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Everything posted by Gazza112

  1. Hi I'm new to this forum, got a few depts with credit cards. One of the companies are Barclaycard, which has sent my dept to mercers (Barclaycard) who inturn have past it onto Power2Contact. I had a doorstep call from Power2Contact today demanding money well i say he was demanding money. I just told him to leave and showed him my two dogs he soon left lol. Trouble is i'm on Benefits and also a full time carer looking after my Father and certainly can't pay what there asking for. Gary
  2. Hi Mike Well done in sorting out your problems, seems i've got a few know lol. Got 6 credit cards that i owe money on, Barclay card is one and you know how they preform with there customers. Been contacted by Mercers saying i need to contact them, know they've referred it to Power2Contact i thought they where a power company lol. The thing is as i'm knew on here how do i start with replying to them, my friend who's a chartered accountant started writing to the Credit card companies. But they replied to me that they do not speak or contact third parties. I also like to mention i'm know on benefits through illness. Gary
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