am trying to deal with my own c/cards, my husb's and his business debts so the type of creditors vary just to complicate matters even more. Thanks again.
  11. Oh I'm still confused I think I may have got it all wrong, maybe trying to do too many in one go,trying to do husbs business running credit accounts, his personal credit cards and bank accounts and my own credit cards, phew !! so far I have sar'd about 10 credit cards and 5 running accounts, still more to go,in addition to answering the phone to them all, waiting for I/R to knock the door for unpaid PAYE & VAT,tutoring our son at home as we removed him because he was being bullied and no other place could be found for him, my oldest sons wife has left him and disapeared with the children,and I have suffered with anxiety for years and had a complete breakdown earlier this year and husb just buries his head and hope it will go away or I deal with it, we tried to keep our business running, paying the staff with borrowed money to keep their jobs, in the hope we would get that big job,which of course never came, not trying to get out of paying anything (although I'd like too just to be rid of the pressure and be a Mum) just need everyone to agree to a small amount for now, without adding loads on top and court action which we don't understand, already have a charging order on our house as we did'nt know how to deal with it. Oh I'm so sorry, to clarify sar goes to dca and cca goes to original lender with £10.00 and for that £10.00 I get all statements or a statement of charges. This site is the greatest,I spend all the time I can reading and trying to learn in which order everything goes, and what it all means. Ops there I go again, sorry, I'm really grateful to you all, as this kind of thing cannot be discussed with anyone else and believe me I need someone to help. Thanks so much
  12. Thanks Hawk 1979,is a sar, statements, and any other info they may hold on me, I have a right to see and do I send the sar to the dca or the initial lending company, I have recently sent off a few cca requests, enclosing the £1.00 fee to the collecting agencies, now do I wait 12 days or 40, sorry for all the questions, I have probably read the answers on the site, but like to be sure. I really am very grateful
  13. Can someone let me know when requesting ?? the fee is £1.00 and when requesting ?? the fee is £10.00, I'm a bit confussed but need to learn, and fast. Thanks in advance for clarification.
  14. Would someone check out their website for me please, are they allowed to exchange information without our consent and are they a credit reference agency or debt collection agency or both ?, nothing was signed, it was an order placed over the phone to get the salesman to go away,we did'nt want the goods and still have them.I'm so sorry everyone, I know this post is not much help to anyone else, but the neighbour thing is a complete embarasment, our situation is bad enough as it is, without the added stress every time I go outside the front door that another neighbour is going to present me with another letter from T/S CRA.
  15. Oh thank you so much for your quick reply, I do have both letters, thankfully although we dont have much to do with the neighbours, they very kindly gave us the letters rather than return them. Thanks again, there will be no stopping me now with my posts.
  16. Hello everyone, please forgive me if I am in the wrong place, I have never posted here or anywhere else, please can anyone tell me if this is allowed, Here goes My husband was hounded by phone to "take advantage of the great deal" the salesman was offering, to purchase some building materials from a company called BUILDFIX, the items were delivered and whilst we know we ordered the things and therefore must pay for them and will,at the moment things are really difficuilt in the building industry and we cannot pay the invoice which is overdue by about 2-3 months until we have been paid for a job. I am very upset that today, 2 different neighbours of ours have given us letters addressed to their house numbers , so they have quite rightly opened them from Top Service credit reference agency, asking for information about my husband and a form for them to fill in and return to Top Service about his whereabouts etc, this is a bit over the top as they do ring him about a million times a day, so they know how to contact him,is this a breach of some kind ? I will be writing to them and I would be really grateful to have facts, before I do.Thank you so much for any help anyone could offer, we do seem to have got ourselves into a bit of a mess financially but thats another story. Iam sorry this is so long,but I hope you can make sense of it.
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